I’m completely new to SimpleX can someone explain it? Is it a protocol, an app?
I liked it but as someone who was abused by a therapist — man the fact every show is trying to be “therapy positive” is really meaning I have PTSD when watching most TV shows now, it sucks.
- disabilities
- disability
Fucking hell, I ain’t allowed to be disabled anymore?
Wenn man daran FDP und BSW hinzufügt ist es 60 Prozent für die Rechts.
Not really, it’s somewhere between alcohol and nicotine in terms of addictivness. Slightly more than alcohol, slightly less than nicotine.
Is cocaine legal in Colombia?
51 Prozent AFD + CDU 🤢
I like this — it reminds me of Basquiat’s for some reason.
Thank god they aren’t imperialists colonising the entirety of europe anymore…
Yeah the problem is that these narratives even though they are powerful — are often silenced by tech companies.