[-] jcrm@kbin.social 16 points 7 months ago

Yeah because that's what all the money is going towards. Definitely not the incredible news coverage and investigative journalism. There's also this wild thing called "cultural programming" the CBC does, like highlighting and funding Canadian media and stories.

Fuck all the people like you complaining about them taking your tax dollars. If everyone paid equally for it, their current budget totals ~$3/month for every Canadian. If you wanna bitch about wasted tax dollars, how about we talk about the tens of billions in subsidies going to oil and gas?

[-] jcrm@kbin.social 14 points 7 months ago

You can think this all you want, but they absolutely are the party of the working class. They constantly push for policies that would benefit the working class and most vulnerable people in the country, and advocate for solutions to issues that would actually change the status quo. Their proposal for electoral reform is the best any party has come up with. They've also been the only party showing up to union rallies and picket lines during strikes.

While the Cons and Liberals have been voting together on a lot of bills, the NDP has been fighting against their neolib garbage. They might not be perfect, but your "they're all the same" garbage only makes sure we stay in the hellish austerity cycle we're stuck in.

[-] jcrm@kbin.social 65 points 7 months ago

In my entirely anecdotal experience, MacOS is significantly better at RAM management than Windows. But it's still a $1,600 USD computer, and 16GB of RAM costs nearly nothing, it's just classic Apple greed.

[-] jcrm@kbin.social 12 points 7 months ago

"Homes on public lands" is very different from "public housing". Public housing would work towards fixing the problem, what they seem to be suggesting only makes it worse.

[-] jcrm@kbin.social 8 points 8 months ago

Not without funding they can't. Cities got all the responsibilities for transit and housing, but none of the funding they used to go with it. The feds and provinces need to pay up, and fund cities properly, or give them autonomy to find their own funding sources.

[-] jcrm@kbin.social 5 points 8 months ago

Hey did you know that "as a conservative" you're a horrible person? I can't imagine willingly chaining myself to a party that sells out every public service they can to make a buck, all while trying to outlaw trans and gay people.

[-] jcrm@kbin.social 24 points 8 months ago

What the fuck are you talking about? This is about as correct of a statement you could have on this topic.

Maybe your anti-union bullshit needs a reminder that union workers literally died for your rights as a worker. Y'know, like having weekends and child labour laws?

submitted 9 months ago by jcrm@kbin.social to c/kbinMeta@kbin.social

Can we PLEASE make the top bar be customizable already? Or at least filter NSFW by default? It's a really bad look whenever I open this and "jailbait" is at the top of my screen almost every time.


[-] jcrm@kbin.social 11 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I'm gonna be honest, I saw this coming. Maybe it's because I've had experiences with abusive media companies (though not nearly this severe), but when I saw Madison left with no real explanation, I had a feeling something was up. I still follow one of the women who was on their camera team, and she posted some vague but knowing comments after the news first came out that Madison quit.

Fuck these egotistical tech bros that think they own the world because they got lucky. The worst part is they'll never understand that they did something wrong.

[-] jcrm@kbin.social 14 points 10 months ago

When I was still watching I remember he said if LMG ever tried to unionize he would take it as a personal failure. The intention of that statement may mean well, but it's a really not great view to have and profess. Unions can (and should) maintain a good relationship between the workers and management.

[-] jcrm@kbin.social 8 points 11 months ago

Yes? That's how art has always worked.

[-] jcrm@kbin.social 21 points 11 months ago

So I've got a couple feelings on this.

  1. This is a fools errand. It's like antivirus companies, no matter how well you make your product, the hackers are always going to be one step ahead. If they manage to obscure ads so well they can't be detected the way we do them now, ad blockers will find a new way to go about it. Especially when the way Google wants to do it involves pushing shitty web DRM that other browsers have actively said they won't play ball with.

  2. These tech megacorps seem to think they're invincible. Like people have always used their services, and will always use them. That just isn't true. Youtube, for example, is impossible for me to use without adblock these days. It's just a horrendous experience without it. And when your product is awful to use, that opens the door for someone to come in with something that isn't awful. Yes video hosting is difficult and costly, but it's not nearly as bad as it once was. I really feel like they're digging their own grave here. At least I hope they are.

[-] jcrm@kbin.social 8 points 11 months ago

Or Linux users

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