[-] golli@lemm.ee 1 points 17 minutes ago* (last edited 15 minutes ago)

Mein Punkt war, dass es bei dem Vorschlag eine Ungleichbehandlung von verschiedenen Asset-Klassen gibt (besonders dem Eigenheim), und ich diese eben nicht nur speziell hier, sondern generell problematisch finde. Da muss der Staat schon konsistent sein.

Und bei der bereits bestehenden Ungleichbehandlung im Rahmen von Sozialleistungen trifft es tatsächlich auch den ärmeren Teil der Bevölkerung und es ist glaube ich keine Randerscheinung.

Da gibt es z.b. beim Bürgergeld ein Schonvermögen von 40k in der Karenzzeit und nachher 15k, aber Wohneigentum kann teilweise trotzdem darunter fallen. Ebenso manche Produkte wie die Riester-Rente.

Und wie benachteiligt das jetzt die armen? Stell dir vor du startest von null und willst anfangen etwas zu sparen, um dich langsam hochzuarbeiten. Aber deine Situation ist leider nicht extrem stabil und du kannst dich auch kein z.b. familiäres Auffangnetz verlassen. Eventuell ist dein Arbeitsplatz in einer unsicheren Branche. Deshalb können Phasen der Arbeitslosigkeit nicht ausgeschlossen werden.

Hättest du ein Haus geerbt, könntest du das eventuell auch durch diese Phasen behalten, hast du aber nicht. Deshalb bleibt dir die Möglichkeit entweder anfangen zu sparen und hoffen, dass der worst Case nicht eintritt und dich wieder auf null zurück wirft, bis du dir irgendwann ein Haus leisten kannst. Dazu brauchst du nämlich eine gewisse Mindestsumme, anders als beim etf-sparplan den du beliebig skalieren kannst (selbst mit 10€/Monat). Oder du investierst in ein ineffizientes Produkt wie die Riester-Rente, bei dem sich Mittelsmänner fleißig die eigenen Taschen voll machen.

Oder du resignierst, sagst dir dass es keinen Sinn macht mehr als ein bisschen zu sparen und konsumierst. Aber dann war es das mit dem ökonomischen Aufstieg.

[-] golli@lemm.ee 2 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

Das klingt ja sehr catchy, aber damit überzeugt du mich null.

Ja es gibt einen Betrag ab dem es nur Geldhorten ist, aber ansonsten sind das einfach zwei in einander umwandelbare Arten von Vermögen. Der nicht Hausbesitzer mit dem Geld im Depot wird das Vermögen trotzdem zum Leben ausgeben, sei es Miete, Krankenversicherung oder Lebensmittel.

Ich kann das Beispiel gerne beliebig abändern und du erklärst mir warum die eine Art von Vermögen so substantiell anders behandelt wird als die andere:

  • Vielleicht sind dir 1 Millionen zuviel im depot, aber das 1mio Eigenheim stört irgendwie nicht. Dann lass uns 200k Haus vs depot daraus machen.

  • Nimm an der eine hat das Geld weil er grade sein Haus verkauft hat, um später woanders zu kaufen. Und der mit Eigenheim hat es gerade bar gekauft.

  • Oder mach es asymmetrisch. Der eine hat 200k auf dem Depot und es reicht in der Gegend für kein Eigenheim, der andere wohnt im abbezahlen 500k Haus.

[-] golli@lemm.ee 2 points 7 hours ago

So a bit like how thematic ETFs are usually not a good investment, because they follow the hype and jump on the bandwagon at a point in time where prices have already run up?

[-] golli@lemm.ee 1 points 10 hours ago

Was aber finde ich in gewisser Weise auch problematisch ist. Warum soll der Besitzer eines 1mio Hauses anders behandelt werden, als der mit 1mio auf dem Depot?

Wobei wir ja diese Ungleichbehandlung schon jetzt in anderen Bereichen haben. Z.b. beim Bürgergeld wo das Eigenheim zum Schonvermögen zählt, das etf depot zur Altersvorsorge aber aufgebraucht werden müsste.

[-] golli@lemm.ee 2 points 13 hours ago

In recent times? Probably to some degree, but not completely.

But I would argue that with stocks it isnt unusual for a small percentage to be the majority driver of gains. Even in smaller funds like the nasdaq100. This certainly holds true over the larger market see e.g. here.

