
joined 1 year ago
[–] jaredj@infosec.pub 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Secure Scuttlebutt is (was?) a protocol for high-latency communication between occasionally-networked humans. Pro: https://scuttlebutt.nz/; con (not read in detail): https://derctuo.github.io/notes/secure-scuttlebutt.html. I think it was supposed to be able to spread messages over Bluetooth, assuming a sufficiently connected web of nodes between person A and person B. Public keys were identities, and were bound to devices; unfortunately people may have multiple devices, or change devices over time, so this was a hindrance.

IPFS was supposed to be the Interplanetary File System. I think that was just because whatever pieces of content you ask for, you also cache, as part of the design: you keep a copy on the near side of the small high-latency pipe. But that's mostly about file transfer, not interactivity.

UUCP was definitely made in a time where a latency of days for delivery of email or netnews was common.

In the early days of CGI, the Web was just one way people imagined interacting with applications; another way was email. RFC 3834 has some recommendations for people who are going to automate email responses. There used to be services you could email a URL to, and receive the web page back as an email.

Using ed (in my experience) involves looking up the screen, or up the roll of paper on your teletype, to see what the lines of your file were, and imagine what they are now, given the changes you've wrought to them since they were printed, and then turn them into what they should be. With Mars rovers you have a simulation that you issue your command to, before sending it off to Mars. With correspondence chess you might keep a physical chessboard for each game you have going, and/or send a form back and forth that keeps track of several moves.

People used to do computation at universities and businesses by writing programs at their desks, submitting them to be typed on punchcards, and receiving printouts some time later. They would "desk check" their programs before sending them in, because each compute job took a couple days to come back.

I mention all these because, in an extreme censorship environment, any local state (session history on paper, an app on a smartphone, an odd device) might not be good to have around. So usability may require reducing the total amount of state that a command carries. The current working directory at the time a command is run changes the meaning and outcome of the command; you may not remember that directory in a day or two. The vocabulary and syntax of command-line switches are easy to look up in online manuals - but are there offline manuals? I don't know if this avenue of inquiry helps you, but it's interesting to think about for a moment.

[–] jaredj@infosec.pub 2 points 2 months ago

mango jelly solutions videos. Nothing specific about Solidworks there, just good tutorials.

[–] jaredj@infosec.pub 3 points 2 months ago

I've been using a tshort dactyl manuform 4x6 for 5 years now, having never planned to use it for even 1 year. I only commonly use the two innermost thumb keys; I didn't think I would like the thumb cluster from watching a video of someone typing on it, and I indeed don't like the thumb cluster. The switches are Kailh Brown; one of them started to stutter and I replaced it with ... a TTC Brown or some such.

I've printed, but not finished, a Splaytyl. I think it's going to feel nice, but it's only 4x5, and I'm nervous about not having Tab and Enter on the base layer.

[–] jaredj@infosec.pub 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Colemak DH represent!

[–] jaredj@infosec.pub 1 points 3 months ago

CollapseOS used to emulate the Z80 using... libz80, i think it was called? lib6502 is also a thing.

[–] jaredj@infosec.pub 1 points 3 months ago

Sure, go ahead :)

[–] jaredj@infosec.pub 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

The Gemini capsule is yet to be done, but the wallpapers are available at https://j.agrue.info/wallpapers/

[–] jaredj@infosec.pub 2 points 3 months ago (4 children)

This post inspired me to go find the tiling wallpapers I made 20 years ago. I almost made a pull request about it, but then decided not to, because it's GitHub. My wallpapers used to be on my own website, and now I'm going to make a Gemini capsule and put them up on that.

[–] jaredj@infosec.pub 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Yeah, I did one for my Dactyl Manuform and just oversized it by a couple millimeters and stuck Amazon bubbly envelopes on the inside. The bottom of each half is flat, the same shape, and rubberized, so the covers just go over the top, I clap the bottoms together (tee hee?), and chunk the whole thing in a lunch bag that barely fits. It stays together without slipping and without any attachment between the two cover halves. Janky but it's worked for years.

[–] jaredj@infosec.pub 2 points 5 months ago

That's beautiful!

[–] jaredj@infosec.pub 1 points 5 months ago

I 3d-printed a hard box for my Fourier. https://gitlab.com/jaredjennings/fourier-box. (wince, there is no photo nor even an STL in that repository.) I wanted it to fit in my backpack with a laptop and books, so it holds the two halves side by side, not stacked. I had to print it in two pieces and friction-weld them together. That sounds fancy, but it just means you take a piece of filament, put it in a Dremel chuck, and draw on your model. Wherever you push down, the friction makes the end of the filament melt. Then I put on some Sci-Grip 4 (dichloromethane), which further solvent-welded the joint.

If you wanted to make one like this for your cepstrum, you'd need to do it in more pieces because that's larger than a Fourier. Your case would end up to be the size of a laptop. You might not want that.

[–] jaredj@infosec.pub 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

They are made (I think) to be implementable - even, to give implementors some flexibility. Then everybody goes and buys a tool to do it, and not that well. I thought 15 years ago that security configuration was a (voluminous) subset of system configuration and system administration, ripe for automation and rigorous documentation - not something to pay a different vendor for. But the market says otherwise. When you can split some work across a whole team, or even into a separate company, instead of glomming it into one job, that's worth money to businesspeople.

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