
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 year ago

The problem is that the places where this technology would be useful also happen to be the places with little to no humidity. You can't pull water out of the air if there isn't any.

The places where this would be useful are places with high humidity, but then water sources aren't usually an issue. You'd have to have a region where it's very humid, but doesn't have access to drinking water. I don't imagine those are particularly common. Such a region would probably benefit more from water treatment than pulling it out of the air.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

You guys tried this once. It didn't work.

[–] 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Currently I think my leading theory is that Elon Musk has made a deal with a witch, and in exchange for eternal life he has to burn 44 billion dollars as fast as possible. I see no other explanation for these batshit decisions.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

I thought about this before, and mostly agree. My mom knows nothing about computers and could probably use Ubuntu if I stick it on a machine and gave it to her. The thing preventing me from doing it is that when things go wrong in Linux, it often requires extensive terminal usage to fix. And my mother can often find new and creative ways to break a computer. If something went wrong with it, I would have to fix it. There is literally no one else she knows who would even know where to start. At least if she's on windows, she can find someone to help her.

[–] 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm sceptical that blue light lenses, even those that effectively block blue light, are doing much of anything. Blue light can mess with your circadian rhythm, but so can orange-tinted light if it's bright enough. A better system would be to limit screen time after dark. If you are using screens, lower their brightness to the lowest amount you can still see. You can use a night -time filter to tint the screen orange after dark (most OS's and devices support some form of this). Blue light lenses while holding a OLED device six inches from your face at full intensity? Likely not doing much.

[–] 12 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Evidently playing the game isn't a fun experience either, Aaron.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago (5 children)

So, uh, not to sound out of the loop here, but what exactly is Sega getting here? They spent close to a billion dollars for...the Angry Birds IP?

[–] 11 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Yeah, like at a massive deficit, all while making sweeping policy changes at a moments notice with little research on how those changes effect stability. Also, cutting down on employed staff to save money while not bothering to investigate what those people actually do, to later realize it only when things start breaking. Only instead of some shitty social media platform he's fucking with, it'll be the United States economy!

He's got my vote!

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

"Clicking agree allows us to come into your bedroom at night and sleep with your wife. Don't worry, we wouldn't actually do that, even though we did take the time to explicitly add that to our terms of service. You can trust us."

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

And it's prioritizing short-term views over long-term stability. Sure, rushing the review gets you views now, but if companies realize that you're not going to give their product a fair shake, they'll stop sending you products. Then to review things, you'll need to buy them yourself, further cutting into your profits. If Billet Labs ever makes another product, they're not going to send LTT a review sample because of this whole shitshow. Other startups are now going to be hesitant to send LTT review products because 1. They may not get a fair review, and 2. They may not get their review product back.

[–] 10 points 1 year ago

This is an important point. We're all pissed at LTT right now so are eager to jump on any story that supports that narrative. I'm not saying I don't believe Madison (what she says pretty much lines up with what I would expect). But before we convict Linus in the court of public opinion, we should allow him to argue in his defense.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Like, is the Billet Labs issue supposed to be sabotage or something? He's shitting on it right from the beginning, uses the wrong card, installs it poorly, then refuses to retest'll cost$500?

It's like if I was reviewing a screwdriver, decided to use nails because I couldn't find any screws, held the thing upside down, then bitched about how shitty it was. And when it's pointed out that my review isn't fair, refuse to retest because a box of screws is $8 at Home Depot and the screwdriver probably sucks anyway. And on top of that, just sell the screwdriver to someone else instead of giving it back.

Does LMG have investments in a competitor or something? It is so willfully irresponsible that I almost want to claim conspiracy because I can't believe that a company would make so many poor decisions by mistake. What is going on over there where a $500 reshoot that would ensure a fair and balanced review of the product is such an nonnegotiable prospect?


Why YSK: In the settings of the Windows Task Manager is an option to force it to always display on top of other applications. One of the first things I do when setting up a new computer is to enable this option.

Too many times I've playing a game or using some other full screen application, and the application freezes up. I can press Ctrl+Alt+Del to open the task manager, but it often opens up behind the frozen application and I can't Alt+Tab over to it. In these scenarios, I'm often forced to just shut the computer off.

By setting the manager to always display on top, you can guarantee that you'll be able to use it when this happens. Then you can kill the offending application.

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