[-] jennifilm@beehaw.org 6 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

This statement is an interesting one - we absolutely need to be pushing large companies to reduce their emissions, because they have a huge ge impact. But you’re on the money here - here’s a really good write up about it, but that stat includes “use of sold product” in its emissions - aka us using those companies’ products. We’ve got a huge part to play here - climate action requires both pushing for corporate responsibility as well as individual changes.

[-] jennifilm@beehaw.org 5 points 11 months ago

I think it’s less to do with the traits themselves and more to do with the person and how they’re perceived. As other people have said - people get more of a significant impact from role models they can identify with or look like them. There’s so much room for role models of all types, but if we’re thinking about masculinity specifically, so many young men and boys only have masculine folk in their lives who, for example, don’t share their emotions - and this pattern affirms the idea that it’s not ‘manly’ to be vulnerable.

More people who express themselves in a ‘masculine’ way modeling these positive traits show other people with similar identities and expressions that it’s possible (and good) for them to do it, too.

[-] jennifilm@beehaw.org 17 points 11 months ago

I’ve been using it for the last week and really enjoy it - I’m on an m1 air and asahi is so much snappier than macOS, which is saying something because it still sings!

There’s a few key hardware features still missing - mic, speaker, and the thunderbolt port (so hdmi and external displays) that are preventing me from driving it fully because I do a lot of presentations at work, but it’s quick enough to boot into mac when I need to.

Occasionally there’s something that doesn’t want to run on arm architecture, but there’s usually an alternative - and it sounds like 4k paging is close.

Give it a shot! I’m invested cos I wanna hear more people’s take on it 😅

submitted 11 months ago by jennifilm@beehaw.org to c/foss@beehaw.org

Kia ora!

I've recently set up asahi linux on my macbook - it's been probably 10 years since I last seriously spent time using linux, so I'm real out of the loop! I've been playing with hyprland and really enjoy it - its approach to window management and productivity is feeling really instinctual, which I love.

With that in mind, I'm on the hunt for email clients on linux - I'm open to trying a good few, because email is my bugbear and I'm invested in finding something that really works. Something that makes it easy to process them would be great - and if it's customisable in terms of looks, even better!

[-] jennifilm@beehaw.org 5 points 11 months ago

I had a similar experience recently - picked up Pulsar because I was getting uncomfortable with VSCode’s telemetry. Found it a bit tricky to config, and then had trouble with atom packages that obviously haven’t been updated for a few years now that are a bit out of date. Switched to vscodium instead!

submitted 11 months ago by jennifilm@beehaw.org to c/betterment@beehaw.org

nebula link

I’m still working my way through this but thought I’d share - this is a great breakdown of a recent trend on TikTok - framed as not being too nice or not being a people pleaser. This analysis takes a critical approach to this in a real sensitive way, and talks about our philosophical obligations to others - and what we owe to each other (shout out to other good place fans!)

[-] jennifilm@beehaw.org 12 points 11 months ago

This is such a strange read - the article starts by talking about how Gen Z are prioritising wellbeing over wealth (true and so important to talk about) but then just totally rags on them for having no motivation and ‘delusional’ thinking? It touches so briefly on how the norms and expectations previous generations had are now absolutely inaccessible for so many, then criticises them for ‘manifestation’ and not just trying?

This is so worth talking about but I think a much more useful and interesting analysis would be looking at why manifestation is on the rise, and why so much focus is on wellbeing over wealth - and how exactly traditional goals like home ownership and retirement became so out of reach. But that would require more than just name-dropping late stage capitalism and actually acknowledging its failures though, huh?

submitted 1 year ago by jennifilm@beehaw.org to c/foss@beehaw.org

I’ve just set up a matrix homeserver after the one I was using ran into a few issues. I’m looking forward to setting up some bridges and bringing a few chats into one place, but I also know there’s so much you can do in the way of extensibility and integrations. I’ve had a read around but would love to hear from anyone who’s using matrix for anything neat and nifty!

[-] jennifilm@beehaw.org 9 points 1 year ago

Not a teen, but when I would have been 10 or so we lived out in the country, with a big eucalyptus tree in the back yard. I used to climb it a lot, and was real into building things like platforms and little (shoddy) tree houses. We also had a great trampoline, which I often used to get down out of the tree.

You might be able to see where this is going.

One day, I was up in the tree building a little ladder with the trampoline below me. I went to get down, dropped my hammer to the trampoline, and immediately followed it.

Time slowed, i witnessed it all happening in slow motion as I was thought "oh fuck, that was dumb" as the hammer hit the trampoline, i landed, and the hammer flew in a perfect arc and hit me in the forehead with the head of the hammer.

I stood there, stunned still for a second, and then immediately went "oh god, that could have been so much worse". Thankfully I was completely fine!

[-] jennifilm@beehaw.org 9 points 1 year ago

Not sure if this person is in the same place but Aotearoa NZ recently extended copyright from 50 to 70 years after death due to a UK trade deal, so I wouldn't be surprised if the UK have pushed it. We've recently fast-tracked the change due to an EU trade deal, though, so it's not the UK alone.

[-] jennifilm@beehaw.org 3 points 1 year ago

Reddit is making some funny moves here that I reckon will backfire - forcing antiwork to reopen considering it's likely a community with strong feelings about strikes and action. They've also forced piracy to reopen, which I reckon might backfire on them too.

[-] jennifilm@beehaw.org 5 points 1 year ago

Thanks for that debloat link, that's super useful!

[-] jennifilm@beehaw.org 3 points 1 year ago

Oh, this is so neat, thank you! I've just had a play - especially for a work phone that has real specific uses, Niagara makes a lot of sense! Do you subscribe to pro? Have you found it useful?

[-] jennifilm@beehaw.org 3 points 1 year ago

Thank you, that's super helpful! I'll have a hunt to disable bloat and have a play with adb if need be. I'm the one in charge so I can basically do what I like 😅


Kia ora!

I've been an ios user for 100 years at this point, but used to be deep in the android scene before then. I've just got an android for a work phone and am wondering what's changed in the last 10 years - what are your essential apps, settings, customisations? I've had a hunt around xda but can't seem to find much in the way of roms for my model (Samsung A04) - back in the day it seemed there was a thread for every device!

What do I need to know?

[-] jennifilm@beehaw.org 3 points 1 year ago

Oh snap, i didn't think about it from that perspective! Instagram is still the place where sharing my work gets the most reach, I hadn't thought about what this app might mean for that.


Kia ora! My name's Jen - my pronouns are she/her, and I'm a queer and trans artist and advocate living in Ōtautahi Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand. So pleased to introduce myself as a new mod for this community!

In my day job, I work for a rainbow social service, organising an in-person community - pleased to do what I can for this community, too!

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joined 1 year ago