
joined 2 years ago
[–] 5 points 1 day ago

This isn't even skating towards where the puck is, it's skating in a fucking swimming pool.

[–] 7 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)

Yeah that’s “Lena” by the SCP guy. Great story.

MMAcevedo's demeanour and attitude contrast starkly with those of nearly all other uploads taken of modern adult humans, most of which boot into a state of disorientation which is quickly replaced by terror and extreme panic. Standard procedures for securing the upload's cooperation such as red-washing, blue-washing, and use of the Objective Statement Protocols are unnecessary.

[–] 7 points 6 days ago (3 children)

About the only good stuff LW does is remind me of other, much better SF. In this case Ian McDonald's Necroville (Terminal Café in the US), about a future where nanotech enables the resurrection of the dead. Said neo-living are of course discriminated against, have no human rights, and are used as cheap disposable labor by the corporation that uses the technology.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

D'oh! I missed that connection, although the little infographic amoebas should have tipped me off

[–] 10 points 1 week ago (4 children)

AI researchers continue to daub soot on the walls of Plato's cave, scaring themselves witless:

At least I've IDd the transmission vector from LW to

[–] 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

MoreWronger is concerned that the shitty fanfic the community excretes is limited to LW and Xhitter and wonders if The Atlantic is a better venue

Look I have nothing against fanfic myself but if there's one powerful corrective it lacks, it is commercial content editorial feedback.

[–] 10 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Credit where credit is due, this is a decent comeback

[–] 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

They didn't care much for marine life when they abandoned a tugboat, leavnig it to leak fuel and crap into the sea:

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago

they recently got a profile in fucking WaPo

[–] 9 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Rats have reached the "put up stickers to proselytize" stage of their weird religion

[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I bet that jacket is some super-nerdy thing that William Gibson once mentioned in a book

[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Anyone matched the list of names of the dinguses currently wrecking US agencies from the inside with known LW or HN posters?


This season's showrunners are so lazy, just re-using the same old plots and antagonists.


“It is soulless. There is no personality to it. There is no voice. Read a bunch of dialogue in an AI generated story and all the dialogue reads the same. No character personality comes through,” she said. Generated text also tends to lack a strong sense of place, she’s observed; the settings of the stories are either overly-detailed for popular locations, or too vague, because large language models can’t imagine new worlds and can only draw from existing works that have been scraped into its training data.


The grifters in question:

Jeremie and Edouard Harris, the CEO and CTO of Gladstone respectively, have been briefing the U.S. government on the risks of AI since 2021. The duo, who are brothers [...]

Edouard's website:, and on LessWrong:

Jeremie's LinkedIn:

The company website:


HN reacts to a New Yorker piece on the "obscene energy demands of AI" with exactly the same arguments coiners use when confronted with the energy cost of blockchain - the product is valuable in of itself, demands for more energy will spur investment in energy generation, and what about the energy costs of painting oil on canvas, hmmmmmm??????

Maybe it's just my newness antennae needing calibrating, but I do feel the extreme energy requirements for what's arguably just a frivolous toy is gonna cause AI boosters big problems, especially as energy demands ramp up in the US in the warmer months. Expect the narrative to adjust to counter it.


Yes, I know it's a Verge link, but I found the explanation of the legal failings quite funny, and I think it's "important" we keep track of which obscenely rich people are mad at each other so we can choose which of their kingdoms to be serfs in.


Apologies for the link to The Register...

Dean Phillips is your classic ratfucking candidate, attempting to siphon off support from the incumbent to help their opponent. After a brief flare of hype before the (unofficial) NH primary, he seems to have flamed out by revealing his master plan too early.

Anyway, apparently some outfit called "Delphi" tried to create an AI version of him via a SuperPAC and got their OpenAI API access banned for their pains.

Quoth ElReg:

Not even the presence of Matt Krisiloff, a founding member of OpenAI, at the head of the PAC made a difference.

The pair have reportedly raised millions for We Deserve Better, driven in part by a $1 million donation from hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman, who described his funding of the super PAC as "the largest investment I have ever made in someone running for office."

So the same asshole who is combating "woke" and DEI is bankrolling Phillips, supposed to be the new Bernie. Got it.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Anyone else have this problem? It’s been bothering me for a while and is the last thing keeping me using mobile Chrome.

On the login page , after entering username and password, the “login” button does nothing. It might slightly change color but I am not directed to the site logged in, nor do I get an error.

platform: iOS

The username and password are entered automatically via either Firefox’s password store, or iOS’.


Years ago (we're talking decades) I ran into a small program that randomly generated raytraced images (think transparent orbs, lens flares, reflection etc), suitable for saving as wallpapers. It was a C/C++ program that ran on Linux. I've long since lost the name and the source code, and I wonder if there's anything like that out there now?

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