[-] jantin@lemmy.world 82 points 5 months ago

Whether pro-Israeli bots like it or not, numerous acts by IDF do fit perfectly into descriptions of the acts forbidden by the convention. Even if the case is eventually dismissed it will be on technical grounds such as "it's actually a war crime not a genocide" not because "IDF did nothing wrong".


Imagine the following scenario: On the 9th of January 2024 in the morning we wake up to news that President of the USA Joe Biden suffered a stroke and died in White House. The administration confirms that the death was entirely natural and no third party contributed to it. Even before the news reach all TV stations another one breaks: Former president of the USA Donald Trump has suffered a cardiac arrest and died in his residence in Mar a Lago. Early reports claim that the site was secure and no malicious actor could reasonably reach Mr. Trump so the death is most likely natural.

What happens then?

[-] jantin@lemmy.world 79 points 6 months ago

I'm not American, can someone explain why Biden does this when his "one job" for 2024 is to not look like a fash?

[-] jantin@lemmy.world 54 points 7 months ago

With one notable exception: report, inform and spread news about Swedish metalworker union strike against Tesla.

submitted 9 months ago by jantin@lemmy.world to c/vegan@lemmy.world

Do you have any tips for Nordic-style vegan recipes? I know that Nordic countries (or at least big cities) are nowadays as cosmopolitan as it gets and the typical Swedish vegan dish is falafel kebab with fries, but I'd like to explore the "traditional" Swedish/Norwegian/Danish tastes while avoiding the omnipresent fish, other sea animals, dairy...

[-] jantin@lemmy.world 114 points 9 months ago

The hubris of thinking that a random driver-exploiting app is some kind of godsend utility and we'll be scared of losing it.

At this point the old school taxi companies have their apps too, you're not the cool kid anymore, uber

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by jantin@lemmy.world to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

As far as I understand how things like facebook or reddit work they:

  1. offer an unpaid service to mass consumer

  2. harvest data of the people who use the service

  3. offer paid advertisement space to companies

  4. companies buy advertising because the vast data promise precise targeting

  5. precisely targeted ads convert into sales for companies

  6. the ROI (profit gained to cost of ads) when buying social media ads is greater than ROI on tv or whatever other ads

  7. social media expand on the profits gained from ad space sold to companies

  8. social media corp announces a brand new feature and we return to point 1)

Which step is the closest to breaking? Where are limits of growth and who hits them first? Is there a cap on marketing budgets beyond which companies won't afford social media ads and tech corps won't afford expansion and maintenance? A cap on how much data (=how precise ads) can they harvest from us? A lower threshold of general wealth below which ads won't convert into more profit because people are too poor? A breaking point of enshittification at which user count (=ad visibility) plummets?

The recent apeshit of tech companies after the raised interest rates made me feel that the entire thing is quite fragile and ripe for falling... But I'm not a financial advice so maybe I'm completely clueless.


An overwhelming majority of what we eat is made from plants and animals. This means that composition of our almost entire food is chemicals from the realm of organic chemistry (carbon-based large molecules). Water and salt are two prominent examples of non-organic foodstuffs - which come from the realm of inorganic chemistry. Beside some medicines is there any more non-organic foods? Can we eat rocks, salts, metals, oxides... and I just don't know that?

[-] jantin@lemmy.world 68 points 11 months ago

Was there a massive behind-the-scenes NWO plan between billionnaires, old aristocracy and top politicians to fuck up the world, reduce population etc? No, the world ran its natural, chaotic course for most of history.

Is there this kind of conspiracy now?


In 2023 it is not possible to have any influence and not be aware of the climate disaster. Anyone who does have big influence and does not act to mitigate warming and its consequences is doing it willingly and with full conscience. Doubly so if they act to worsen the situation. It's almost like the elites read some of the crackhead theories and thought "hey, this is actually a decent plan!"

[-] jantin@lemmy.world 94 points 11 months ago

Heh. The same man who was found commiting long-term welfare fraud. He lived in Sweden long enough to get citizenship, then left for Iraq without registering as foreign resident - and collected welfare payouts while on the minister post. No one noticed for years.

[-] jantin@lemmy.world 57 points 11 months ago

I watched the first 2 seasons. The "sitcom in space" parts work quite OK, Kaylon's concept was somewhat interesting, space battles are well animated, particularly in the 2nd season which clearly got more budget, but...

