[-] greenskye@beehaw.org 14 points 9 months ago

My experience from watching lockpicking lawyer is that locks are just social niceties that tell others 'please don't go here' and have no real ability to stop anyone who doesn't care. Other than the owner who gets locked out by forgetting their own key of course.

[-] greenskye@beehaw.org 9 points 9 months ago

AI art is derivative work, and claim that the authors of the works used to train the model shall have partial copyright over it too.

To me this is a potential can of worms. Humans can study and mimic art from other humans. It's a fundamental part of the learning process.

My understanding of modern AI image generation is that it's much more advanced than something like music sampling, it's not just an advanced cut and paste machine mashing art works together. How would you ever determine how much of a particular artists training data was used in the output?

If I create my own unique image in Jackson Pollock's style I own the entirety of that copyright, with Pollock owning nothing, no matter that everyone would recognize the resemblance in style. Why is AI different?

It feels like expanding the definition of derivative works is more likely to result in companies going after real artists who mimic or are otherwise inspired by Disney/Pixar/etc and attempting to claim partial copyright rather than protecting real artists from AI ripoffs.

[-] greenskye@beehaw.org 12 points 9 months ago

A photographer does not give their camera prompts and then evaluate the output.

I understand what you're trying to say, but I think this will grow increasingly unclear as machines/software continue to play a larger and larger part of the creative process.

I think you can argue that photographers issue commands to their camera and then evaluate the output. Modern digital cameras have made photography almost a statistical exercise rather than a careful creative process. Photographers take hundreds and hundreds of shots and then evaluate which one was best.

Also, AI isn't some binary on/off. Most major software will begin incorporating AI assistant tools that will further muddy the waters. Is something AI generated if the artist added an extra inch of canvas to a photograph using photoshops new generative fill function so that the subject was better centered in the frame?

submitted 9 months ago by greenskye@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org

I've generally been against giving AI works copyright, but this article presented what I felt were compelling arguments for why I might be wrong. What do you think?

[-] greenskye@beehaw.org 9 points 9 months ago

Companies aren't run to earn profit based on goods and services generated anymore. They are investment vehicles for wealthy VC to use and abuse until they run them into the ground while they jump to the next disposable company. Someday this will result in no effective company existing anymore, but the investors don't care.

If governments were actually functioning they'd recognize this danger and crack down on this behavior because it weakens the country as a whole, but most of the politicians are already bought and paid for.

[-] greenskye@beehaw.org 10 points 9 months ago

Almost like voting with your wallet doesn't actually work. Or only works in same way 'communism' and 'well regulated free market capitalism' concepts work... in theory only.

[-] greenskye@beehaw.org 9 points 10 months ago

It opens a crack to do it again. And again and again. If it didn't hurt them they wouldn't fight it so hard. But I do agree we should be trying for something more comprehensive. That said, I don't think the country is currently capable of doing something like that. We're too broken.

[-] greenskye@beehaw.org 11 points 10 months ago

Not sure about 'eye strain' or sleep quality it whatever, but the lower blue light feels more comfortable to me, which is all I really wanted. I don't actually care about any quantitative health benefits that may or may not exist.

[-] greenskye@beehaw.org 11 points 11 months ago

As an RTS player who only ever plays for the story and does not care about multiplayer at all, new RTS games with a decent story and gameplay are kind of thin on the ground these days.

I can't even play C&C RA2 anymore because I can't get it to run on my PC. Tried several guides, but it refuses to run properly.


These are all products that I legitimately like and want to engage with, but linking them all to a single account and more importantly a shared recommendation engine feels very flawed.

My music playlists from Youtube Music keep showing up on my Youtube homepage. Likewise, engaging with Youtube Shorts (especially subscribing) also subscribes to their youtube channel. I don't know about anyone else, but what I find interesting in a 30 second video is not what I find interesting in a 10-30 minute video.

I feel like Google would be better served separating these recommendation engines. Even looking at this from a monetization lens, it feels inefficient. How do you guys feel? If you have any hacks or recommendations I'd love to hear them. I'm personally ready to create a TikTok account just to avoid contaminating my youtube feed.

[-] greenskye@beehaw.org 13 points 1 year ago

I'm still using discord for basic party chat functions for my small group of friends. As long as that continues to work, I don't care at all about paid memes.

I generally hate that I have to go into other servers because indie games confuse a discord as being a replacement for forums and a wiki

[-] greenskye@beehaw.org 9 points 1 year ago

No. It took me a lot of hard effort to get here with my upbringing. I think parts of it are fine and for the most part regular people practice in ways that aren't harmful to others, but (at least in the US), the entire structure of it is deeply harmful and results in good, decent folk taking actions or supporting others who do real harm.

[-] greenskye@beehaw.org 24 points 1 year ago

From an end user perspective, I want a singular UI to browse all my various Lemmy identities in a cohesive manner. Not logged in on multiple tabs, trying to keep my subscription lists synced or otherwise organized. This is where a good app front end could smooth a lot of user friction out of the process.

[-] greenskye@beehaw.org 16 points 1 year ago

Brand new to lemmy, but this is my take as well. The first account I created was on lemmy.world and then I had to create another to come here. Imagine if Verizon 'defederated' from T-Mobile because of a few bad actors.

The problems are real, but the solutions Lemmy currently seems to offer are going to stifle it's growth before it can truly go big. I can deal with it, but as it currently stands I could never get my friends to join and even if they did, a defederation event happening would kill the concept dead for my more casual friends.

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