[-] kellyaster@lemmy.world 15 points 5 days ago

Whoa, that is fucked up. They had no empathy for the guy, and the dude was one step away from CEO. Wtf is going on over there? They've been making sketchy decisions lately.

[-] kellyaster@lemmy.world 67 points 2 weeks ago

Republican candidate for Missouri Secretary of State Valentina Gomez – who rages at all things “weak and gay”

So much Boomer energy. Too bad it can't be used for anything other than hate.

[-] kellyaster@lemmy.world 42 points 1 month ago

Yes. Truth Social is an unfederated Mastodon instance. Not kidding.


"Love is as varied as people are."

~Magnus Hirschfeld (date unknown)


"Love is as varied as people are."

~Magnus Hirschfeld (date unknown)

submitted 1 month ago by kellyaster@lemmy.world to c/aiop@lemmy.world

"Love is as varied as people are."

~Magnus Hirschfeld (date unknown)

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by kellyaster@lemmy.world to c/thunder_app@lemmy.world

Edit: nvm, I changed something in settings, it was user error. Pls disregard

Hi Thunder devs, I have an accessibility issue to report regarding the special styling for original poster and mod names (changed with the last major release). I haven't checked against WCAG, but I'm pretty sure they don't meet color contrast standards; it's pretty hard to read the grey text, especially over the 'mod' orange.

Otherwise, no complaints. I really dig Thunder, I chose it as my daily driver after months of testing alongside Voyager, Eternity, and Jerboa. It just feels more responsive and intuitive, and the customization options are quite good. Nice work!


It's a designer knockoff I bought online. Crossbody, 28x18cm (10x7 in), and I guess chains are a thing now because most bags have them in some form of a handle nowadays rather than old school leather or fabric straps?

Also, hi blahaj! I'm Kelly. Long time lurker, first time poster. 49, transwoman. Egg shattered into a million pieces last November and have been on a wild ride of self disco with the wife. What an experience it is, learning how to be yourself.

But seriously, this bag. This beautiful, fabulous, shiny bag! How much does this bag rock my face? Omfg I love this fucking bag


Thanks to @ummthatguy for the template

[-] kellyaster@lemmy.world 93 points 2 months ago

Rowling quote from the article:

Scottish lawmakers seem to have placed higher value on the feelings of men performing their idea of femaleness, however misogynistically or opportunistically, than on the rights and freedoms of actual women and girls.

It's difficult to accept that someone I used to respect could say such hateful things about people like me. I'm not gonna lie, it hurts to read. What the fuck, Joanne? Is that all I am to you... just a man "performing" my idea of femaleness? Well, fuck you, then. Should I wish for you to feel the same pain you've inflicted on others? To be honest, judging by your "performance" in the media the past several years, I don't think you're resilient enough to survive it.

[-] kellyaster@lemmy.world 35 points 3 months ago

Nah nah, FR though, mayo is low key awesome on fries

[-] kellyaster@lemmy.world 117 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

These schmucks keep repeating "RICO" like it's some dumbass SovCit incantation or something.

[-] kellyaster@lemmy.world 37 points 4 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

For starters, Lemmy -- which uses open source ActivityPub protocols -- is decentralized and comprised of thousands of independently-run servers, so it's theoretically impossible to take down Lemmy completely. If lemmy.world goes down today and never comes back, the "Lemmy" network will still be online because of the other servers like lemmy.zip and sh.itjust.works that use Lemmy server software (which is currently at version .19 or around there).

Worth nothing: Lemmy is part of the Fediverse, which is an umbrella term to describe all ActivityPub software types. Yes, other software packages also use ActivityPub protocols to communicate... for example, Kbin (the "main" site is kbin.social, it's sorta like their lemmy.world) is a news aggregator like Lemmy and interacts with Lemmy almost seamlessly. There's also Mastodon, a Twitter-like service that currently Kbin users can interact with (but not Lemmy).

In short: it's kinda complex at the moment, and many parts of the Fediverse (which Lemmy belongs to) don't interact with each other directly because they provide different services, but it's important to note that it's really hard to take it down completely because the Fediverse is independently owned and run by different people in different parts of the world. Contrast with Reddit, a service that does have many servers but is owned and run by a single company in America.

Edit: I was wrong, Mastodon users can post on Lemmy instances, but Lemmy users can't post on Mastodon instances. Thanks Baku@aussie.zone for the info!

[-] kellyaster@lemmy.world 71 points 4 months ago

A few of us did leave comments and posts behind telling people where to go, but they quickly got deleted by the mod. Sorry, we tried. Glad you managed to find us!

[-] kellyaster@lemmy.world 34 points 4 months ago

argh thank you, I clearly have not had enough coffee yet. I know you can edit titles, I'll just leave it LOL out loud

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