
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Sometimes I do. We have great healthcare. Can send a couple pics of a scrape like that and they note it incase anything happens which pretty much is never. And we can count the topical we buy or have delivered against the deductible.

It helps get the system down pat and shows our kid how to use it incase they have bigger questions for their doctor later or need to take care of a more serious problem without us.

[–] 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (3 children)

Specifically for a new viewer who wants 3 shows that would be different and enjoyable:


The Inner Light, Cause and Effect, Lower Decks


Duet, The Visitor, Trials and Tribbleations

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

The only people who progressives lose to are the Democrats. Even in cases where they win a primary they get kneecapped by the DNC. Most US progressives come in with wild ideas like making the rich pay things instead of poor people. Making sure water is clean. Keeping the government out of our bedrooms. Governing rather than blustering. They also tend to be relatable as most have worked at least one real job in their life.

[–] 5 points 4 days ago (3 children)

Who in the world eats hard shell tacos?

[–] 6 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I hearby ask you to fight whatever battles you want, as long as you're not a dick to anyone about it. Hopefully this frees up any confusion.

[–] 4 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Everyone should see a therapist. Not every day or even every year but it's one of the best preventative measures you can have. People bring it up because a lot of folks who struggle with basic emotional health problems don't see one or feel a stigma around it.

If your therapist sucks or just isnt a good fit for you, you find a new one. Like you would a mechanic, or doctor, or barista.

[–] 18 points 6 days ago (1 children)

I believe the rule is any food that is perfect for eating on the road while you drive 45min from your first job, to your second part time night shift job. All of that kind of food doesn't exist in Europe or at least isn't popular for some reason.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

It is the progressive party. But they can't win a local council seat let alone any valuable position. But they run for President every year and normally run one of their established candidates. The right gains more by supporting them.

That said funding is questionable. They normally have their primary debate around a rental folding table. Im shocked they can even afford chairs.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

This is a fantastic reason to talk to a therapist.

You won't ever really trust your friends or family who say you did nothing wrong. Other folks will try to explain it away but it doesn't help either. Most people dealt with this and it sucks and when it hits you when you are vulnerable it can hurt for a long time.

Focus on who you are and who you want to be and building your confidence. Focus on boundary setting and clear communication with people in general. These are skills it sounds like you struggle with based off the problems you are stressing about.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

It can be scary for anyone regardless of gender. I've twice had really bad reactions, once life threatening, after a break up and I'm a big man.

That doesn't mean anyone is wrong for ghosting or getting ghosted. I just want to highlight that trying to focus on gender as if it matters is the same as focusing on race or size or religion. You shouldn't say that a black person should expect to get ghosted because some people have had bad experiences with black people.

Look maybe this person is terrible and deserved to be ghosted. Maybe the other person was awful and ghosted them to hurt them. Maybe it was just an unfortunate reaction due to personal stress. But no one deserves to be told their gender makes them just need to just suck it up and expect it. Having to deal with the stress and self doubt that comes from having someone who you thought was a part of your life decide to cut you out instantly, it sucks.

[–] 6 points 3 weeks ago

The reminder is due to the fact that she never should have been the candidate in 2024 in the first place. She was not even in the top 5 in 2020. She didn't do anything during her time as VP that made up for that gap. She was pushed in because the folks above her were two leftists, a gay man, and a rich DINO.

I don't know that she would win California and if California goes to a Republican governor that takes away one of the handful of hail mary possible counter balances to Trump right now in a possible secession action. Right now if Trump attacked Mexico and Canada it isnt unreasonable to think some states would actively refuse to support the action but if California or New York were not both states to support it then it would be meaningless.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Why is your hobby more important than their hobby?

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