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[–] hesusingthespiritbomb@lemmy.world 25 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) (3 children)

Honestly it seems like the actual amount of pedophiles available to murder massively outstrips the demand of pedophiles to murder, and the end result is that people just expand the definition to the point where it's becoming meaningless.

Over the past few years, I've seen pedophilia used in the following contexts. The list gets more ridiculous as you go down:

  • Middle aged men "dating" adult teenage sex workers
  • Middle aged men "dating" adult sex workers in their early 20s
  • 18 year olds meeting up with 15 year olds they met online
  • A 17 year old discord mod talking with a 14 year old how they're attracted to each other, but the age difference might make it unethical
  • 18 year olds dating 16 year olds
  • Drag Queens having story hours at the library
  • Men in their early thirties dating women in their early 20s.
  • Men in their mid thirties dating women in their mid to late twenties
  • Queer people in general

It feels like this "kill a pedo" routine is just gonna be used by people to go after regular people by assholes looking for blood.

I was in college when this happened. Absolutely nobody thought he could win until Florida was called. Trump himself seemed mildly surprised in his victory speech.

I've worked in a few.

I could understand if each department had massive budgets that were spent in an idiotic manner due to inexperienced and incompetent leads.

I could understand it each department got less than the bare minimum, resulting in a final product that was mediocre despite strong individual contributors.

What I don't understand is this mentality "hey let's spend $200 million on this new TV Show, but only 2 million on the writing staff."

[–] hesusingthespiritbomb@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Okay but they should recognize the concept of ROI and diminishing returns. An accountant should be perfectly capable of realizing that that after a certain point it makes sense to spend money hiring more writers versus bigger name actors or CGI.

[–] hesusingthespiritbomb@lemmy.world 9 points 1 day ago (4 children)

I get what you're saying but instilling fucked up religious values in a kid is a completely different thing than marrying off a sixteen year old to a middle aged man.

[–] hesusingthespiritbomb@lemmy.world 34 points 1 day ago (7 children)

I have no idea why streaming companies will spend like 10 million dollars per episode, and then spend the absolute minimum on writing staff.

Like, they have the data on what everyone watches. They have to know that some mid 2000s content with worse visuals but better writing is beating a ton of their flashy new IPs. Yet they'll still insist on spending insane cash on something that will completely fade into the background in like a year max.

[–] hesusingthespiritbomb@lemmy.world 83 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Honestly this is sort of ridiculous.

  • Biden is a Washington insider now, but that's because he had a lifetime to make something of himself. He grew up in the middle class
  • I think we can all agree Obama was an outsider without any sort of elaboration
  • Bill Clinton grew up dirt poor in a state that basically only makes the news when something stupid happens.

All three had to climb the ladder in a huge way, that simply wouldn't have been possible in a lot of other countries.

I also feel like Trump embodies the whole "anyone can be president" in his own sort of fucked up way. Trump obviously was born into immense wealth and enjoyed tremendous status, but he was in no way ever considered leadership material by America's political elite. His election was a complete "wtf" moment and wouldn't have happened in most countries. In a more rigid system we'd probably have had something like a Hillary Clinton v Jeb Bush election, which strictly speaking would have been better than what we got but also let's be real we would have all hated it.

I'm not saying America is some pure meritocracy. Bush was a third generation political dynasty member. His opponents were also pretty well connected. It's just that he's only one of several presidents to get elected in the past 30 years.

[–] hesusingthespiritbomb@lemmy.world 27 points 1 day ago (7 children)

I want to offer another perspective.

I knew someone who got married at 16. The groom was 18, they both came from religious families, and they ended up divorcing at like 22, which was basically a few months after they moved to a liberal area on the west coast.

I don't think any sane person would call this grooming. At no point was I given the impression that the husband in this situation was abusive. However the situation was fundamentally fucked in a way that was unfair for both parties. My friend felt pressured to be a homemaker while still in high school, while her ex felt even more pressure to be a provider despite having no real emotional or financial capacity for doing so. They also both tried to make it work much longer than they should have, which inflicted a further set of scars.

We live in a world fundamentally more complex than what the average person had to experience 100 years ago. We don't let teenagers do things like buy alcohol or smoke cigarettes. It is almost expected that 18 - 21 year olds in the US will be on some major level dependent on their parents.

Even in cases where there isn't abuse, we shouldn't be letting minors get married. It is just an unfair position to put both parties in.

I get everyone hates Elon but SpaceX is primarily run by someone extremely competent who does a good job at keeping him out of most of it.

It's frustrating seeing the dichotomy between how the FAA handles Boeing versus SpaceX.

The FAA more or less rubber stamped Boeing for years. A lot of "FAA inspections" were just Boeing inspections that the FAA signed off on at the end. They've made some moves to fix that after the 737 Max debacle, but are still dragging their feet. For example reports came out that Boeing managers were rushing planes to completion before the strike, and the FAA didn't really do shit about it.

Meanwhile with SpaceX they seem to have this "leave no stone unturned" mentality.

From an outsiders perspective, the FAA's willingness to do their job seems to be very variable in a way that makes me wonder if there aren't ulterior motives.

I love how every major bank came together to create an alternative to Venmo, but somehow it's objectively worse. It's not like Venmo is this grand fountain of quality either.

I'm pretty sure the subtitle of this article was altered since the initial release. The first one was something like "I feel worse now that I'm not being catcalled, and I hate the patriarchy for making me feel that way".

Her articles generally consisted of some valid points on feminism mixed with absolutely outrageous statements and claims. The latter was intentionally designed to offend, because the mid 2010s was the peak ragebait era for news.

As a sidenote I think a huge portion of toxicity in the culture war is just bad faith actors trying to use it to make a profit.

[–] hesusingthespiritbomb@lemmy.world 8 points 2 days ago (1 children)

The uncomfortable truths I was referring to was a culture of anti male sexism in parts of the democratic party, as well as a consistent minimization of issues affecting young men.x


5 YOE. Not looking, but also getting no real interest. Also haven't updated my linkedin in a good while.

Any other experiences?

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