[-] jadedwench@lemmy.world 1 points 2 hours ago

There are other endings you can get for her. Everything will be ok. Karlach is the best flaming teddy bear ever.

[-] jadedwench@lemmy.world 1 points 2 hours ago

It is really frustrating because the spoiler tags are kind of client dependent I think. I just use the spoiler tag formatting button in Sync, but I know there is some fuckery where it doesn't work everywhere, or another client uses a different tag.

[-] jadedwench@lemmy.world 6 points 10 hours ago

I had to change mine to mac address naming on my proxmox server after the second time the name changed due to a GPU or SSD being added. It was kind of like, so what, if an SSD dies suddenly or I have some issue with a device you are going to rename my fucking nic card again while I am trying to troubleshoot? Absolutely deranged.

[-] jadedwench@lemmy.world 7 points 11 hours ago

I did my first playthrough as Karlach and romanced Gale for shiggles. After he abandoned her at the end. >!You know. Her last night alive before burning to death.!< Yeah. You can bet I left his ass in the portal the next time.

[-] jadedwench@lemmy.world 4 points 11 hours ago

I attempted a maiden less run, and it made the game world a lot more enjoyable. Even on a normal playthrough I forget about Torrent half the time. I like running around exploring. I suck at fighting on a mount anyways. I rarely remembered to ride a horse in Breath of the Wild too.

[-] jadedwench@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

I will have to give it a shot, though I am still pessimistic. I was kind of turned off by the whole Pocket or whatever advertisement thing it wanted to enable. Vivaldi has been fine for me so far.

[-] jadedwench@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

I at least got one of those little cheap half size ironing boards that I can hide by the dryer. I iron special occasion clothes and that one silk shirt I love to straighten the button strip whatever if it is egregious... Otherwise it sits unused 99.5% of the year.

[-] jadedwench@lemmy.world 7 points 3 days ago

I know right? I have seen seen vision systems do some impressive things, but they are carefully calibrated to work in a specific way under certain conditions. Some of the ones my company works with get fed CAD in real time so the robot knows what to look for.

[-] jadedwench@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

That's the thing. I use Google Pay for 90% of the places I go and that isn't something I am willing to give up. Also, it looks like Amex isn't supported either. Google does 7 years of updates now.

[-] jadedwench@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

My guess? Probably a mix of Google Evil (true), and not understanding you are talking about Pixels.

I switched to Pixels after the whole Note 7 debacle. I even have the Note 7 t-shirt Best Buy gave out for those of us with pre-orders. It was really really shitty timing as I was traveling a lot for work and I am trying to remember if I even had a backup phone to use. I may have already traded my old phone in at the time, but had something in a drawer I could use.

Evil Corp be damned, my phone just works. It doesn't lag. The pictures are awesome. Screen is nice. I just need all of this AI assistant shit to go away. I got it to STFU about it at least and my phone can go back to being a phone. Gemini can rot.

[-] jadedwench@lemmy.world 5 points 5 days ago

I haven't done it in ages as I have a Pixel, but the norm used to be go to XDA Developers. Everything you need should be there. Guides, reputable links, etc.

[-] jadedwench@lemmy.world 4 points 6 days ago

Empty on Sync.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/16255474

This might be too close to "advertising", so remove if you like. I get 0 money or anything. Just wanted to reach out to those who may not know this exists.

If you happen to live in the Buffalo, NY area, the next Massive LAN event is coming up real soon and there are still plenty of seats available. Massive LAN is held in Winter and Summer, so you can always join another time. Basically, you get your own table, power strip, and an Ethernet drop. Just bring yourself, computer, chair, and whatever sleeping gear you may need. Family friendly (enough) to bring any kiddos who like to game as well.

There is plenty of room to walk around and hang about in, so don't worry too much about being overwhelmed by a crowded space. If you do end up getting tickets and want to be grouped with other specific people, just put the same guild name as them on the form.


submitted 3 weeks ago by jadedwench@lemmy.world to c/gaming@lemmy.ml

This might be too close to "advertising", so remove if you like. I get 0 money or anything. Just wanted to reach out to those who may not know this exists.

If you happen to live in the Buffalo, NY area, the next Massive LAN event is coming up real soon and there are still plenty of seats available. Massive LAN is held in Winter and Summer, so you can always join another time. Basically, you get your own table, power strip, and an Ethernet drop. Just bring yourself, computer, chair, and whatever sleeping gear you may need. Family friendly (enough) to bring any kiddos who like to game as well.

There is plenty of room to walk around and hang about in, so don't worry too much about being overwhelmed by a crowded space. If you do end up getting tickets and want to be grouped with other specific people, just put the same guild name as them on the form.


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joined 1 year ago