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[–] felis_magnetus@feddit.de 5 points 1 year ago

At which point we arrive at OP's closing remark: "Either way, it's a win for Norway." And that's hard to dispute for any country taking its claim to being a democracy even halfway serious, considering the manipulative shenanigans that are par for the course at anything Meta.

[–] felis_magnetus@feddit.de 3 points 1 year ago

Agreed. I'd also argue that it would have been better if pirates managed to do the job before that.

[–] felis_magnetus@feddit.de 1 points 1 year ago

True, but let's be real here: it's only true, because you started the genocide much earlier and at this point in time are basically done, besides when some holy site or other is in the way of building an environment destroying pipeline and necessitates a belated mop up operation on a scale small enough to be largely overlooked, especially by corporate media who couldn't give a fuck about any genocide that can't be used to further a profitable agenda anyway.

[–] felis_magnetus@feddit.de 1 points 1 year ago

... in Warsaw.

For people who didn't watch way too many Zizek talks: Zizek used this joke to illustrate a point. As it goes, I completely forgot the point, but memorized the joke. Probably because I'm a pervert. Here goes: In an exhibition in Moscow, there's a painting with the title "Lenin in Warsaw" depicting a woman who looks suspiciously like Nadezhda Krupskaya, Lenin's wife, screwing what appears to be a student. A confused visitor asks the guide standing beneath the painting: "But where's Lenin?" The guide, of course, answers: "Lenin is in Warsaw."

[–] felis_magnetus@feddit.de 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Well, why should the average end-user use Linux, actually? If your answer is privacy, taking control back or something in that general line, you're essentially advocating for a technological solution on the individual level as a solution to what essentially are and always have been political and ideological problems. Expecting that to work out is wishful thinking at best. I have growing suspicions, though, that it's more like a different ideological layer, and in that regard quite akin to making the climate catastrophe about choices of individual consumers (of which they often have very few, actually).

[–] felis_magnetus@feddit.de 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Dumbed down Linux exists. It's called Android.

[–] felis_magnetus@feddit.de 14 points 1 year ago

Most people, in one way or another, process by talking. It's fine. Besides, there's the train wreck aspect of it. Bad taste as it may be, but you can't stop watching and pointing out more horrible details to the people around you.

[–] felis_magnetus@feddit.de 2 points 1 year ago

Nein, davon wird das Netz nicht schlechter. Diese ganze Passivitätskultur, die alles, was über den Minimalstaufwand Google hinausgeht, als Zumutung empfindet, ist Teil des Problems. Das ist doch ein roter Faden, der sämtliche profitgierigen Datenkraken verbindet: die einzige Innovation, die je von dort ausging, ist Dinge, die auch ohne sie nie ein größeres Problem darstellten, für lernunwillige DAUs möglichst bequem zu machen, um den Preis einer massiven Verschlechterung für alle anderen Nutzer, vor allem für die aktiven und produktiven.

[–] felis_magnetus@feddit.de 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

War für mich der Tropfen, der das Fass zum Überlaufen brachte, wie Reddit jetzt mit Leuten umgeht, die unentgeltlich den Laden am Laufen gehalten haben. Da das komplette Geschäftsmodell letztlich darauf beruht, die, oft ja tatsächlich nützlichen und kompetenten, Beiträge der Nutzer und das daraus resultierende gute Ranking in Suchmaschinen zu Geld zu machen, habe ich nun sämtliche Beiträge, die ich jemals auf der Plattform verfasst hatte, per PowerDeleteSuit gelöscht. Account existiert noch, hauptsächlich, weil ich darüber ja für Alternativen wie diese hier werben könnte.