
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 19 minutes ago

I've been catfished no less than three separate times.

Each one would post pictures of themselves that were either from when they were much younger, or in heavily contorted positions that hid their true proportions. I'm a very in-shape guy, and want my partner to be able to do things like hike/bike long distances with me, go climbing, outdoorsy stuff that I really enjoy.

Each one I felt like I had a connection with, but the fact that they concealed this was ultimately what lead me to break things off (in an amicable but forthright manner - "I like you but you misled me with your pictures, and that's not how a good relationship starts.").

But one had an extra flavor to it that makes it one of the worst.

Met this girl on tinder, we hit it off, she tells me she's a cam model and I'm like "whatever you gotta do to make that money," because I don't judge, and the pictures she was sending me were tastefully erotic and nothing too graphic. Think softcore porn with some bondage and cosplay. Anyway, we meet at a restaurant and she's wearing this big baggy raincoat, and I can tell immediately that the pictures she was sending me were pretty old. Her hair was a different color, different length (I love short dark hair on a woman), and she's at least 50lbs heavier. However I'm of a mind that even if a date doesn't end in a relationship, you can still have fun and perhaps make a new friend, so I just go with it.

We were there initially just to chat over drinks, but she orders an appetizer, a heavy entree (a pasta dish), AND a burger with fries. I helped eat the appetizer so she wouldn't feel like she was eating alone, but I wasn't hungry so that was it. It went OK, but halfway through the meal I realize I left my wallet at home, so I couldn't pay. I end up buying a giftcard for the restaurant through a phone app in an attempt to at least pay for my portion of the meal, but the employees just could not care less, and she ends up covering it. I feel bad.

Now she invites me back to her place, and I feel obligated to go. We get to her apartment, and who opens the door? her mom. In a nightgown, smoking a cigarette. Keep in mind this woman is at least 33.

Her mom goes outside to smoke on the porch while she leads me to her bedroom (while grabbing a bottle of whisky). it's the most disgusting bedroom I'd ever seen. Like, you could not see the floor for all the dirt and various debris. She pushes a pile of mostly clothes off the bed, and she invites me to lay down and watch TV with her. This is when she tells me that she's gained weight because she recently broke her spine doing god-knows-what, and that she's been recovering for almost a year now. She takes a slug of whiskey and takes down my pants, proceeding to contort her spine into a terrible position trying to give me a BJ. I couldn't maintain an erection because of how worried I was about her spine, so I just kind of stopped her, got up, and left. Her mom waved to me from the porch as I walked out.

Another horrible date where I wasn't catfished-

Met girl on Tinder, she's super into me, to the point where I think she might have nefarious intentions. Like, we started talking and THAT night she wants to meet up. Red flags. She tells me she not only wants to hang out that night, but she wants to hang out AT MY PLACE. Another red flag. Then she tells me that she can't drive to me because she doesn't have a car. So her sister will drop her off at a parking lot where I can pick her up. I was letting my horny-ness dictate my decisions that evening for sure. I pick her up, and let her sister take a picture of my drivers license so she can rest easier.

She hops into my truck and we're headed back to my place. She whips out a bowl, packs it full of weed and starts hitting that thing like a champ, two hits and it's gone. She doesn't offer me any, but she does inform me that she's on mushrooms and can have some of those if I want. I decline.

We get to my house, and we're hanging out in the kitchen talking. I put on background music (lofi hip hop beats to study and relax to lol) but for whatever reason she decides that it isn't enough, and is streaming spotify on her phone, she informs me that she has 5 kids from 2 or 3 different dudes. She smokes like 3 more bowls from her chillum before inviting me to my own bedroom. We have sex, and at the moment of her climax, she yells to stick my thumb up her butt, it was dark and I couldn't find it quick enough/hesitated to just shove it in there, and she seems very displeased. I tell her that I need to work early in the morning, and ask if I'll be able to meet her sister in the same parking lot (it was on the way to work). She doesn't really answer, but we turn in for the night. I offer her a new toothbrush so she can clean up before bed, she declines.

In the morning she asks for something warm to wear, and I lend her my favorite hoodie. She says we can have sex again, but only if she's my girlfriend, I decline. Then she tells me that her sister can't pick her up, and I'll have to drive her to her sisters house (where she's staying with her 5 children). This house is an hour away. When we arrive I thank her for the evening, and make sure to get my hoodie back. I'm very late for work, but luckily nobody cares. I told her the next day I wasn't ready to be a father figure, and left it at that.

