De-encryption handled by filesystem, not by SystemD or bootloader.
Cool. I did't know. Thanks!
Why it has UK's map next to EU?
Is this scene close to end? I don't remember seeing it and I never continued after submarine event.
Bikes are repairable, but when you run out of your brake pads you must replace caliper, hose and lever.
Bikes are repairable, but when your gears are worn out, you must replace the whole gear stack and wire.
Bikes are repairable, but when free wheel is worn out, you must replace the whole wheel because Shimano doesn't sell that particular free wheel.
Then who funded them? The tents they used where the exact same model and color also in Australia. It's simply not possible to find the nearest tent shop to have 10's or 100's of same tent model on the shelf.
When Extinction Rebellion sprayed the parliament of Finland with red-paint filled fire extinquisher, at the very same day in Great Britain the same organization used same fire extinquishers to destroy the F-35 manufacturing plant.
So, clearly someone funds these groups anyway.
Linux is quite slow on every Risc-V board. Probably only fast-ish I'm aware of is Milk-V Pioneer.
Buy an used Thinkpad for 50-100 bucks and install FreeBSD there. VM works too, but something is always missing.
Expect to read much more documentation than with Linux and it is a good thing.
Will Framework community start writing their own kernel+OS for this board?
Everything related to Bill Gates is dogshit.
What religion this mr. Mangione represented?