The last paragraph is vital. Grab a flatpak of any software you need to be more up to date. Flatpaks running on Debian are amazing. Current software running on a stable base.

I have yet to meet the random animal that I dislike more than the average human.

[-] 25 points 3 weeks ago

That's the least of your worries. Once it reboots, its proprietary spyware...errr...AI...will resume taking screenshots of everything you do.

[-] 10 points 3 weeks ago

Yes, absolutely. But I also wouldn't want to. GUI tools have their issues sometimes. The command line is basically raw compute power.

[-] 16 points 1 month ago

I can't wait for some new bargain Linux machines.

Buying a Mac didn't help.

I was team VLC for certain things it could do, and then I found that MPV could do all those things and more. Crazy how versatile it is.

[-] 14 points 2 months ago

Joke's on you, I ran into some lemon stealing whores yesterday.

[-] 12 points 2 months ago

In some families it is.

Not condoning, just stating. Lol

[-] 22 points 3 months ago

I just can't believe it's gonna be these two losers again. This is our best and brightest?


[-] 71 points 3 months ago

You don't think that person was being ironic? Pretty funny in that case.

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