
joined 1 year ago
[–] 13 points 2 days ago (6 children)

it may be a shock to learn this, but asking people things is how you find things out from them

I know it requires speaking to humans, alas, c’est la vie

[–] 17 points 2 days ago

and that’s the pernicious bit: it’s not just their skillset, it also goes right to their fucking respect for their team. “I don’t care about just barfing some shit into the codebase, and I don’t think my team will mind either!”

utter goddamn clownery

[–] 17 points 2 days ago (5 children)

yep yep. no code review. no version control either. that’s weak shit only babies use. over here you deploy patches by live editing app memory in production, and you update the codebase by editing the central repo using vscode remote. everyone has access to it because monorepos are what google do and so do we.

you have a 100% correct comprehension takeaway of what I said, well done!

jfc no wonder you’re fine with LLMs

[–] 16 points 2 days ago

yep. on topic of which, this excellent post

[–] 19 points 2 days ago (2 children)


these arseslugs are so fucking tedious, and for almost 2 decades they've been dragging everything and everyone around them down to their level instead of finding some spine and getting better

[–] 19 points 2 days ago (14 children)

I’m sorry, do you trust junior engineers blindly?

as a starting position, fucking YES. you know why I hired that person? because I believe they can do the job and grow in it. you know what happens if they make a mistake? I give them all the goddamn backup they need to handle it and grow.

"this is why code review is so important" jfc. you're one of those "I've worked here for 4 years and I'm a senior" types, aren't you

[–] 22 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (9 children)

and the engineers I know who are still avoiding it work noticeably slower

yep yep! as we all know, velocity is all that matters! crank that handle, produce those features! the factory must flow!!

and you fucking know what? it's not even just me being a snide motherfucker, this rant is literally fucking supported by data:

The survey found that 75.9% of respondents (of roughly 3,000* people surveyed) are relying on AI for at least part of their job responsibilities, with code writing, summarizing information, code explanation, code optimization, and documentation taking the top five types of tasks that rely on AI assistance. Furthermore, 75% of respondents reported productivity gains from using AI.


As we just discussed in the above findings, roughly 75% of people report using AI as part of their jobs and report that AI makes them more productive.

And yet, in this same survey we get these findings:

if AI adoption increases by 25%, time spent doing valuable work is estimated to decrease 2.6% if AI adoption increases by 25%, estimated throughput delivery is expected to decrease by 1.5% if AI adoption increases by 25%, estimated delivery stability is expected to decrease by 7.2%

and that's a report sponsored and managed right from the fucking lying cloud company, no less. a report they sponsor, run, manage, and publish is openly admitting this shit. that is how much this shit doesn't fucking work the way you sell it to be doing.

but no, we should trust your driveby bullshit. motherfucker.

[–] 23 points 2 days ago (2 children)

"despite the many people who have shown time and time and time again that it definitely does not do fine detail well and will often present shit that just 10000% was not in the source material, I still believe that it is right all the time and gives me perfectly clean code. it is them, not I, that are the rubes"

[–] 6 points 2 days ago (4 children)

probably Hary Pawter because otherwise they'll have to admit how much ~~copyrighted material they've stolen~~ "fair use they're employing"

[–] 42 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (34 children)

I’m a senior software engineer

ah, a señor software engineer. excusé-moi monsoir, let me back up and try once more to respect your opinion

uh, wait:

but I can’t trust a junior engineer to be perfect either

whoops no, sorry, can't do it.

jesus fuck I hope the poor bastards that are under you find some other place real soon, you sound like a godawful leader

and the engineers I know who are still avoiding it work noticeably slower

yep yep! as we all know, velocity is all that matters! crank that handle, produce those features! the factory must flow!!

fucking christ almighty. step away from the keyboard. go become a logger instead. your opinions (and/or the shit you're saying) is a big part of everything that's wrong with industry.

[–] 15 points 2 days ago

I swear all those fuckers are like "I was 4 rooms over but just heard the word 'paprika' being screamed from someone over this way. time for you to hear all about my bowel issues, in detail! you wouldn't believe what happens if I smell onions", but at a conference as a lightning talk to the main hall

[–] 5 points 2 days ago

same here, works fine in Fx (133, aarch64)


archive (e: twitter [archive] too, archive for nitter seems a bit funky)

it'd be nice if these dipshits, like, came off a factory line somewhere. then you could bin them right at the QC failure


Mr. Altman’s departure follows a deliberative review process [by the board]

"god, he's really cost us... how much can we get back?"

which concluded that he was not consistently candid in his communications with the board

not only with the board, kids

hindering its ability to exercise its responsibilities

you and me both, brother


I don't really know enough about the C64 to say anything one way or the other, but this comment on youtube did okay:

1 year ago
2021: We have definitely seen everything the C64 can do now.
2022: My beer. Hold it.

and I'm posting this without even having seen the whole thing yet


nitter archive

just in case you haven't done your daily eye stretches yet, here's a workout challenge! remember to count your reps, and to take a break between paragraphs! duet your score!

oh and, uh.. you may want to hide any loose keyboards before you read this. because you may find yourself wanting to throw something.


will this sure is gonna go well :sarcmark:

it almost feels like when Google+ got shoved into every google product because someone had a bee in their bonnet

flipside, I guess, is that we'll soon (at scale!) get to start seeing just how far those ideas can and can't scale | and .is

this is almost a NSFW? some choice snippets:

more than 1.5 million people have used it and it is helping build nearly half of Copilot users’ code

Individuals pay $10 a month for the AI assistant. In the first few months of this year, the company was losing on average more than $20 a month per user, according to a person familiar with the figures, who said some users were costing the company as much as $80 a month.

good thing it's so good that everyone will use it amirite

starting around $13 for the basic Microsoft 365 office-software suite for business customers—the company will charge an additional $30 a month for the AI-infused version.

Google, ..., will also be charging $30 a month on top of the regular subscription fee, which starts at $6 a month

I wonder how long they'll try that, until they try forcing it on everyone (and raise all prices by some n%)

demoscene: area 5150 (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

my comment over there just made me recall this

this demo is the next one in a long arc of people doing absolutely remarkable things to the original PC. that series went 8088 corruption (pouet) -> 8088 domination -> 8088 mph and if you've never seen them before, you absolutely should

area 5150 has a recording of the production as well as an audience reaction recording from share day

it's astoundingly awesome

something I really enjoy about the scene is that the more you learn (about the technology, the math, the methodology), the deeper the appreciation of it gets

restic (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

I've been using it for a good while now, but figured it's worth a shoutout incase others don't know it. one of the few pieces of Go-ware I don't substantially hate.

I've previously slapped together a tiny set of shellscripts for my use of it which you're welcome to steal from. also recently seen backupninja as something that can use this, but haven't tried that

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