[-] kim_harding@mastodon.scot -3 points 1 week ago

@Peppycito @VirtualOdour OK, so you either haven't heard about how Starlink Could Pose New Threat to the Ozone Layer https://www.sciencealert.com/satellites-like-starlink-could-pose-new-threat-to-our-healing-ozone-layer or you believe that Unicorns are real. Which is it? Nothing the Mellon Husk does is making the "environment a better place"

[-] kim_harding@mastodon.scot 17 points 1 week ago

@SpaceCowboy @return2ozma ~60% of Tesla's profits come from the sale of carbon credits, which enable other massive vehicles that run on fossil fuels to be built. E-cars are not about "saving the planet" they are pure Greenwash which is saving the motor industry.

[-] kim_harding@mastodon.scot 2 points 4 months ago
[-] kim_harding@mastodon.scot 8 points 9 months ago

@Meowoem @mondoman712 All the more reason to clamp down on cars, which really do limit people's freedom to travel, especially those who don't use cars.

For those how have experienced travelling in places with high quality public transport and active travel infrastructure, the freedom from motorised congestion IS a real vote winner. Hardly anyone wants to go back to the noise, congestion & pollution of the car... Only those who have never experienced real freedom, think it is the car

[-] kim_harding@mastodon.scot 8 points 9 months ago

@Moonrise2473 @mondoman712 you can have locked boxes on cargo bikes... It ain't rocket science

[-] kim_harding@mastodon.scot -1 points 10 months ago

@gowan Really? Or has it just been misinterpreted?

[-] kim_harding@mastodon.scot 1 points 10 months ago

@frankPodmore That rather depends on whether your objective is to deter beach sitting or not. Of course, if the real objective is to protect life and health, the place to start is removing the source of harm 😉

[-] kim_harding@mastodon.scot 2 points 10 months ago

@gowan @frankPodmore Why aren't helmets mandatory in cars? If it saves just one life surely it would be worth it?


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