Also das wäre ein Weg wie ich endgültig die Hoffnung für die Ampel aufgebe. Lassen sich von der FDP in den meisten Themen komplett in Beschlag nehmen und zerlegen ein vom SPD Gesundheitsminister vorgestelltes Gesetz durch die eigenen Stimmen. Man fragt sich weshalb die Konservativen solche Ressourcen mobilisieren um das CanG zu verhindern, aber wenn man solch einen maroden Zusammenhalt hat ist es logisch weshalb sies machen: es könnte Erfolg haben.
I also think that there is some much potential in the dishes we eat. Western Cousine is mostly structured around a protein and side dishes but there is so much more out there. We could have a much healthier, more diverse and interesting diet that is basically better in every regard and doesn’t require highly processed plant proteins to work. But this requires a certain amount of dedication and resources on the cooking side of things. We should start taking proper food for the population more serious as a national health concern and provide a easy way to get cheap and healthy food for everyone. This is also vital because of how the society changed, more single households and less of the traditional family. In my naive mind I never understood why food is not something like health care, water services, sewage or what ever. Everyone needs it to survive. This would be better for health (care systems), the planet and local food independence. Instead we let huge food companies sell us more sawdust per candy bar every year and exploit workers in the south.
Ever heard of wix or squarespace? I think there is your reason these apps don’t exist anymore.
Sounds hard If you can’t hook into the neighbours stove or hood. Maybe detect if the hood of the neighbors is turned on through a windspeed sensor (these things that rotate). TBH this sound like you should just fix the mechanism/back flow valve that restricts the airflow coming in if your hood is turned off.
The anniversary sanctions package. Sounds like a good time
What if you had to recommend just one book out of the collection, which one would it be? Can be German too
They are literally so inbred that they think they can get rid of poverty and homelessness by putting offenders longer in jail or shoot them.
Ich meine wir müssten ja auch nur einen Reichen essen. Die Anderen würden dann ja gehorchen.
It took only a few years to legitimately talk about leaving the Geneva Conventions because their immigration policy is utterly inhumane. I knew there will be some wild bullshit happening after Brexit. But fuck.
So langsam beunruhigend.
Ohne scheiss, vielleicht richtet die CxU in der opposition noch mehr schaden an als in der Regierung. Einfach weil die dreckigen Populismus betreiben und die Diskussionskultur und Gesellschaft nachhaltig schaden. Dann reagieren die auf die AFD indem sie Punkte von denen 1:1 kopieren und salonfähig machen. Wie kann man nur so destruktiv für ein paar Stimmen sein.