[-] ipkpjersi@lemmy.ml 6 points 1 hour ago

Based on current findings of the investigation, the attack was contained within the Corporate IT environment and there is no evidence that the threat actor gained access to our product environment or customer data.

If it were a company other than TeamViewer I'd probably believe them, but since it's TeamViewer, they could just as easily be lying since they have lied in the past about breaches IIRC.

[-] ipkpjersi@lemmy.ml 42 points 2 days ago

People generally recommend Debian-based distributions because they tend to be more popular, have more applications designed first and foremost to work on them, and tend to have the most community support because they are more popular.

[-] ipkpjersi@lemmy.ml 4 points 2 days ago

If I had to guess, the meme was probably made by someone who likely has English as a secondary language. I doubt there was any disrespect intended.

[-] ipkpjersi@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 days ago

Now THAT'S the economy.

[-] ipkpjersi@lemmy.ml 39 points 2 days ago

Not surprising at all.

In other news, GTA Online is awesome! I am definitely not a plant or anything like that, go check out GTA Online!

Or something like that.


[-] ipkpjersi@lemmy.ml 5 points 3 days ago

Private companies do the same, often going as far as to have whistleblowers executed. People (and especially organizations) protect their interests, even (or especially) at the expenses of others lives.

[-] ipkpjersi@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 days ago

Thanks for the advice! I'll be sure to keep it in mind :)

[-] ipkpjersi@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 days ago

As someone planning on visiting there in a year or two, do you have any advice?

[-] ipkpjersi@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 days ago

As someone planning on going in a year or two, this is really good advice. Thank you.

[-] ipkpjersi@lemmy.ml 8 points 4 days ago

I thought this said geeks not greeks and then I got confused. That's wild, in North America some companies are pretending to want 4 day work weeks (like my old one that laid me off last year) and then in Greece they've actually gone ahead and implemented 6 day work weeks. Reminds me of China's 966 except this is actually legal apparently.

[-] ipkpjersi@lemmy.ml 8 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Well, now I'm even more glad I got the HPV vaccine (I got the one for 9 types), damn.

I always thought it'd be possible that getting HPV could lead to a penile amputation like maybe in insanely rare cases, but holy fuck that 6500 seems like a large number to think about when you consider that 1 is too many.

[-] ipkpjersi@lemmy.ml 12 points 6 days ago

So all it takes is a screen presumably dome shaped to prevent something like this from happening? Damn, companies are unforgivable, they should seriously be charged with murder.

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