[-] girl@unilem.org 3 points 9 months ago

damn, I woulda posted that instead if I’d seen it lol

[-] girl@unilem.org 3 points 9 months ago

This is Jake Likes Onions!

[-] girl@unilem.org 2 points 10 months ago

The only thing that works for me is listening to movies/shows I’ve seen a couple times. That way it’s familiar enough to not keep me up wondering what happens next, but not so familiar that my thoughts take over.

Just curious, do you have ADHD too?

[-] girl@unilem.org 4 points 10 months ago

Lots of things work like that. It’s called connotation (personal definition and significance), which does not require denotation (an actual definition)

[-] girl@unilem.org 4 points 10 months ago

I really like your comics! I barely understand this one but I’m looking forward to more

[-] girl@unilem.org 5 points 10 months ago

It’s #3 he doesn’t get, not sentence 3. In another comment he mentions believing that accidental pregnancies never happen in his country.

[-] girl@unilem.org 5 points 10 months ago

Super cool! I wish they would explain how they realized it was popcorn specifically though. Not that I doubt their conclusion, I am just curious. To me, that picture looks like, well, weed, but also like normal corn-on-the-cob. Is popcorn-on-the-cob a thing?

[-] girl@unilem.org 2 points 10 months ago

Are you on mastodon? It doesn’t rely on an algorithm, so people feel free to post how they like instead of trying to tailor their posts to draw the most engagement. I’m still on the hunt for good YT and Instagram replacements, I know there are a few but I’ve been more focused on building up my lemmy/mastodon experience for now. I also joined an instance that avoids defederation as much as possible, so I will see more posts from a variety of viewpoints.

As for news/information, Reuters, PEW Research, and C-SPAN are my go-to’s. I recently discovered Improve The News, which I like quite a lot as it provides the perspective from “both sides”.

[-] girl@unilem.org 4 points 10 months ago

I still have more than enough content than I could ever consume in my life, even with eliminating click-bait. There are plenty of people with a wide variety of opinions and viewpoints that are able to convey their messaging without emotional manipulation, tons that I disagree with and/or that provide new perspectives. If you primarily use YouTube, I can see why you would think 99% of people do this, but it’s fairly localized to YT and similar sites.

[-] girl@unilem.org 4 points 10 months ago

Yes, it’s why I generally dislike YouTube. I really don’t appreciate the emotional manipulation. It’s also why I try to find unbiased news sources that don’t editorialize to me, I can’t stand clickbait in any form. I like communities like these that help filter out click-bait garbage and instead promote content that is good on its own, instead of content that relies on emotional manipulation.

[-] girl@unilem.org 5 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I struggle with this too sometimes, from a couple angles. Primarily, I’m worried about how people perceive me. I’ve been practicing not giving a shit what other people think of me for about a decade now, and I’m pretty good, but it doesn’t always work. I have to remind myself that it just doesn’t matter if a stranger disagrees with me, or thinks I’m a fuckwad/idiot/etc, just like my opinion of them doesn’t change their life. We don’t know each other. Their negative opinion of me has no real impact on my life, and holding onto that helps me move past caring about their opinion.

Secondarily, I stress about misinformation/toxic ideas being spread. I pipe up in a lot of discussions about feminism and the patriarchy because I want to clarify misconceptions that a lot of people hold about these issues. But, as far as I know, I’ve never changed someone’s mind, and the effort just brings me down. I have to remind myself it’s not my responsibility to teach someone why they might be wrong. The odds that I would actually succeed are very low, unless the person is genuine and asking questions in good faith.

ETA: lastly, I ask myself how I want to feel today. Do I want this random asshole to ruin my day? I don’t want to give them that power over me. So I work to take back that power and make sure I have a good day in spite of their efforts.

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