[–] 13 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

Went to a local fair today in rural NC, and they had an entire tent set up for mark robinson. The self avowed nazi who wishes slavery was allowed, and who rails against abortion, but paid for one himself. that mark robinson. He had a tent, and it wasn't actively being set on fire or run out of town. The man posted on the comments section of a porn website about how he wanted slaves, and how he likes trans porn, while being a huge transphobe.

It's hard to take the right seriously in any way. They're just a bunch of clowns.

[–] 42 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Baby Shark. The entire time that ducking song was making it's rounds through society, I managed to avoid it. I knew it was repetitive and awful, and through good fortune and luck, it missed me completely.

Then I watched the new season of Umbrella Academy. Those motherfuckers.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago

kindness, fitness, similar sex drive, sense of humor, willingness to try new things, likes to celebrate (something I struggle with)

[–] -4 points 3 days ago (1 children)

It's because Collin Farrell is a terrible actor that for some reason keeps getting big parts. He's never been in anything good. In Bruge is OK despite him, and because of excellent performances from everyone else.

[–] 8 points 3 days ago

Alyse Ley, a child and adolescent psychiatrist at Michigan State University and the director of a program aimed at preventing adolescent targeted violence, said that “behavior is a way of communicating” — and that it is the job of adults to figure out what students are trying to say.

Lately, she added, it seems that “kids are screaming out for help.”

[–] 6 points 5 days ago

Rookie QB thrown to the wolves his first year. He progressed his second and third, but injuries to himself, his receivers, and his offensive line didn't help. Teams love to draft QBs without realizing that unless they're protected, they won't have time enough to make those big plays, and you only get sacked so many times before you start to anticipate it happening, which can severely undercut your performance. Just wait till he lines up against the elite pass rushers of the Steelers (a team that prioritized it's offensive line, and it's paying off even without an elite QB).

[–] 2 points 6 days ago

Childhood trauma, dude. repressed childhood trauma.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago

Give me a salary, and I'll show up everyday outside the fence of the prison yard, and the entire time he's out there, I'll hurl nonstop insults and heckling his way.

"hey, here's mr. dipshit himself! is that your prison boyfriend? how's that cell treatin you, dumbass? God what a pathetic loser! walkin around alone again, huh? where's melania? barron still hasn't shown up? dang, nobody out here even talks about you anymore, how neat is that? Diddy gets more mail from his victims than you do period! they composted all your merchandise, mixed it with pig shit, and it's a great fertilizer, who'da thunk your bullshit would ever amount to something useful? druuuuuuuuuuuumpf. druuuuuuuuuuuuuumpf. loser couldn't make money off a casino his daddy bought'im! druuuuuuuuuuuuumpf. missing your gold toilet loser? yum this mcdonalds burger is soooooo good, maybe if you're good all year they might let work at one!"

I can go all day

[–] 5 points 6 days ago

I feel your pain, man. I once spent months planning a costume Halloween party. Spent over a grand in decorations alone, just spooky-ing up the house like crazy. Got special desserts made, sent out invitations through email and instagram, a freaking flyer with the info, did an online poll to make sure I was doing it on the right weekend so the most people could attend, texted my best friend at the time like, everyday for weeks making sure he at least came.

Come the night of, almost every single person had cancelled, and my (former) best friend just didn't want to make the 35 minute commute, so he didn't even come.

Sent out another instagram message to everyone with my original party flyer but with a big "Cancelled" written across it. Ended up slowly eating all the snacks party treats over the course of a week or so. Cleaned up the decorations, and realized that now that I'm divorced, people see me different, with less respect. It's been a difficult transition, and I'm thinking about just packing up and moving to a whole new area, to make new friends, because that shit SUCKED.

I know that the majority of them had good excuses, but the few that didn't... man. Yeah it really hurt, and now 2 years later I rarely if ever make time for those "friends." I've just spent more time on myself, growing and becoming more comfortable in my solitude. I'm at a place where, despite a lot of present difficulties, I like myself. I'm proud of who I am, and am slowly putting myself out there more (while also planning on getting the hell out of dodge lol)

[–] 17 points 1 week ago

I mean, shit, he's right. the 60 minutes report showing their aggressive tactics in the Taiwan strait is clear evidence of this. They hope to extend their reach while the rest of the world is trying to deal with russian and israeli atrocities.

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