
joined 1 year ago
[–] 14 points 3 hours ago

Straight up I was conservative as a young teen, because that's what EVERYONE was here in Utah when I was in the LDS church.

Now I just keep floating more and more left as time goes on.

[–] 21 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

I actually like doing training!... for people who want to be there, you know?

I like doing trainings for people who are like "I want to learn XYZ, can you help?" Sure! We'll get management approval and get that scheduled and hopefully it'll make your life easier.

More procedural required stuff? Bleh.

[–] 51 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I'm not even in management, I'm just a senior employee that gets voluntold to run trainings.


After months of reminders in team meetings on how to do this properly, supervisors have sicced me on the department.

I have been informed that if the issues continue, supervisors will start pulling people in for chats on why they can't follow directions that were laid out.

Pray I am the only monster you meet, for I am the kindest.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Haha makes sense! I forgot I posted it, but as an experiment I actually did this just to see how hard it is.

But I mean the main things you need are calories, vitamins, and complete proteins. Flour is the cheapest calorie you can get in the US, so cooking your own biscuits, tortillas, sour dough, and gravy will always be the most calories for your buck.

Soy is a complete protein by itself, but rice and beans together are as well. Rice and beans is also a king of calories per price, so there is a reason I put it on there, and a reason you are alive it sounds like it!

The last thing is vitamins from veggies/fruit. In my post I used small amounts of dried fruit in oatmeal, peas in gravy, then tomato sauce. So getting a mix cheap frozen/canned/dried fruit then having a bit of that each day will help. As will making gravies/sauces with different veggies/stir fries.

I was able to do it under $2, and I might try it again with all different meals to try and make sure I can practice what I preach. I make one off cheap meals a lot, but don't always do a full day.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

Hey if you have a legal place to hunt, go wild!

Buying anything but the cheapest of meats these days is eye watering. I'm not one for hunting, but I keep debating going foraging since I live near mountains in Utah. Spend the day hiking in nice weather and end the day with food you normally wouldn't have? Sounds like a good day.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Hey man if you have a legal place to hunt, go wild!

Buying anything but the cheapest of meats these days is eye watering.

[–] 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

My man I don't think you belong the the MARXIST LENNIST instance if you're this aggro at someone saying something as generic as "Billionaires exploited people to get their billions"

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (2 children)

If the option is you all not eating enough, and eating primarily cheap bulk foods, do pick the cheap bulk foods. With cheap seasonings and making your own tortillas, breads, and gravies, you can have a large variety using the same 20ish cheap base ingredients.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

So when you want cheap protein, what is affordable in denmark? Cheeses? Lentils? Yogurt? Sounds like it's a lot more where you live, so curious what is the good choice there.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Ahh interesting! In Denmark what is the cheap protein replacement? In the US it's mostly all dried beans.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

This is ML memes. If you came in here expecting us not to be over the top about "seize the means of production" and "eat the rich" then you gotta pay more attention.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm far enough to the left to participate in ML.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Capitalism demands you eat legumes or go into debt.

The rebellion demands you stay alive how you need to and organize, which in the US means eating cheap proteins as you gotta.


Eating the proper amount is hard. Eating when you have low time, money, mental energy, or education on cooking is even harder.

This book assumes nothing. Do you know how to turn on your stove? You are properly prepared to use this cookbook.

Just want to share it with more folks!


Game goes into full release in less then a day, so why not learn build orders to be the ultimate try hard??


My two are:

Making sourdough. I personally always heard like this weird almost mysticism around making it. But I bought a $7 starter from a bakery store, and using just stuff in my kitchen and cheap bread flour I've been eating fresh sourdough every day and been super happy with it. Some loafs aren't super consistent because I don't have like temperature controlled box or anything. But they've all been tasty.

Drawing. I'm by no means an artist, but I always felt like people who were good at drawing were like on a different level. But I buckled down and every day for a month I tried drawing my favorite anime character following an online guide. So just 30 minutes every day. The first one was so bad I almost gave up, but I was in love with the last one and made me realize that like... yeah it really is just practice. Years and years of it to be good at drawing things consistently, quickly, and a variety of things. But I had fun and got something I enjoyed much faster than I expected. So if you want to learn to draw, I would recommend just trying to draw something you really like following a guide and just try it once a day until you are happy with the result.