Whenever the scripts stray away from "personal drama of the week" and dumb jokes about starships it becomes uninspired and shallow. It's clear to me that MacFarlane tries to "dunk on both sides". Sadly, his attempts at political/social critique look like "enlightened centrist" reddit rants which don't try to think about broader consequences and context of points being made. To the point of some stories being somewhat problematic when dissected.

I watched the first episode of the third season to see where does the series go. It took a highly sensitive topic, again reiterated high-school philosophy arguments and made this potentially hard and relatable for viewers subject into an awkward bedtime conversation. I decided the rest of the season is not worth my time.

Luckily Strange New Worlds premiered soon after and I never looked back. SNW beats Orville on all measures.

[-] jantin@lemmy.world 51 points 11 months ago

Knuth's arrow shows up in... Magic the Gathering. There's a challenge of "how much damage can you deal with just 3 cards and without infinitely repeating loops?". Turns out that stacking doubler effects can get us really high. https://www.polygon.com/23589224/magic-phyrexia-all-will-be-one-best-combo-attacks-tokens-vindicator-mondrak

[-] jantin@lemmy.world 46 points 11 months ago

I like Stand-up Maths, usually starts with a real-life situation and escalates into proper math, sometimes also programming shows up.

[-] jantin@lemmy.world 70 points 11 months ago

And another question: did someone already lay out a roadmap to google's collapse?

Right now we're going through a financial crisis, big tech needs to start making proper money so they try to squeeze the users. Google hopes to "drm the internet" to maximise ad revenue. Let's assume they succeed. 3 years from now the dystopia of dead adblockers is live, google and other leeches make bank off ads.

But there's no more adblockers and no more ad revenue left to squeeze out (because every internet user is already chained to a screen and force fed ads within ads). And shareholders demand increase in profits. What do they do then? Is there any hint of a long-term strategy? How long before the maximum theoretical ad revenue is reached and plateaus? Then COVID29 or something comes, fed raises rastes again and...?

[-] jantin@lemmy.world 48 points 11 months ago

Wait... It's not "firm" as in "company that made the stuff"? FIRMware = the official software a firm pushes to patch things they make

[-] jantin@lemmy.world 84 points 11 months ago

Scooter. Not an electric one. I had a thought once "hey I did ride one in childhood, maybe it can be a bit of nostalgic fun from time to time". Got myself the cheapest Chinese thing I could find, "no point investing too much into a fad".

Turned out a scooter is absolute peak urban mobility. Short distances become much shorter. Mid-long distances become short. Granted, for a longer trip somehow the time gains diminish, probably because it's not as efficient as a bike. But a scooter isn't a long-hauler. It's there to zip through an empty mall. It's there to be folded up in a second and brought into a bus or a shop without being a hassle. It's like 3-4 kg, not too fast for sidewalks but fast enough for bike roads, extremely easy to stop, doubles as a cart when carrying bags of groceries home.

The chinese one broke after 1 season because I was riding it everywhere. Then I got myself one from a better company, I chose it for small weight and portability. It's technically children's thing but I'm well below weight tolerance and also smol so it's easy to handle. It's already like a 5th year and whenever it's not raining or too cold I ride it for shopping, errands, leisure walks, to work... Almost daily.

submitted 1 year ago by jantin@lemmy.world to c/coffee@lemmy.world

Title. I'm lactose-intolerant and try to veganise. I also love cortado but only had it in cafes in Spain. Is it possible to make cortado at home with a plant-based milk and if yes - how?


I get where the name comes from, but Threads may or may not have been the best choice


I have photos/short videos of painted miniatures which I want to show to interested hobby communities. I have started a pixelfed.social account as I have heard this is Fediverse's equivalent of Instagram. Whether it is or not is irrelevant - I quite like the interface, so I decided to keep my content there.

Now pixelfed.social is a generic instance, there are miniatures-interested people but apparently not too many, so I don't really have much traffic on my profile. Not to worry, I found relevant communities: A specific warhammer Pixelfed instance, a tabletop gaming instance of Mastodon and two or three Lemmy communities scattered across the instances. There is also noticeable activity under warhammer-adjacent hashtags on the largest mastodon instances.

I would like to show my work to all those people. How do I do it most efficiently and most "fediverse-ly"? On Reddit I could post to a miniature painting subreddit and then cross-post to other subreddits. On facebook I'd start a fanpage for my painting and share this way across groups or set up a public folder on my profile and link to it. What's the fedi equivalent?

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