
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Have you tried/installed nvme-cli and/or xnvme

I wonder if your issues come from buggy nvme modules

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

How to choose a browser - see link in bottom

If MS was to sell less licenses than there out there, or claims more than actual, I would suspect there would a tax-ivasion liability against them. So if they have claimed sales of 3bil then they brag of 4bil users, someone would notice.

On the other hand, in terms of anonymity of browsing you'd rather be identified as one of the many with the exact same setup than being unique. TB actually used this to even the mozilla version that was most popular, and even advised not to adjust the default screen size or window size to merge with the "croud".

But you have a valid concern, when rags come out and say 97% don't use linux/bsd when in fact 14% do.

Using vanilla ff or chrome is the worst possible way to protect your personal information.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

The largest machines, the largest servers, nearly all supercomputers, are running on linux, or some form of unix to a lesser extent, not MSwin or other crappy non-FOSS mass-produced profit maker for the dumb and innocent "user".

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I am surprised nobody even acknowledged your post, and this may be an indication that not many have made this connection. So I applaud your initiative that has not received much attention since everyone is too scared to append classical political theory (are you listening Marxist?), let alone challenge it in its inability to interpret material realities of today.

Yes, the idea of contributing "work", produce, openly and freely, for anyone to consume, alter, reprodruce, without a direct "exchange" is probably the only area of the market that this is happening. Maybe public domain documents, art, theory, A/V material licensed as CC or Gpl are also important. Imagine we could do this with basic core survival necessities and construct autonomous communities with such an economy (or really lack of an economic system). But it may be happening with products that are not really material, and can be shared through a medium of low or no-cost. It would be hard to do this grains, building materials, fruit, vegetables, eggs (vegan god forbid :).

But, but, but, there are problems within this "commune" of open AND free sw.

  1. The small problem is the elitism pushed by the ultra-libre foss crowd which lacks the self criticism that in order for people to locate the proper hardware so they can run ALL libre-sw they have to pay high prices, which some can't afford. Getting pseudo-refurbished used industrial equipment (DELL/HP workstations/pcs mostly) in sub 100 ($/Euro) values is what the vast majority of the world can afford and use. Nearly all hw in x86-64 platform though, even those that provide libre firmware/drivers etc, are not all open/free source. Most only work through binary blobs that are neither open or free. We can speculate but we may never know what is "iinside"... and just the specs of what they can do are scary enough.

  2. The apolitical, non-critical, perspective among FOSS developers is that if "corporations" provide FOSS, or just open source, we can use that is good and we should rush to use it if it is functional and helps our experience and work. But especially large corporations have used this FOSS channel to manipulate, steer, and control the FOSS development, towards a direction that benefits them (and maybe the state agencies under which those mega-corps are protected, can profit, and exist). It is always an exchange system that rules those relationships. So companies like IBM/RH, Qt, Oracle, HP, google, facebook, ....etc. can provide foss code and push development towards something that is compatible with their tools, so independent developers can and will incorporate their platforms and move their direction.

It is like creating an autonomous community and allowing representatives of a corporation to work the fields but also participate in assemblies on how to run the community.

With linux foundation having the largest industrial names as seats of the board, and be paying 7digit salaries to the top signers of the kernel, within a year or two alone the kernel has grown more than 2X in size, full of industrial firmware and code, that most common mortals will never even see from a distance. So who are they contributing code to/for? Yes, 7digits in $/Eu yearly salary + "benefits", paid trips, paid talks, workshops, ... and the occassional consulting contract to sweeten the defaults of the next gen kernel.

So, enjoy your stay in this hippie pacifist commune called FOSS, but don't expect too much critical political thinking. Most devs are really dreaming of those 6-7digit salaries in the industry doing non-foss work while you are thinking commune. This is why their big fat name is placed on every little bit that is published. BUY ME BUY ME I AM FOR SALE!!! :)

  1. We are at war, remember, nobody is innocent till proven not-guilty.
[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I can hardly find one thing I could agree in this and wonder what on earth is such useless documents be promoted in here for?

This analysis could have come from any Marxist party, in a cowardly traditional manner of being unable to challenge a comma or an exclanation mark of classic M&E theory.

