[-] fatalicus@lemmy.world 30 points 1 week ago

In this case (according to the donation page), he is part of the reason they are in this mess, as his mom is unable to find employment since everyone thinks she drove him to the protest where he shot those people.

[-] fatalicus@lemmy.world 21 points 2 weeks ago

Note that with just pihole you would still be affected by this, since pihole needs an upstream dns server to get it's data from.

But if you set up pihole with unbound you will be OK, since unbound then will do the job of getting data from the root servers without another upstream dns.

I my experience it is also faster.

[-] fatalicus@lemmy.world 30 points 1 month ago

Right to the temple of anyone who decided it was OK to do this kind of data collection.

[-] fatalicus@lemmy.world 24 points 1 month ago

If you actually read the announcement, it very clearly says that new players need a PSN account from may 6th, and existing players from may 30th.

[-] fatalicus@lemmy.world 73 points 2 months ago

Let me see if I get this right: they get disqualified for containing an ingredient that hasn't been certified as edible (kokum butter) and is usually used in cosmetics, and there is no evidence of Big Cheese being the reason for the disqualification, other than the owner of the company saying it.

But it is still Big Cheese' fault?

[-] fatalicus@lemmy.world 21 points 5 months ago

Further, there is some manner of saved data transference from Final Fantasy VII Remake to Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, but it isn’t all-encompassing. Instead, “certain portions are carried over.”

Well, that is some bullshit.

This is a remake of a single game, and I at least would expect saves to fully transfer.

[-] fatalicus@lemmy.world 36 points 5 months ago

This has little to do with reddit though, other than they being the target.

These companies might just as well go after owners of fediverse instances, and would likely have more luck, as Lemmy owners won't have the same resources as reddit to fight it in a court.

[-] fatalicus@lemmy.world 70 points 6 months ago

The official novelisation of the movie says he is a "prominent business man" and the mom is a fashion designer.

So both probably makes quite a bit.

[-] fatalicus@lemmy.world 63 points 8 months ago

sightly is a thing... Something that looks good.

[-] fatalicus@lemmy.world 27 points 11 months ago

You are blocking NTP though. Look at your image, all the way at the bottom.

[-] fatalicus@lemmy.world 88 points 11 months ago

Youtube added shorts to subscription, and i added Youtube-shorts block to firefox.

[-] fatalicus@lemmy.world 27 points 11 months ago

Ok so far. Missing some subs that i was active on at Reddit, but maybe they will show up eventually.

Only thing i don't realy get is what the point of having it divided in different service is, when it is all going to show up everywhere else anyways. I go to Lemmy and i get kbin and mastodon post, i go to kbin and i get lemmy posts...

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