It did. But it is pretty safe to assume these ladies did not give consent to be used in a training data set.
Trump has plenty of establishment picks lined up as well.
We had the same fearmongering in 2016. Trump will do some dumb stuff Reagan style but he will not end the world.
"Adolf Hitler was not perfect and could’ve done plenty better and also it is the fault of the voters for being stupid as hell."
What is the point of drafted Ukrainians dying for the next four months? You already accept Ukraine will inevitably surrender.
The ultimate goal is for their governments to recognize the genocide convention and immediately halt arms shipments to Israel. Primarily the US, the UK and Germany.
The more of this evidence comes to light the more obvious it becomes to the layman their government is lying through their teeth.
Trumpard ate those Palestinian faces once again.
The IDF posted a video how bad ass they were for burning down the school on TikTok (linked in article) soooo
Nothing like liberals advocating for the death of women from starvation under the excuse of women's rights.
One interesting explanation from Mohammed Mirandi was the establishment wants to escalate as much as possible to prevent Russia from accepting de escalation when Trump comes to power without major concessions from Ukraine.
Joe Biden is the epitome of a Republican cosplaying as a Democrat.
Every time an event reminds us nukes exist.