[-] jqubed@lemmy.world 8 points 16 hours ago

And now they’re bankrupt!

[-] jqubed@lemmy.world 9 points 16 hours ago

As long as they didn’t bring any whistles with them they’ll be fine!

[-] jqubed@lemmy.world 25 points 16 hours ago

Yes, this picture is of Rick Moranis playing Seymour Krelborn in Little Shop of Horrors while holding Audrey II.

[-] jqubed@lemmy.world 3 points 18 hours ago

I saw they were also used by companies like DoorDash, Uber, and UpWork to verify remote contractors.

[-] jqubed@lemmy.world 10 points 18 hours ago

There are more upvotes on this post than subscribers to the new community. I think we’ll need to see some posts first!

[-] jqubed@lemmy.world 3 points 18 hours ago

Very unusual timing. I wonder if they had some inside information that their projected launch date was likely to slip and they went searching for alternatives, or if SpaceX was just trying to win the mission and got a good combination of price and doubt in the Ariane 6? I get the feeling that SpaceX isn’t exactly hurting for customers for Falcon, so I doubt it’s the latter option.

[-] jqubed@lemmy.world 36 points 1 day ago

I look forward to the lawsuits that will ultimately cost this man his job.

[-] jqubed@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Your Little Caesars restaurants have tables?!

[-] jqubed@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Whale biologist!

[-] jqubed@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago

I still have my original Game Boy that was a gift from my aunt and uncle. Still works but I rarely play it; need to find some of my other games for it.

[-] jqubed@lemmy.world 21 points 1 day ago

~15-20% is nothing to sneeze at, but hardly dominance

[-] jqubed@lemmy.world 10 points 2 days ago

Chevy Bolt EV/EUV

submitted 1 month ago by jqubed@lemmy.world to c/steamdeck@sopuli.xyz

A couple games popped up on my Steam wishlist at really low prices so I was thinking of getting them, but I’ve also had a few older computers recently that are losing Steam client support. This got me thinking I should really try to compare and get more games on GOG so it doesn’t matter if a client stops working on older hardware. But also following this community has had me thinking a Steam Deck makes a lot of sense for me, so maybe I’ll try to get one in the next year or two. It seems like Steam tries to keep things open to other sources on the device, but have you been playing non-Steam games, and how much hassle has it been?

Also the games I was considering are Donut County and Planet Coaster, if you have any thoughts on those.

What a comeback! (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 months ago by jqubed@lemmy.world to c/anes@lemm.ee

5 unanswered goals to take a 2-0 lead in the series over the Islanders!

submitted 2 months ago by jqubed@lemmy.world to c/adhdmemes@lemmy.world

I figure that tracks

submitted 4 months ago by jqubed@lemmy.world to c/nflmemes@lemmy.world
submitted 4 months ago by jqubed@lemmy.world to c/adhdmemes@lemmy.world

This was a couple weeks ago. He said he wanted to try me on stimulant medication, but I needed to go get clearance from my primary care doctor because I've also been dealing with some tachycardia. She put me on a beta blocker, although hopefully with better time-management and more energy I'll exercise enough to eventually come off the beta blocker. I had a follow-up this week and asked the psychiatrist if he thinks I have ADHD. He was a little reluctant to say I definitely have it, that it's more of a clinical diagnosis and I could go do some tests with a computer or see a neuropsychiatrist for a more definitive diagnosis, but also didn't seem to think I really needed to do that. Still need either a formal letter from my primary care doctor or possibly the visit notes would suffice if she mentioned taking stimulants so he can prescribe them, but I'm really hoping they'll help.

submitted 5 months ago by jqubed@lemmy.world to c/space@lemmy.world

An interesting story about a rarely discussed feature of the Space Shuttle, that lives on in the commercial crew capsules, to prevent travelers from killing everyone onboard.

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