
joined 5 years ago

Fediverse chat for EF27!

I've set up a bridged chat for Fediverse users at EF: You can join via Matrix or Telegram, and your messages will be relayed to the other side. This is a bit experimental, we'll see how well it works in practice!


Feel free to use it to coordinate and meet up with others, ask for help, share important info or cool photos. Please try to keep it concise so we don't have to scroll through hundreds of messages every few minutes, and always be kind and respectful. Have a great con!

#Eurofurence #EF27

CC @eurofurence


Furry Fediverse intro & meet-up at EF27

Want to meet other fedi-furs at Eurofurence, learn more about Mastodon and the Fediverse, and snag some cute stickers while you're there? Come join us at the Fediverse panel!

Monday, September 4th, 13:00 - 14:30 CEST
Radisson Blu - Room Chicago

Read more about it here:

Hope to see you there! :blobcathappy:

#Eurofurence #EF27 #FurryFediverse

CC @eurofurence


Lemmy community for EF

I've been looking for ways to use the Fediverse to better share & coordinate stuff for conventions - and EF in particular because that's where I'll be next month.

We already have hashtags, but they can be chaotic to browse, so how about a Lemmy community?

You can either post via the website, or make a post like this one from Mastodon. If you follow the account, you should see all posts on your timeline.

#Eurofurence #EF27

CC @eurofurence