In the dead ends and tremendous contradictions of marxist theoretical development this is just another attempt of trying to paint a reality in such a way as to fit the theory, and we all thought it was meant the other way around, and in this "WE" I would include Karl Marx but especially Engels who was the true dialectical materialist. There is somewhere in Karl's writing that says that he would have been most happy to alter and revise the thery if reality show that the theory is invalid. Marxists since then have elevated those books into theology where terror and exile is upon those who dare challenge the theology.

Neo-liberalism in the 80s ... because this is what fits in theory? By the time the term neo-liberalism was announced and made public as part of politics it was at a period where a 40+ year transformation of state an economy was taken place to fit this propaganda. It was safe to mention it. It was pretty much the same time that social democracy died, for which many Marxist would die defending.

You can't reverse history, you can only write the future, and going back to social democracy would mean a revolution and a total overthrow of the globalized economy.

Unless the Marxist has the all powerful, autonomous, and manageable state as a safe harbor, the Marixst has nothing to step on and propagandize. A bankrupt ideology based on a weak theory, even though it may be the only theory we have ever had.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

1st of all globally libertarian is a specific mode with the anarchist movement, definitely anti-capitalist and anti-inequality of any sort (economic or political). What the FBI fabricated a pseudo ideology full of contradictions and sold it/financed it as libertarianism since the 50s (part of their counter-movement anti-communism enterprise which some of it was later banned in court) and spilled over to 3-4 other English speaking nations, has nothing at all to do with libertarianism (left libertarianism or libertarian socialist are also fake tags admitted by passive people that wanted to distance themselves from this "disease". Anarcho-capitalism is equally a pseudo ideology. The rest of the world just laughs at the immaturity of the English speaking people shifting tags around to contradictory things because they are "pop". The US effort to redefine a century and a half of political philosophy tradition to serve its own internal governmental pathology is purely a laughing matter for the world. Immature people develop immature movements. Or should I say people who refuse to read more than a page at a time can go out on social media and speak as theoretical authorities.

Libertarianism is well documented for a century and a half, it doesn't need US fed propaganda and social media to defend itself. Pathetic UK monkeys seeing the US propaganda and reproducing it like good pups, have also fallen for this anarcho-capitalist/libertarian construct for the mentally challenged.

The one thing libertarians are known for is the proposal for class and social organization, to organize under certain minimal principles that ensure and protect the absolute equality of its members. And for communities (either work or living communities) to accept one and only one authority, of their collective organization and assembly, their collective decisions, on which they are free to participate and whose decisions only affect those who are part of it. That and rational communication within the assembly because individual leaps into the supernatural and metaphysical can only develop to collective chaos. So before entering the assembly you can leave your personal individualistic philosophy at the front door basket and pick it up on your way out.

Now, you want to build a house, within a libertarian community, other than your own labor and physical technical abilities, to house yourself, you need resources (tools and supplies, metaphysics you can add on your own to your own house, see if some entity through preyer holds the beams up on top of your head). The available resources are those that are collectively available to the community, whether in shortage or abundance it is a communal problem to determine, One thing will be for sure, if there is shortage you can't have more than your share because that will prevent someone else from also building a needed house. Fortunately, since the libertarian uprising there is no market, no industrial market you can get supplies, You have what the community has.

You must be building that house for yourself, not to rent or exploit other people by it, correct? I don't see why any libertarian community would have a problem with it.

In theory, in practice I suspect that a true libertarian community helps as a community everyone to build a house and expect everyone to be helping you, not because it is a law or a decision of the assembly to do so, but as part of solidarity and the realization that shelter, food, health care, education, entertainment, are all human necessities and the community is founded in providing all this for the community.

Does everyone get to have the same house, just as big, or just as complex, it is not up to theoretical or ideological criteria to determine, that would have been anti-libertarian, to have some mora/ideological authority to enforce an agenda on the community. It is simply up to the community to decide. If all one needs is a shady room, or a basement, to sit and play cello in their free time, why oppose it. If one needs a room and a kitchen and a small pad to raise spices and herbs and cook funky things, why not. Now if one wants to build a motorcycle that does 350km/h and we have no raw titanium and machining facilities to make valves for it, I am sure the community will have their objections to prostituting collectively just to get you those much needed 16 valves.

