[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 9 points 6 days ago

Run him anyway, see if you can make the dem lose the seat

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 81 points 2 weeks ago

The more I learn, and get invested, about Cuba the worse I feel, because it genuinely feels like that is the AES state most committed to international socialism but it's also going through a very hard time right now. Let's hope multipolarity results in some unembargoable (new word I invented) trade block that Cuba can join.

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 44 points 3 weeks ago

You made the type of statement that is easy to dunk on

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 73 points 3 weeks ago

I'm sure the cubans are very concerned that you find it cringe that they'd lean on the russians against the global hegemon

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 44 points 1 month ago

It's going to be pretty funny when Labour has this much power and shit will still get worse

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 69 points 1 month ago

As someone who's read some of these Oxvord Very Short Introduction books, this is fucking hilarious, they're not fucking manuals

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 40 points 2 months ago

Out of curiosity, do we have any posters in the mega also participating in the university protests?

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 41 points 2 months ago

I didn't know the regime had loyalty day

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 45 points 3 months ago

It's gonna be extremely funny when people find out that it's the Ligma Federation buying all these weapons

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 43 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Elections in portugal today, I'm not looking at exit polls right now but I want to share a funny thing that's happening, there were media reports about people who intended to vote for the center right coalition called "democratic alliance" (AD) accidentally voting for an extra parliamentary even more right wing party called "national democratic alternative" (ADN) because they mistake ADN for AD, it's just silly but apparently its making AD people nervous because there are now several calls by figures from the coalition to RECOUNT THE VOTES THEY'RE STEALING (accidentally) THE VOTES. The national electoral commission already said they're not going to touch the issue today and it'd be pretty funny if the amount of votes lost to this party which isn't even in parliament (and might get in because of this) actually makes a difference in the final outcome.

Personally I think the media is overblowing this.

EDIT: Results are coming in, it's not good folks

EDIT2: Also the media wasn't overblowing the ADN thing they got, like, 100k votes while being completely unknown

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 51 points 4 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I got a question for everyone here, in your country/region/state is the 4 day work week being talked about very often in the media or by center-left political figures?

I ask because for whatever reason this shit has really taken off here in Portugal to the point where they got my old former maoist uncle telling me "you're only going to be working 4 days soon!".

And I mean yeah I'm all for it, except that the way it's being pushed is not with "fuck the bosses we deserve to work less" and an associated mass movement (the communist friendly labour union approves it but they don't have the power alone to do it), it's with very technocratic arguments about productivity increases, sometimes mentioning the human worth of free time and recurring to the handful of limited experiments which are always successful, basically in the logic of "no class war here this is actually good for everyone!", which I don't know if that's true, feels like employers would 100% get fucked with this (unless they get to cut wages or increase work hours).

I already mentioned some of the reasons I'm skeptical this will ever actually be implemented anywhere, but another big one is that here in Portugal it's implicit in this idea of the 4 day work week that it has to be the center-left (often much closer to the center than the left) "socialist" party which has been in power for 9 years (and might get booted in next sunday's elections), and this is crazy because there's no way they would actually do this it doesn't matter how many studies are comissioned saying it's great policy that would favour anyone, like, WE WILL WORK LESS, idk how this can be discussed technocratically yes I'm sure some professions (mine included but probably not my way of working specifically) will 100% probably have increased productivity, but will everyone? To the point where the right and employers actually accept this? I can't see it.

So is the 4 day work week being discussed and debated positively in your country or is it still a fringe left idea?

Edit: Thank you all for the responses!

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 43 points 4 months ago

Local media here is giving huge Ws to the ukranians because of some shit on the black sea, so what's going on are they doing well there? And how does it affect the rest of the front?

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