[-] jonc211@programming.dev 27 points 3 months ago

It bothers me that the height chart suggests there are 10 inches in a foot

[-] jonc211@programming.dev 24 points 4 months ago

The third dude was Kumar from the Harold & Kumar movies too

[-] jonc211@programming.dev 19 points 4 months ago

I guess the front fell off

[-] jonc211@programming.dev 27 points 4 months ago

Specifically, this is Eixample

The roads in the old city are much more chaotic.

[-] jonc211@programming.dev 22 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Did they dig the tunnel with cow tools?

[-] jonc211@programming.dev 80 points 5 months ago

I still remember the code for Braeburn Apples, over 25 years after I worked in a supermarket.

For some reason, their code of 6969 sticks in my mind.

[-] jonc211@programming.dev 28 points 5 months ago

Maybe let’s just say that you and I have different senses of humour and leave it at that.

For me, the humour comes from the fact that I pretended not to understand the image and point out that there are no plugs in the image. It’s a bit of wordplay that relies on the fact that people sometimes call plug sockets plugs.

[-] jonc211@programming.dev 34 points 5 months ago

I’m from the UK.

It was a joke. Don’t take things so seriously

[-] jonc211@programming.dev 95 points 5 months ago

Sure, there’s a lot of plug sockets there, but I don’t see a single plug in that image

[-] jonc211@programming.dev 21 points 6 months ago

And at this point, the extended crew of the Discovery was thoroughly sidelined: Burnham's personal relationships took priority over everything else.

This is the part that I’ve never got on well with in Discovery.

In TNG, it’s not a show about Picard, or Riker, or any of the other individuals. It’s a show about the crew. I’ve even seen it said that the actual star of the show is the ship.

Whereas, with Disco, it’s a show about Michael Burnham and everyone else has a bit part. That always felt weird for a Star Trek show. I want to see how the crew works together to solve problems and overcome things with everyone on an equal footing regardless of their rank in the show.

And I think that’s why there was such a warm reception to season 3 of Picard. It brought the crew back together. Picard alone isn’t satisfying enough. What we wanted was him as part of the crew.

[-] jonc211@programming.dev 12 points 9 months ago

Or is that just what you want us to think?

[-] jonc211@programming.dev 41 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

That one’s actually really easy to prove numerically.

Not going to type out a full proof here, but here’s an example.

Let’s look at a two digit number for simplicity. You can write any two digit number as 10*a+b, where a and b are the first and second digits respectively.

E.g. 72 is 10 * 7 + 2. And 10 is just 9+1, so in this case it becomes 72=(9 * 7)+7+2

We know 9 * 7 is divisible by 3 as it’s just 3 * 3 * 7. Then if the number we add on (7 and 2) also sum to a multiple of 3, then we know the entire number is a multiple of 3.

You can then extend that to larger numbers as 100 is 99+1 and 99 is divisible by 3, and so on.

submitted 11 months ago by jonc211@programming.dev to c/factorio@lemmy.ml

I've just set up arcosphere balancing in my K2SE playthrough.

My set up is relatively simple, though it uses a lot of combinators! I'm taking the inputs for a recipe as signal I and the products as signal P. If I > P then I request the inputs for that particular recipe.

I then added a slight tweak to multiply the products by 1.1, so the inputs need to exceed products by 10% before the request comes through.

Initially, it never reached equilibrium and the gravimetrics facilities would keep churning away. With the extra 10% buffer, it settles down a lot more easily and kicks in only when things start to become more unbalanced.

I've been producing naquium tesseracts and DSS3 data cards for a while now and it seems to be hanging together.

I had a hiccup early on when I ended up really unbalanced due to the length of time bots were in the air with arcospheres leading to the balancing running amok. My fix for now has been to move DSS3 and tesseracts close to the balancing area, but not sure this is going to be sustainable. Let's see!

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