So, libertarianism is not for all, it is for those who are in need to end their exploitation (economic) and oppression (political), whether that is by boss, parent, spouce, teacher, cop, those who feel it know who they will be liberated from. The rest are only worried about losing luxuries and toys during a possible transition to an eggalitarian social organization. They are not ready because they benefit from capitalism, Fortunately they are a small minority in N/W Europe, N.America, Japan, HK, Australia/NZ and a handful of urban centers elsewhere where either intense industrialization is controlled by them or extraction of tremendous amounts of raw materials in high demand by industry (oil minerals etc.). The rest of the world is happy to be able to grow beans, rice, corn and eat it too without been treated as slaves.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Now this is a wider issue, the Red Army did liberate the largest part of Europe from Nazi rule, the US basically tried to liberate France but the Red Army was in Germany before the US crossed the border. In Yalta the three, US/UK/USSR divided the pie, Spain and Greece went on the other half and remained fascist till the 70s (meaning anticapitalists were executed, prisoned, exiled, etc). Yugoslavia went its own way. The US UK handed Hung/CZ over to them, but unlike other places the USSR had to use force to take over what was given to them in the pe cutting.

This is not defense of tankie-ism it is pretty much what happened. Now between 90 and 2024 the 90/1 agreement was no Nato expansion beyond its current borders, and that was severely violated by NATO, to the last ring around the chain being Ukr and Belarus. So the not so red not so hot army anymore had to either react or accept total defeat and submission to NATO. There was no alternative for Russia other than to turn history back which in 30y proved impossible.

I am not passing judgement on which dictator is better, I hate Biden as much as the next guy, but the narrative of recent history appears to have left out all petitions to the UN filed by Russia for the violation of the agreement. The UN's excuse, NATO is not a UN member, and you can't blame any particular state member of NATO for what NATO does. Unfortunately a state (Russia) which wasn't part of the Yalta agreement the SU was, signed an agreement with NATO, not with any particular country. They should have had a better lawyer and not a drunk for a president.

So Russia will evolve to yet another oil-rich country that is blockaded and cut-off from world markets like Iran and Venezuela. Unlike Iranians and Venzuelans Russians get really nasty when they get pissed, hungry, or out of vodka. So this is not going to go well too far too long. We shall see. Oil production and distribution, held by a handful of US based multinationals, will increase their profits in a further restricted oil market. So Iran, Russia, and Venezuela's isolation does serve a profitable industry's interests.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

and from which trees many fascists will hang

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Speck was pushed and provided by Google to linux, they added the content to the kernel having your naive belief, it was later found containing a backdoor to ALL systems, and Google raised their hands up and said it was passed to us by NSA. Is this what happened? Or did I dream all this up?

Facebook provided 0 FOSS, not a bit, suddenly they make an algorithm they "bought" including the author, and make it foss, to build it it needs google software, like a bush fire more than half of distributions adopt it and all data provided as comparative to xz are false, based on poor use of xz to make zstd appear better, while still admitting zstd can never attain the level of compression, but it is fast (ONLY when xz is run on a single thread while zstd is multithread by default). They claim xz sums are different when run on 1 cpu or many, still not true.

Just wait for that bomb to explode, the guy who wrote the code for zstd doesn't seem possible to have enough knowledge to write it, he appears as a front for something.

Things that smell like shit don't have to be actually tasted to be called shit.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Have you audited any of it? Would you like to try gcc or systemd for that matter? By the time you go through 1% of it the code has changed already. How many times in the past years has tremendous security breaches been caused by FOSS and was discovered months after it was in effect, and some of this by coincidence, or corporate teams that review code.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

This is the classic reaction that is so empty of content, I am sorry, but systemd can't keep hiding behind the excuse of being better than sysvinit. Ever since daemontools (decades ago) those who defend systemd keep talking about sysvinit. Out of daemontools many forks or inspired systems were developed. Runit reached the end of development 8 years ago, 0 bugs, 100% of goals met, still works with every distro and kernel flawlessly. s6 makes runit look archaic, and unable to do what s6 can.

Yet systemd's defense is "it is better than sysvinit, or BSD scripts".

For proper critique of systemd see the site under the specific thread. As far as I know there is no rational counter argument to what is presented there. If you have such I am sure the authors of would publish it, it is how s6 got better and better.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

lynx elinks links :)

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