That isn't even generally true. Try mentioning crypto on the LKML and see what they think you mean.
The scale doesn't matter, double is always double. No matter if expressed in 1m is half of 2m, or 3ft is half of 6ft. Same is true for temperature, als long as the zero point is fixed.
Do you also say "the temperature in the freezer has doubled" when it goes from -12°C to -24°C? Not saying that would be disingenuous with your arguments.
That's not how it works, an "idle" CPU is already generating a not insignificant amount of heat. That why you measure the difference against ambiant air if you're at all serious about it.
Usually that should mean it cuts the difference ambiant and CPU in half. Anything else would just be stupid or a lie.
Yes it gets harder, but it doesn't get 10x harder with 10x users. It should scale somewhat logarithmically. With millions of users that makes it still much cheaper to operate per user than with a thousand.
Ich nicht
I've never once been confused about whether something is a name or a noun. It's just not necessary.
Try running both pkcon update
and then apt update; apt full-upgrade
. Please let me know if that helped.
Nein. Die Sache ist, bei USB-A Ports kommt einfach immer Strom, bei USB-C Ports (inklusive auf Netzteile) muss gewartet werden bis die andere Seite danach "fragt", indem ein Widerstand zwischen 2 Leitungspaaren anliegt. Das ist notwendig, denn bei USB Typ C können auf beiden Seiten jede Art von Gerät hängen, und es soll verhindert werden, dass beide Seiten die andere gleichzeitig versuchen zu laden
Too bad worker's solidarity is barely a thing anymore
He might be gone, but his cult isn't.