Hm, the first step is fully enforce Open Science, and, when relevant, pre-registration. This would make fraud much harder to begin with (though not impossible of course). Then, those "detectives" would (hopefully) have a manageable workload.
joined 2 years ago
It's nice to see where there're at and have a bit of background about the process.
I love how Nate needs to state plenty that it's roughly-non-official-very-dirty-guesstimate because he knows some people would jump to conclusions.
Isn't what Kbin is about?
Sorry, I couldn't really help you there, I'm working in evolutionary biology, we don't do patents and industry much. However, I would tell that I don't believe pre-registration is the silver bullet for any research. Even beyond your case, there are much research in my area that is not hypothesis driven, more exploratory or completely inferential (which is totally OK!), for which pre-registration makes very little sense.