I am sure there was a time where your sentence would have been equally true if you replace Nvidia with Tesla, Apple, Microsoft, Google and so on. At any one time it might depend on only one or a few companies, but those stocks will change and aren't set in stone forever.

[-] golli@lemm.ee 16 points 1 day ago

But are those notifications and pop ups directly saying something like "from now on we will start to train ai on your information"?

Or is is one of the hundredth change of terms and conditions that people usually just skip, which mentions the major change in some fine print. Or a pop up designed with dark patterns to influence people into just accepting without actual informed consent?

[-] golli@lemm.ee 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

Idk waterproofing/resistance is a nice feature to have, even if it's just for the peace of mind. There are more instances where your phone might get wet. Heavy rain, spilling something on it (maybe even in a bag where it'll be exposed to it for longer). Accidentally falling or getting pushed into water.

But I guess mostly the peace of mind aspect e.g. when using it near water. Water damage is an unplanned accident, battery degradation is slow and doesn't have the same risk of suddenly leaving you without a phone (that serves many purposes nowadays). So that is a different kind of risk people want to have some insurance against.

However as someone else said repairability and a decent IP rating don't have to be mutually exclusive.

[-] golli@lemm.ee 18 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Is that the one they recently moved from Moscow to Crimera? First article I found on the topic

If so that didn't take long and is pretty embarrassing.

[-] golli@lemm.ee 7 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Fallout probably got a boost from the new series, that was quite well received.

[-] golli@lemm.ee 98 points 1 week ago

but it’s utterly useless.

That imo has been the issue with VR/AR for a while now. The Hardware as you said is pretty good by now and looking at something like the quest even afforable. What's lacking is content and use cases.

Smartphones had an easier time being adopted, since it was just moving from a larger to a smaller screen. But VR/AR actually needs a new type of content to make use of it's capabilities. And there you run into a chicken/egg problem, where no one is putting in the effort (and vr content is harder to produce) without a large user base.

Just games and some office stuff (that you can do just as well on a regular pc) aren't cutting it. You'd need stuff like every major sport event being broadcast with unique content, e.g. formula one with the ability to put yourself into the driver seat of any car.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by golli@lemm.ee to c/hardware@lemmy.ml

It's always great to learn directly from engineers about their own work, and I found this to be a very informative and entertaining discussion. Tom Petersen really is a great communicator.

[-] golli@lemm.ee 93 points 3 months ago

By banning porn. Out of all the things that could motivate people to search for alternatives, this might be the most durable driving factor.

Outside of that I think it will be a slow decline in quality. Eventually quality content will decrease more and more, and low effort memes and bot content will take over.

[-] golli@lemm.ee 69 points 4 months ago

In my opinion a tax write off should automatically make it public domain.

submitted 8 months ago by golli@lemm.ee to c/nonfiction@literature.cafe

As the title suggests i am looking for book recommendations for someone wanting to learn more in the field of political science.

Either something for a more general overview or on a specific topic would be appreciated.

submitted 10 months ago by golli@lemm.ee to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

As the title says i am currently considering switching away from TrueNAS Scale.

My system has a Celeron N3160, 16gb ram, 2x18tb HDD as a zfs mirror and ssd storage for os

My usecase is mostly just as a local storage and media server with *arr stack and jellyfin.

Some of the reasons why i want to switch:

  • Truenas claims a full drive for the OS, no way to partition off something

  • no automatic updates (i get why it might make sense for stability, but as a basic user i probably value the convenience higher)

  • there've been issues with truecharts breaking the ability to update and the solution seemed to be to just reinstall the applications

  • applications sometimes don't show up on start and i have to restart

Overall i think TrueNAS Scale might be excellent for some, but i am just not quite the target audience. So i just want something simple that works.

Now that Unraid supports ZFS that would be a consideration, but i don't really feel like paying (however i am not completely opposed, if its the best option).

My first idea was Proxmox, but thinking about it a bit more i probably don't need the flexibility and it just adds more levers that need adjusting.

So the current frontrunner would be OpenMediaVault for a simple NAS setup that doesn't need as much flexibility and is low maintainance. I assume the setup would be pretty straight forward and i can just import my truenas zfs pool and install whatever docker applications i want.

My questions would be:

  • Is OpenMediaVault a good choice for me? Or is there anything better?

  • Any up/downsides compared to e.g. something like a simple ubuntu server?

  • Is there anything major that i would miss out on by not going with proxmox?

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