[-] gndagreborn@lemmy.world 1 points 20 hours ago

CYA, probably.

[-] gndagreborn@lemmy.world 27 points 3 days ago

You joke, but I recently met a heterosexual conservative couple at a bar in Austin. We were having a great time up until they learned I was gay. Then they implied I was un-American because I am both gay and Asian.

To me, the cold behavior exhibited by the couple was un-American, not my sexual preference.

[-] gndagreborn@lemmy.world 81 points 1 week ago

What a clusterfuck of a HIPAA violation.

Sud-O (lemmy.world)
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by gndagreborn@lemmy.world to c/linuxmemes@lemmy.world

Was watching the live spongebob AI youtube stream.

EDIT: here is the stream if you are interested


[-] gndagreborn@lemmy.world 34 points 4 months ago

I want this as a sticker for my laptop.

[-] gndagreborn@lemmy.world 37 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

FINALLY, something I can meaningfully contribute to.

I could give you a 'boo-hoo' story about how i failed to get into medical school the first time. Well I am. It was absolutely soul-crushing and morale-decimating. It was one of the hardest struggles I've ever had. It threw me into an identity crisis and compounded with my in-progress imposter syndrome in ways that would spark nothing but self-loathing and depression.

For months I agonized and isolated myself in my room until I realized that If I don't try for my own future, no one else can or will. Took a bit of self reflection to realize the fault lied with me. Took me an even longer time to figure out what mistakes killed my application, how, why, and formulate a plan to avoid repetition. The process took me 3 years. I won't tell you exactly how old I am, but people my age are getting married, buying houses, making 6-figure incomes, etc. By contrast, I am barely making minimum wage and banding together couch surfing and splitting rent with my friends.

It's tough not to compare myself to everyone else's situations. This was made worse by the fact my family and friends (maybe 45% of them) constantly shit talk me behind my back. Sometimes wine comes back up the grape-vine. Sometimes it isn't a sweet Rosso. I kept chugging along despite some of my friends and family acting as headwinds against me.

I kept up this process for 3 years, believing that I could actually do it. That maybe one day I won't be earning 10 dollars an hour working 50 hours a week. Most of all, I felt that I had a real purpose and goal to work toward. Medicine.

I am very proud to report to Lemmy that I actually got accepted to 5 different medical schools so far! I felt bad even turning down one offer for another.

How I got over my failure and crisis of identity? Maybe it was ego. Maybe it was my hurt pride. Maybe it was selfishness. Maybe it's because I am too stubborn to take "no" for an answer for something that means so much to me. I choose to believe that I worked hard for it and was able to swallow my pride and keep on chugging along patiently working for the light at the end of the tunnel.

Don't get me wrong, the light at the end of the tunnel is still an on-coming train. Medical school is hell. I realize it is nothing but hard work and suffering. Nothing would make me happier than to go into a field that makes a direct difference in people's lives.

TLDR: Medical school :D -> rejection D: -> depression D: -> epiphany :/ -> hard work :( -> a brighter future perhaps :).

This isn't a general formula or anything. I just haven't been able to talk to anyone about any of this. I feel that emptying out my feelings into the void of the internet might be kind of therapeutic. I never thought I'd share any of my deepest feelings on the internet, let alone reddit. Here, I feel comfortable to do so.

Plant the seed. Keep on watering. As long as the soil you choose to plant isn't salted, you will reap the rewards your past self has sown.

[-] gndagreborn@lemmy.world 82 points 10 months ago

This is absolutely grade A batshit crazy, not just your average dystopian batshit crazy.

[-] gndagreborn@lemmy.world 143 points 10 months ago

I, for one, want to thank Elon Musk for graciously backing up my highly sensitive government ID (that has my birthdate, eye color, height, weight), my biometric data, and likeness! It is such a nice thing to centralize all my most sensitive data into one giant honeypot waiting to meltdown. It is made even more appealing after he fired the entire staff responsible for maintaining this honeypot!

[-] gndagreborn@lemmy.world 44 points 10 months ago

Wonderful, my day is complete. Thank you Alphabet for providing me a choice in which flavor of dystopian nightmare I'd prefer.

[-] gndagreborn@lemmy.world 35 points 10 months ago

I had to get a graphics card for my plex server to handle the number of my friends transcoding because of the Netflix password crackdown.

[-] gndagreborn@lemmy.world 91 points 10 months ago

Thanks for being so transparent with us. Lemmy really does feel like home now to me. I wish the maintainers all the best as they continue to fight the forces of evil.

[-] gndagreborn@lemmy.world 70 points 10 months ago

Reading the article with the letter X in place of Twitter makes me feel like I am reading a pre-generated article with someone forgetting to replace the placeholder with the brand name.

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