FREE God Tier Steam Games (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

I just think this little youtuber is cool, his best videos are reviewing free steam games.


Since gasoline because unusable after awhile, most cars will become obstacles and block up roads.

So we of course want something that can zip around the roads!

The main advantages I see are:

  1. Peddle when out of juice

  2. Peddling charges the batteries, so in an emergency you can turn on the battery

  3. The batteries can reasonably be charged by solar panels that a lot of houses have.

  4. Gets around all the blocked roads.

  5. Generally easier to repair.

  6. The distance travelled on a full battery is absurd

I don't expect any movies to put their heroes on an eBike, but they should!

IDK just thought you'd appreciate my dumb thought XD Any other reasons why during an apocalypse you should find an ebike?


We talk a lot about enshittification of technology, so tell me about technology that is getting better!

I personally love the progress of electric scooters. I've been zooming around on a 400$ escooter for a year and it works so well. It has a range of around 20 miles and top speed of 15 mph, so it works just super well for my uses, and 10 years ago scooters with that range/speed/price were no where near a thing.


Would love to see what niche/under appreciated creators are out there! Also what your favorite videos are of theirs!

Mine is this guy who creates songs based on Age of Empires 2 SFX and content creators/pros. So he's SUPER niche and will probably never become big, but I still adore him.

Catchy song made with AOE2 sfx

A totally legit love song about how much a pro named MBL loves another player called Hoang.

A content creator named T90 told a story about how he got absolutely rinsed in a game, and it was memorialized as a banger.

So yeah! Show me your tiny content creators that you adore!


I just think it's so cool that anyone can just make custom toys now and sell them.

Yes a lot of stalls just sell the same thing, but yesterday I went to a fair and the 3 big stalls were so unique.

1st stall was all about high precision toys. Like I can't explain how smooth the toys were. Talking to him he was all about making them as dialed in as possible with these tiny super delicate gears and moving wings on toys, or puzzles that glide like they are oiled off each other. I'm too lazy to go find the thing I bought as I was walking around the house playing with it.

2nd stall was all about large cartoony ones using a printer that can do up to 5 colors! I ended up getting a little dino!

Then the last one was a guy who only printed things he personally designed! With all his pieces being toys that are giant version of lego things like his giant lego light sabers that are straight out of lego star wars

(off his website as I didn't buy anything from him)

It's just so cool that these people can build their own little toy factories and make a variety of toys either in special ways, or make their own unique toys. I know it's not star treck replicators, but it's still just exciting to me.

I actually owned 3d printers in the past, but the effort to dial them in just wasn't super worth it to me, since it felt like an all day activity to get my cheap printer to print my little $2 toy. Would much rather spend $5 to get a much better version off of someone else who spends all day working to make the print quality ace and put their own spin on the toys.


Is the idea of having people compete for life changing/saving amounts of money, then have it crash down on their head for our amusement, something that should end for you?

Mr. Beast of course does things like "Stay in this room for 100 days to win a million dollars" but he is mostly just turning an old format into internet. Biggest Loser of course made dozens of people drastically change their bodies in irreversible ways, just to give one of them money. Survivor once again has people compete for months in brutal fashion with only one walking away with a prize. Mr. Beast is more or less just stealing Big Brother whole sale for most of his contest videos, but making them click bait.

Then of course we have things like Deal or No deal, which is mostly just offering people a hope of a life changing amount of money, then the chance for a better life vanish before them case by case. It still seems a lot less brutal than the other three, but still rather dark when you realize we are watching someone be given the hope to get out of debt and buy a house have it taken from them case by case.

Try not to focus on Mr. Beast too much since everyone is talking about him, he's just the latest example of giant game show so felt like I need to mention him. I'm mostly curious how you all feel about large cash prize game shows in general!

(I do love game shows with bs prizes. Bring on Task Master! Win that golden head so you can put it in your garage to be stolen by another contestant! Also Game Changer, go watch game changer. They all get paid regardless of if they win or not and every episode is super creative.)

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