[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 26 points 1 week ago

I know almost nothing about him but I don't want asmongold to exist

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 25 points 3 weeks ago

It's why they view the USSR as irredeemable and illegitimate because of the blood cost of collectivization but the United Kingdom gets away mostly scot free for what they did to India

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 22 points 3 weeks ago

I legit don't understand paying a monthly tax to watch my shows

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 22 points 3 weeks ago

The only phase I'd take out or rephrase is the "far right drives economy off a cliff", like, I'm pretty sure you can't say meloni is any more of a neoliberal than draghi before her, and she's just continuing to carry out his and the EU's economic plan anyways, and regarding Poland from what I understand the period where PiS was in power was noticeably better economically than the centrist liberals before them just because they weren't as committed to neoliberalism, to the point that a lot of poles reluctance to vote the liberals back despite PiS's rollback of LGBT rights and, in EU-speak, "democratic backsliding" was that the liberals would take away a subsidy system that PiS implemented that helped a lot of people.

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 21 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

In Portugal the turnout for the eu elections was 40%, the 2 centrist ruling parties tied with the center left being slightly ahead which everyone is making a lot of hay about since the center right is governing right now and the former center-left absolute majority government seems to have been couped by the judicial branch, the far right and market radical liberals got 9% each, which is a big decrease from the far right and increase for the liberals (who have a lot of youth vote) compared to the national election a few months ago. The communist party and left block each lost 1 MEP and elected 1 MEP, the pro-war eurocuck green party missed electing anyone by a few thousand votes (which is good because they would've taken the communist's seat), this was after a ton of articles came out reposting a POLITICO hit piece which named the 2 portuguese communist former MEPs as among the "largest friends of Putin" for not voting along with the rest of the EU parliament on several russia-ukraine war related measures and anti-china stuff, and obviously a deluge of bashing from national media.

For people thinking taking a principled anti-war stance is already electorally beneficial I'd say not yet, at least not here in portugal, but we take it because we shouldn't feed the NATO machine.

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 26 points 1 month ago

There have been several reports in super smash brothers (especially mellee) tournaments about people smelling like shit, so much so that people are usually urged to take deodorant nowadays

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 26 points 1 month ago

Honestly, if China doesn't fuck with the taiwanese ruling class by, for example, nationalizing stuff redistributing land etc, they'll probably flip

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 22 points 3 months ago

all these European politicians are so adamant about propping up Ukraine is because so many of them and their parties are implicated in preventing Ukraine from making peace with Russia back in March 2022

tbf that's only a handful of these guys, like definitely Bojo (and the tories) and maybe some german and french politicians (?), most european politicians are in it for love of the game baby

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 28 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

basically dont do reformism

Very unserious, the party has been completely in opposition since 2022, also in my experience most voters supported the budget approval negotiations (the communists were never in government) that characterized the 2015-2019 period and stated that as their reason to support us even if, in total, the PS got the most electoral gain out of it.

If you had to do a simplistic "basically" it would be "basically don't be anti-nato during a nato-russia war" which is what we did, obviously that's out of the question though. Every party except us supports arms shipments to ukraine

You can't imagine how hard it has been to try and get the party to grow or just gather allies when tons of people sincerely believe that we support russia, so losing 30k votes and 1% of vote share isn't surprising. We've always been shunned by the media and had to go directly to people in workplaces and such but this is always hanging over our heads

Been too depressed to post about the elections here but with takes like these I had to.

This all isn't to say that the idea that the party shouldn't have taken that position in 2015 is out of the question, plenty of my comrades take it, just that there's a lot of context lacking here is what I'm saying.

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 26 points 4 months ago

Portugal being so high is so fucking stupid, literally nothing to do with us and we got problems of our own. I think the media blitz was especially effective here because there was for a time a "daily war update" by a ukraine propagandist on one of the major tv stations.

[-] grandepequeno@hexbear.net 22 points 5 months ago

Also I wouldn't siege it, I'd take it immediatly

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