
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 6 months ago

Because they've given you everything you've ever wanted, been nothing but genuinely kind to you, and done nothing you've ever disagreed with.

These other answers are dumb, but for it to be the dumbest it has to be dumber than "they did something I don't think is wrong" and instead is "they did something that everyone agrees is right."

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

I don't think this is the same for something that is:

  • true


  • within the individual's control

and, in part,

  • actually bad or against the law

We can keep words to say that people have made a choice without needing to change the language every 3 years. Felons are people that have committed felonies. Criminals are people that have committed crimes. Terrorists are people that have committed terrorism.

Your other examples are slurs because they're used to insult people over something that's out of their control and isn't actually a bad thing. Racial slurs are slurs not because they identify someone as a particular race but because using it indicates the speaker (incorrectly) believes there's something "bad" about that particular race. And, race/sexuality/age/etc... aren't even a choice, so the slur user is insulting the person about something that they can't even control.

Of course, there's a debate to be made that illegal immigration was the "right" choice for that person at the time to escape their situation or that some undocumented immigrants didn't have a choice (children or trafficking victims), but at a basic level we're talking about people who have immigrated illegally, by choice.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (1 children)

Actually that's not correct. Media isn't like other products, it's protected speech. This is why even though we've sanctioned Russia, you can still go and read Russian Times. Even foreign media, which Tik Tok is, would be protected under our free speech laws.

Yes, while speech is protected, but the platform's operations, websites, and apps are not. No foreign entity has a legal right to operate commercially in the United States. We've had sanctions and tariffs for years. 1A applies to free speech of Americans.

This is why this "ban" isn't a ban, which the senators keep repeating. It doesn't block Tik Tok or it's website from being used by Americans. All it does is block Tik Tok from being distributed by American app stores.

Not true. Read the bill. Websites are addressed.

With the new EU ruling, Apple is going to have to allow third party installation anyway, so you'll still be able to use Tik Tok as if nothing happened.

Not relevant to USA because Apple could allow this only in the EU. And not applicable because websites are covered by the bill.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

If this is about banning a platform that can ban you, then it isn't about banning free speech. Just because speech exists on TikTok does not make it a platform for free speech.

The 1st Amendment recognizes the right to free speech in the USA. It does not recognize the right for a foreign entity to operate a restricted speech platform. The government is not stifling your speech here.

And, this bill isn't even all about the "speech" aspects of TikTok. The other aspect of it is that this gives the government the ability to block the app by declaring that TikTok is straight up malware, collecting all the data it can on you and sending it to servers outside the regulatory power of the US. Apple and Google won't ban TikTok because it's too profitable, but the app is malware.

[–] 8 points 6 months ago (3 children)

The law is freedom of speech from government persecution. Which is literally what banning Tik Tok is.

Except that's not what this bill is. It's about banning certain apps and websites which are under the control of an adversarial government. The speech is fine, but the platform moderating that speech isn't, and the 1st Amendment doesn't protect foreign entities. The Supreme Court upheld in Bluman v. Fed. Election Commission that limits on foreign entities' speech can be greater than what would be constitutional for US citizens. And this isn't even about speech, it's about the platform of that speech.

It's the government persecuting a company for being Chinese.

True, but only if "Chinese" means "operated in part by the Chinese government/CCP." This isn't about the the race or ethnicity; it's about the government.

We have similar bans in place for other constitutionally-protected activities involving other countries. Import of Russian firearms and ammo is banned despite the right to keep and bear arms.

What the law does not protect is private persecution. If you come to my house and announce you're a pedo, I can kick you out of my house for that. Just like tik tok can ban you.

You can kick them out for any reason because they dont have the right to be on your property. This article is touting that the bill is an attack on free speech as a right, but TikTok and other social media platforms are not examples of free speech. Instead, this bill is about limiting the ability of foreign powers to control the spread of information in the US, similar to how we already limit the ability of foreign powers to finance our elections.

[–] 5 points 6 months ago (7 children)

If TikTok is free speech then why can one get banned for speaking freely on it?

[–] 6 points 6 months ago (1 children)

For example, people of color tend to post fewer pictures of themselves on the internet, mostly because remaining anonymous is preferable to experiencing racism.

That is quite the bold statement. Source?

[–] 2 points 6 months ago

It's working fine for me. I like the improved icons and slightly adjusted layout, and the auto-hide panel feature is great.

Issues with my setup: window title applet isn't yet updated to support KDE 6. I know there's a version on the AUR that should work, but I'm waiting to see if it hits the Arch extras repo soon. My Papirus icons don't seem to be applying, so all my folders are Green but Dolphin's icon itself is blue. I also did get a weird temporary black box when moving a window out of the way from an auto hide panel, and the auto hide causes a stutter when it comes back into view.

1050 Ti laptop running X11 (optimus-manager) through HDMI with lid closed

[–] 4 points 6 months ago (5 children)

What website? Sounds like a site issue.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Same with windows, Android, iOS, etc.

Windows is the only OS listed where you almost need to break those rules. You can't easily keep software updated and basically need to install software from outside the store. Only winget and choco are promising in this regard, but these are power user tools. MacOS, and even many Linux distros, ship with a graphical app store that keeps packages updated.

On Android and iOS, most users can get away with never installing an app outside the Play Store or App Store. The app store keeps the apps updated.

Not sure when you last used windows, but there's a built in store for most mainstream software,

Unless all you're doing is web browsing, the Windows Store doesn't contain nearly enough software. Users of Windows need to be used to installing software outside of the store. How many Windows PC's have never run an exe or msi?

and I'm sure most games come from steam.

Perfect example. I need to find, download, and run an exe from a website to install Steam. Having this be a normal procedure that a user is used to doing is horrible for security.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Depends, some loads are subsonic especially for suppressor use. I'm looking at you, 300BLK

[–] 19 points 6 months ago

Wait a few days

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