Democrats arent leftists. They are right leaning centrist neo liberals. Marx said it best; any attempt to disarm the workforce should be frustrated by anymeans including force if necessary.
Amber whataboutism bump bump
They manufacture consent, couple that with the extreme oppression and destruction of the middle class since the nixon administration and neo liberal right wing policies that doubled down on these awful ideas while actively working to subvert and undermine any movement left on meaningful social issues. We didn't let this happen so much as we were conditioned to allow it and be too exhausted just barely surviving that we would not have any energy to actively fight and thwart a blatant class war waged against the working class and poor right in front of our eyes,
If anyone can please help with any amount. Its been dropping to negative temps with the windchill out here and our last propane tank is about to run out tomorrow morning. We are experiencing a polar vortex currently and need help to keep our and ourselves pets warm 🥺 If you would rather help through PayPal or venmo then feel free to pm me.
Thanks, they’ve been snuggling with us under the blankets to keep cozy. The only downside is occasionally rolling over a fresh coca puff and crushing it into bunny dood dust
Charlie kirk is a massive lump of sentient fecal matter.
All hail your new president, Elonald Mump
The media is inherently fascist. Wall street military and prison industry profiteers control the narrative of the legacy media outlets they all own and they own our politicians and political process as well. They just keep lying to all of us and since all the maga morons are dumb enough to believe whatever they are told they just hope the rest of us will bend over and accept they are right. they’ve waged aggressive psychological warfare against the us population for decades. Its created a subsection of the population dumb enough to unquestioningly believe whatever musk and trump say so much so that it if they came home to find both musk and trump raw dog tag teaming their wives they would without question accept it as 100% truth when they are told the cum dripping from their wive’s oral vaginal and anal openings is just a little rain from the open window. While pointing to a closed window nowhere near the marital bed they just defiled in the middle of a sunny day during a July drought and heat wave