
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Chiming in with my own find!

I've seen this person around a lot with crazy takes on AI. They have a couple quotes that might inflict psychic damage:

If I had the skill to pull it off, a Buddhist cultivation book would've thus been the single most rationalist xianxia in existence.

My acquaintance asks for rational-adjacent books suitable for 8-11 years old children that heavily feature training, self-improvement, etc. The acquaintance specifically asks that said hard work is not merely mentioned, but rather is actively shown in the story. The kid herself mostly wants stories "about magic" and with protagonists of about her age.

They had a long diatribe I don't have a copy of, but they were gloating about having masterful writing despite not reading any books besides non-fiction and HPMoR, their favorite book of all time.

There's also a whole subreddit from hell about this subgenre of fiction:

[–] 13 points 1 month ago

"help artists with tasks such as animating a custom character or using the character as a model for clothing etc"

The "deepfake" and "(uncensored)" in the repo description have me questioning that ever so slightly

[–] 9 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Oh whoops, I should have archived it.

There were about 7 images posted of users roleplaying with bots, all ending with a bot response that cut off halfway with an error message that read "This content may violate our policies; blablabla; please use the report button if you believe this is a false positive and we will investigate." The last one was some kind of parody image making fun of the warning.

Most of them were some kind of romantic roleplay with bad spelling. One was like, "i run my hand down your arm and kiss you", and the bots response triggered the warning. Another one was like, "*is slapped in the face* it's okay, I still love you" and the rest of the message generated a warning. There wasn't enough context for that one, so the person might have been writing it playfully (?), but that subreddit has a lot of blatant sexual violence regardless.

[–] 11 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (8 children)

This community pops up on /r/all every so often and each time it scares me.

Sometimes I see kids games (and all games really) have ultra-niche, super-online protests that are like "STOP Zooshacorp from DESTROYING K-Smog vs. Batboy Online", and when I look closer it's either even more confusing or it's about something people didn't like in the latest update. This is like that, but with an awful twist where it's about people getting really attached to these AI girlfriend/sex roleplay apps. The spelling and sentences make it seem like it's mostly kids, too.

edit: here's a terrible example!

[–] 17 points 1 month ago (13 children)

Oh no. Kurzgesagt just published a full-on TREACLES piece.

These are the sources they cited:

Open Philanthropy is a sponsor of kurzgesagt. The foundation is supporting academic work across the field of Artificial Intelligence, and some of the sources used to create this script (from OpenAI, Future of Humanity Institute, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Future of Life Institute and Epoch AI) also receive financial support from Open Philanthropy.

Open Philanthropy had no influence on the content and messages of this video.

I'm sure!

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

It's been 3 days, my hope that this is real is fading :(

Musk will always own that hilariously disturbing baby roleplay Twitter alt though

[–] 6 points 1 month ago

This is really cool!

I was just thinking it would be cool to have something like RES's 'Previously Read' feature that only shows the new comments, and everything else is darkened or collapsed. This does a similar thing though and it's great for these weekly threads

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

I love this but I don't know if I have the same royal Grape Fanta energy in me. I think I'm on one of the alternate themes but I like #333333

[–] 13 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Oh god, this is a coincidence:

Kerbal Space Program 2 has been going through some drama as developers are speaking out about what went wrong during the project. This person wrote a long thread arguing against them. I'm not familiar with professional game dev so I can't really weigh in on if this is a good take or not.

But I have the author tagged as a tankie (no idea if that's accurate), but someone pointed out they also moderate /r/DefendingAIArt. This guy has been absolutely awful in the past so I'm not that surprised, but still a little surprised with the overlap.

[–] 11 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

This is hilarious, thank you for digging this up. I love how they're just co-opting completely wrong words (wow, why does that sound familiar?) like "anti" and "fundamentalist orthodox" to describe the people they don't like

There's another one called "ArtistHate", but I was surprised it's actually a pro-artist subreddit.

If you want another fun read, check out Adobe's 'Stock Contributors' AI artist forum. I found it by accident, and it's full of people struggling so, so hard to understand why their puppy photos with missing limbs or physically impossible landscapes aren't accepted. Any time someone "asks for clarification" on the submission rules I swear you can tell what the issue is at a glance but they're stumped over it.

Like, what is this person even trying to do??? Why do people feel the need to regurgitate responses from ChatGPT for no reason. Why are they even submitting AI art to Adobe Stock at all. Are they even getting paid? These are the same people who like those photos of snowboarding babies and have to reply "thank you" to every post on their Facebook feed because they think it was personally sent to them.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

I'm not familiar with Indian politics but I'm curious if anyone understands what this site is or what its politics are (I'm just nosy and curious, I saw this pop up out of nowhere)

Though maybe I already have an idea:

[–] 22 points 1 month ago (7 children)

I think some people are from hell

Here is the worst thing I didn't have to read today from a transhumanist:

Yes but laws are often outpaced, presumably having your dog walk in and say he liked it is a pretty good reason to have your bestiality charge thrown out and perhaps move on to the discrimination countersuit.


Also this may have historic reasons, as the first futa was drawn centuries ago, long before the technology that enabled transgenderism, with breasts being the key difference.

Bonus round:


What percentage of homeless people do you think would be worthwhile having as slaves? Many of them are broken people who can't reasonably support themselves in their current state, nor do anything to fix it.

This is vaguely similar to my idea for how to fix homelessness, build a community for them on a large scale, either state or national, where property is cheap and low skill jobs are abundant. Then you build a prison there, and everyone guilty of a 'crime of homelessness' such as trespassing, illegal camping, stealing food, etc. Then they get put in jail for a few days, probably put through some level of rehab, given basic medical care, and eventually a job for the massive debt they've just wracked up. What work it would be is the hard question, but the benefits to everyone else would pay for them to dig holes to fill back in if needed. Maybe have them sort recycling or something.

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