[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 10 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

cos nothing proves "microsoft <3 opensource" like releasing a project over ⅓ of a century old

[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 17 points 1 month ago

great news, openai keeps getting more open by the minute


[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

its not the actual money laundering they object to.

it's that they didn't get a cut.

[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 11 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

this is the (un)fortunate reality.

unfortunate in that keeping a modern browser up to date is a serious task when you need to compete with the agenda and scale of google etc

fortunate in that its a relatively simple solution, the community needs to fund the software.

its tough though as i can imagine if they pulled the kind of popup shit wikipedia does, it will just drive people away. what people don't realise ofc is that with chrome you are paying for it (with your data), but for some reason they're not viewed in the equivalent light.

[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 17 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Microsoft is like the rich guy with the nice pool. Its looks nice. But then you learn they got rich by cutting corners and screwing over your friends. And are actively investing in making the public pool shit so they can grandstand their pool.

Noone is blaming you for going up to the rich guys pool to have a nice easy time. Or at least, I'm not defending the kind of linux zealots who might blame you for choosing that

But I equally believe it is right and fair for us to have the freedom to state the very valid reasons why we are choosing not to go up there.

[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 24 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

why is that? it's not punching down when its a billion dollar company

edit: no coherent thoughts then? just mindless downvoting? well you've convinced me with that persuasive logic.

it's genuinely concerning to see the microsoft stockholm syndrome in the wild, but on lemmy it's honestly baffling.

[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 11 points 9 months ago

nearly asked you for a tutorial, then re-read lolol....

[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 8 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

when anything is that important, the medicine must be opensourced ^1^.

if so, and it's handled correctly, you can still have body autonomy in those situations due to the resulting freedoms - much akin in nature to the software foss freedoms we all cherish. and in that sense, would not be a limit of “Your body, your choice". while still maintaining, if not increasing, the public protection to such threats.

it was really refreshing to see some discussion in public health policy from some very smart and relevant people for opensourcing those medications. unsurprisingly it was swiftly shot down, but it was nice to at least see it taking place - which is a small positive change.

^1^ naturally we decouple authentication and traceability from commercial interests. and ofc it does not mean noone gets paid

[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 38 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

some more

public philosophy mirages

eg.1 "free market will balance everything"

will it now? until we actually see one, we'll never know. we don't live in a free market, and never have. they rig the shit out of it with eg. drm and region locks, and then gaslight us that its free & balanced. lol.

eg.2 "democracy is the best we have"

same as above, when i see a true democracy i'll let you know. caveat: unsure of your exact country's situation, but when was the last time you consistently voted on what you want to happen, rather than who will fail to implement their election promises (with 0.0% accountability btw).

also, friendly reminder: mostly the "who", you can vote for was already chosen in a private vote by the political parties, before they even pretended to care about our opinion. lol.

strawman public discourse

arguing in the media over the wrong points in an issue to keep public discourse on a 'lively' treadmill


Q: Is climate change human caused?

A: Doesn't change the issue: stop poisoning the water, air and soil - we need them to live. duh.


Q: Is being lgbqta a choice?

A: Doesn't change the issue: if its not a choice they can't control it, leave these people alone. if it is a choice, its a free country, leave these people alone.

edit: if you disagree with any of the above, please expand, i'm open to a new perspective.

[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 74 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

our strange treatment of animals

we anthropomorphise and infantilise our pets, yet boast about the animals we eat who've had legit insanity level cruel lives thanks to our systems.

[ not saying fussing over your pets is bad, i love it too, just the contrast is whiplash++ ]

lack of body autonomy

hint: most lqbqtia rights, reproductive rights, medical/medication rights, are all the SAME RIGHT:

your body, your choice.

it is constantly under attack, and diffused into separate arguments when its the one right effecting all these issues. newsflash: when it comes to my body, your unwelcome opinion, religious or otherwise, ain't worth the air its vibrating through.

slippery slope gatekeeping laws

making harmless x illegal because a subset of x might lead to harmful y. if y is bad, then enforce your ban on y, and fuckoff trying to use it as an excuse to control x₀, x₁, x₂ etc.

[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 40 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

expect they've found a way to 'profit' off the collapse already. might be one of the reasons they're doing nothing to stop it

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