Get Noted: WinGet is not only available for Windows Pro.
WinGet the Windows Package Manager is available on Windows 11, modern versions of Windows 10, and Windows Server 2025 as a part of the App Installer. The App Installer is a System Component delivered and updated by the Microsoft store on Windows Desktop versions, and via Updates on Windows Server 2025.
Ein Bundesminister, der von seiner Partei nicht die nötige Unterstützung erhält, um Vorsitzender zu werden, wird zwei Jahre später als Kanzlerkandidat aufgestellt, weil man keinen besseren hat. lol.
Get Noted: WinGet is not only available for Windows Pro. WinGet the Windows Package Manager is available on Windows 11, modern versions of Windows 10, and Windows Server 2025 as a part of the App Installer. The App Installer is a System Component delivered and updated by the Microsoft store on Windows Desktop versions, and via Updates on Windows Server 2025. Source: