
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 1 year ago

I can understand English not being your native language, and it doesn't really matter if one doesn't speak a language well, as long as he/she honestly makes an effort to communicate.

BUT, "imma hop to another distro" is pushing peoples patience a little too much, don't you think?

Gentoo turned to crap ever since they decided to adopt IBM's trojan horse, elogind, and abandon consolekit2 and seatd which are active and adequate alternatives. But IBM must be paying well the heads of some distributions so they can become their little puppets.

If using openshot is the reason to use linux, are you aware it is offered for windows 11 too?

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Now wait a damn minute. It is not just the working class that owes loans for schooling, one may say the lowest economic class in the US made the least use of student loans, it is the middle class that benefitted the most. Kids that got out of public school and went straight to work, either in factory, construction, etc. made very little use of those loans. On the other hand some who did get loans may have used them as capital to escape work and are now well off, just didn't feel like paying.

The populist right invested in this reality and got a significant part of the real working class who never saw a student loan to "rightfully" say if you are going to donate 30-50.000 to others why not give me just as much too?

The neoliberal nightmare (Biden) as brother/comrade Manning Marable called him (in contradiction to the "neo-fascist disaster" Trump) invested in appealing to this lower middle class of managerial stuff and their kids, to give them a gift so he can get elected. And he did probably on this promise for a gift himself. He may have known it wouldn't legally make it all the way so it was a cheap promise to make. Who knows what's next from this war-monger constitution abolitionist (covid violations of constitutional human rights).

The 1.2 trillion of fake dollars printed and distributed wasn't illegal, corporations sucked it all up, but loan wavers are, because they are not for everyone's benefit.

EDIT: To go to a short term trade school to get a license or certificate within months (such as CDL driver's license) only costs a few thousands in loans and mostly the payments of were made sortly after by an employer. To go through university and graduate education loans could easily reach 50+ k$, for which an MBA could graduate, start an Inc. consulting/accounting/financing and as a person can have unpaid loans while their business could be bringing millions. Truck driver got 3000, and it was paid 6-9mos after first job. Golf-club life member owes $100k with penalties and interest and doesn't care, it was government guaranteed and nobody is chasing to throw him in prison.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Carters' peanuts :)

Nutritious is very relative to industrialized food production. The most nutritious natural products are perceived as wild and are not objects of agriculture. Basically the objects of agriculture were selected on the ease of reproduction, not their nutritious value, or their cost. It just so happened that those that were easy to plant and grow were the leanest in quantity and complexity of nutrients. Many of the most nutritious seeds, fruits, and vegetables are becoming extinct with the elimination of natural forests. Planted forests would take thousands of years to stabilize as ecosystems (if ever) and be concidered sustainable food sources.

Cheap means the industry hasn't been able to monopolize, but labor is very exploitable (see bannana republics, tea and coffee plantations). It also means the quantities produced have saturated the markets and the product is in abundance (wheat, corn, soy,..).

Delicious ... only N.Europeans (and their N.Am. Oceania descendants) would consider eating a single element alone and judge it by taste. The rest of the world eat what they can get, spice it up, mix it, and make taste a final product of a mixture of things with a labor intensive process of preparing it. The dairy industry (waste of nutritients and exponentially waste of land use) and the sugar industry (it should have been banned under substance abuse addictive product that is a health hazzard as well) have blurred what "delicious" really means. Take as an example banana split ice cream, there is little nutritious value, if not harmful as a whole, made of three industrial products that maximize labor exploitation. If it wasn't for capitalism nobody in their right mind would have come up with this one. It only exists because of capitalism.

Nutrition has been a dead end disaster since its early days of being industrialized.


Linux is a branch of development of the old unix class of systems. Unix is not necessarily open and free. FOSS is what is classified as open and free software. Unix since its inception was deeply linked to specific industrial private interests, let's not forget all this while we examine the use of linux by left minded activists. FOSS is nice and cool, but it is nearly 99.99% run on non-open and non-free hardware. A-political proposals of crowd-funding and diy construction attempts have led to ultra-expensive idealist solutions reserved for the very few and the eccentric affluent experimenters

Linux vs Windows is cool and trendy, is it? Really is it alone containing any political content? If there is such what is it? So let's examine it from the base.

FOSS, People, as small teams or individuals "producing as much as they can and want" offering what they produced to be shared, used, and modified by anyone, or "as much as they need". This is as much of a communist system of production and consumption as we have experienced in the entirety of modern history. No exchange what so ever, collective production according to ability and collective consumption according to need.

BUT we have corporations, some of them mega-corps, multinationals who nearly monopolize sectors of computing markets, creating R&D departments specifically to produce and offer open and free code (or conditionally free). Why? Firstly because other idiots will join their projects and offer further development (labor), contribute to their projects, for "free", but they still retain the leadership and ownership of the project. Somehow, using their code, without asking why they were willing to offer it in the first place, it is cool to use it as long as we can say we are anti/against/ms-win free.

Like false class consciousness we have fan-boys of IBM, Google, Facebook, Oracle, Qt, HP, Intel, AMD, ... products against MS.

Back when unix would only run on enterprise ultra-expensive large scale systems and expensive workstations (remember Dec, Sun, Sgi, .. workstations that were priced similarly to 2 brand new fast sportscars each) and the PC market was restricted to MS or the alternative Apple crap, people tried and tried to port forms of unix into a PC. Some really gifted hacking experts were able to achieve such marvels, but it was so specific to hardware that the examples couldn't be generalized and utilized massively.

Suddenly this genious Finn and his friends devised a kernel that could make most PC hardware available work and unix with a linux kernel could boot and run.

IBM saw eventually a way back into the PC market it lost by handing dos out to the subcontractors (MS), and saw an opportunity to take over and steer this "project" by promoting RedHat. After 2 decades of behind the scenes guidance since the projected outcome was successful in cornering the market, IBM appeared to have bought RH.

Are we all still anti-MS and pro-IBM,google,Oracle,FB,Intel/AMD?

The bait thrown to dumb fish was an automated desktop that looked and behaved just like the latest MS-win edition.

What is the resistance?

Linus Trovalds and a few others who sign the kernel today make 6figure salaries ALL paid by a handful of computing giants that by offering millions to the foundation control what it does. Traps like rust, telemetry, .. and other "options" are shoved daily into the kernel to satisfy the paying clients' demands and wishes.

And we, in the left are fans of a multimilioner's "team" against a "trilioner's" team. This is not football or cricket, or F1. This is your data in the hands of multinationals and their fellow customer/agencies. Don't forget which welfare system maintains the hierarchy of those industries whether the market is rosy or gray. Do I need to spell out the connection?

Beware of multinationals bearing gifts.

Yes there are healthier alternatives requiring a little more work and study to employ, the quick and easy has a "cost" even when it is FOSS.
