They probably only used the sensor while unlatched, now they use it while supposedly latched too.
I manually upgraded a 3rd gen i7 (2012) machine to 32GB in 2016. Doesn't make that laptop ant less old tho.
Nope, would look better with a paint job
It's kinda okay, but some cheap white (or any other color!) paint would absolutely be an improvement in my eyes. I've yet to see an example (and at this point I don't think there is any), where paint over otherwise okay brutalist architecture would improve things. Bare Concrete is just an ugly and unfinished look.
There isn't even a chance it could propell itself forward, three way it's attached
Wdym, under 10cm? That can't be right, can it?
If you mean a line that close to the sidewalk, that's usually an indicator whether parking is allowed.
Fenster Bediener hat durchaus eine Tischoben Umgebung
Ich kann eine mit 26 bieten
Ein paar Mal ruckartig öffnen?
No, it's just about the dumbest thing I've read today. So far.
For all their faults, those Elon stans wouldnt roll coal