[-] jaaval@sopuli.xyz 1 points 9 months ago

In this case it really seems this windows convention is bad though. It is uninformative. And abbreviations mandate understanding more file extensions for no good reason. And I say this as primarily a windows user. Hiding file extensions was always a bad idea. It tries to make a simple reduced UI in a place where simple UI is not desirable. If you want a lean UI you should not be handling files directly in the first place.

Example.zip from the other comment is not a compressed .exe file, it's a compressed archive containing the exe file and some metadata. Windows standard tools would be in real trouble trying to understand unarchived compressed files many programs might want to use for logging or other data dumps. And that means a lot of software use their own custom extensions that neither the system nor the user knows what to do with without the original software. Using standard system tools and conventions is generally preferable.

[-] jaaval@sopuli.xyz 2 points 9 months ago

It was a private company back then so I don’t think there is financial info available. But at least it seems that the reports they filed for IPO indicated they had made loss for a few years prior.

[-] jaaval@sopuli.xyz 0 points 9 months ago

The problem with patron model is that most people don’t want to pay for something they might get some time in the future. We have tried things like gofundme and it generally has been a disappointment. Patron models works for some things, like I might pay for an entertaining content creator to keep making content, at least if the stuff isn’t also available for free, but games are not like that. It’s generally considered stupid to pay in advance for games and seeing how expensive making big games is it would require millions of people being stupid per game.

In the end the patron model in game development would mean mostly big well established companies could make money. Who would pay for an unknown new company with no well established track record? Investors wouldn’t because there would be no return later. Only idiot users would.

[-] jaaval@sopuli.xyz 1 points 9 months ago

No, you were given a piece of a worthless token by the mining pool. If you ever want to get anything with that worthless token somebody else has to lose money. That somebody makes the bet that another somebody will be an idiot and lose more money so he can get his back.

[-] jaaval@sopuli.xyz 1 points 9 months ago

Where did you get the idea that Android phones have longer battery life? iPhones usually do very good in battery life comparisons. Usually you have to go ~20% larger battery on an android device to get the same battery life as an iphone. Of course if you look at just the top charts you get a number of large Android phones with like 7000mAh batteries, which are by far not the norm.

For example by my quick sample of three reviews your one plus nord seems to roughly match iPhone13 battery life but lose to iPhone 14.

I'd say this is actually one reason people buy iPhones. With Apple they can trust that power usage has been implemented well. With Android phones some of them have good battery life and some don't. Even within one brand.

[-] jaaval@sopuli.xyz -2 points 9 months ago

Let me install my own third party apps w/o the App store (I know altstore exists, but needing to renew apps every few days is super janky). If I spend my money on a device, I should be allowed to put whatever I want on it, however I want. Let me, the consumer accept the risks of doing so.

I'm honestly a bit divided on this. Like yes, freedom is great, but the Apple app monopoly, for all its faults, does one good thing and it's the fact that all the software is easily available in one place and I am not forced to install multiple app stores to search trough to find what I'm looking for. It turns out that while I like to tinker with personalized Linux installs on my computers, on my phone I just want it to work as quickly and easily as possible without having to figure things out.

I would like an easier way to compile your own app packages for the phone though.

[-] jaaval@sopuli.xyz 1 points 1 year ago

Unfortunately, realistically speaking there are no users here to suck. In a few days of existence threads already grew ten times bigger than all the fediverse combined.

[-] jaaval@sopuli.xyz 2 points 1 year ago

13700k seems to be similarly priced now compared to 7900x.

AMD slashed prices due to poor sales of zen4, 7700x used to be more aligned to 13700k pricing than 13600k. Before that Intel was actually usually the better choice between the two.

[-] jaaval@sopuli.xyz 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Now, let's be clear, RISC-V is a loose definition of an instruction set. It's free in the sense that you don't need a license to design a CPU that uses it. However the actual CPU designs are no more free than any other ISA, they will be closely guarded IP of the companies that design them.

Also, since RISC-V includes a minimal base set (truly minimal of like 50 instructions that doesn't even implement multiplication and division) and a large number of optional extensions and freedom to create new extensions, software compiled to one RISC-V processor doesn't necessarily run on another. Hence, "ecosystem" people talk about might not happen.

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