[-] expr@programming.dev 0 points 5 hours ago

Confused what you mean. OpenAPI has nothing to do with JS.

[-] expr@programming.dev 1 points 3 days ago

Omaha is a lot less left-leaning in my experience. It's very purple. Lincoln is solidly blue.

I just recently purchased a house in Lincoln. Just quickly looking on Zillow for Omaha and home prices look to be very similar to what I was seeing here in Lincoln. Property taxes in Omaha are also a fair bit higher than Lincoln.

There's other stuff too, like lower crime rate in Lincoln, better/more parks, LPS being generally a lot better than OPS, etc.

I guess it ultimately depends on what you're after. If you want something more big city, then Omaha obviously has Lincoln beat. But for a more relaxed pace of life and for raising a family, Lincoln is where it's at.

[-] expr@programming.dev 3 points 4 days ago

Your history is already sorted by most recently used. If you just open the history search drop-down without typing anything, you can tab through your most recent pages.

History search works with more than just the title, it's also can match words in the description, keywords in the page, or I believe just about any piece of HTML metadata. After using this feature for years as a software engineer viewing plenty of obscure or obfuscated webpages, I've never had it fail to find me the page I want. I simply type a word associated with the thing I want to view, and every time I can easily find the page I'm looking for.

[-] expr@programming.dev 6 points 4 days ago

There are a number of blue cities in the Midwest. What's the lowest temp you want? I live in Lincoln, Nebraska and it's pretty great: nice weather most of the year, low cost of living, blue city, tons of parks. Only downside is dealing with red state bullshit from the state government.

[-] expr@programming.dev 5 points 4 days ago

I can easily do that in a day of work because I often have to reference documentation from many different sources.

I'll probably have 1-3 tabs for jira boards/tickets, a couple for gitlab merge requests, at least a few for the documentation of different third-party libraries I'm using, a few confluence pages, a few for different specs, 1-2 for Figma designs, a handful for different admin panels I need access to, a couple production dashboards/logs, in addition to whatever searching I need to do. I usually clear them out at the start of the next day, but they can add up pretty quickly.

[-] expr@programming.dev 2 points 4 days ago

You can search through your open tabs by typing % followed by space in the search bar. I often do that since I tend to reference a lot of documentation/merge requests/admin interfaces/etc. and end up with quite a few tabs in a working session (usually clear them out the next day). Nowhere near 7000, though. Maybe 50.

[-] expr@programming.dev 3 points 4 days ago

Type ^ followed by space in the search bar. You can now simply search through your history by text. Far more efficient.

[-] expr@programming.dev 12 points 5 days ago


I'm so tired of repeating this ad nauseum. No, it's not going to take your job. It's hype train bullshit full of grifters. There is no intelligence or understanding, nor have we come anywhere close to achieving that. That is still entirely within the realm of science fiction.

[-] expr@programming.dev 56 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Glad you got fired. Vaccines should always be mandatory save for legitimate, doctor-validated medical exemptions.

Anti-vaxxers are fucking stupid and should either be educated properly or, if they still refuse to do their civic duty after being de-programmed of misinformation, punished. You are only allowed to participate in society if you take the necessary steps that you are morally and ethically obligated to do in order to protect it from preventable, transmissible disease. We had eradicated polio until stupid motherfuckers like yourself decided that it would be a good idea to forgo the standard polio vaccine schedule that we've had for decades. Now, we saw the first case in 30 years in 2022 because someone selfishly thought that their personal beliefs were more important than the health and livelihood of everyone else.

[-] expr@programming.dev 62 points 1 week ago

As someone that has recently taken an infant and and family CPR class for my son who started solid foods a few months ago, this is pretty similar to how they teach it today and I'm pretty sure it would have the same effect. You can't perform a heimlich on a baby or very small child for a variety of reasons. This method or something similar to it is both safer and more effective, since it lets gravity help dislodge the food.

[-] expr@programming.dev 79 points 2 weeks ago

From what I recall, particularly the younger generations that exclusively use mobile devices (though of course this is not limited to them) actually have terrible tech literacy across the board, primarily related to spending all of their time in apps that basically spoon-feed functionality in a closed ecosystem. In particular, these groups are particularly vulnerable to very basic scams and phishing attacks.

[-] expr@programming.dev 87 points 1 month ago

I just found out about this debate and it's patently absurd. The ISO 80000-2 standard defines ℕ as including 0 and it's foundational in basically all of mathematics and computer science. Excluding 0 is a fringe position and shouldn't be taken seriously.

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