[-] kot@hexbear.net 32 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I know this is a shitpost, but the real reason Socrates was executed was his real or perceived ties with the dictatorship of the 30, which took power after they lost Peloponesian war, and killed a bunch of athenians.

[-] kot@hexbear.net 9 points 6 days ago

In the image, in very small letters,

taking inspiration from real skin ligaments,

Seems like it's just worded in a way to sound like they made a robot with actual biological skin, when it's not the case at all and the writers are fully aware of it.

[-] kot@hexbear.net 49 points 2 weeks ago

Nah they just slurp up US state department propaganda thats served to them like it's candy. They really think AES states are indistinguishable from fascism and that the US is good but flawed and just needs some reforms.

[-] kot@hexbear.net 35 points 1 month ago

Fake votes for a fake country

[-] kot@hexbear.net 34 points 2 months ago

Nah, that guy is one of the few rare Christians who actually follow Jesus' teachings. Civility libs don't have an ounce of this guy's conviction for what they believe in.

[-] kot@hexbear.net 32 points 4 months ago

Liberalism is the name of the theory/ideology behind capitalism, which was codified over the 18th and 19th centuries. This might be confusing for Americans because the word "liberal" has come to colloquially mean "socially progressive" there. Why is it called that? Because the old bourgeois intelligentsia preached things like personal liberty and freedom (for themselves at least), which mostly manifested itself in the right to own private property (which is not to be confused with personal property!), positioning themselves against the old aristocratic regime. The "social" and the "economic" aspects are not separated and they cannot be separated. Both "progressive" liberalism and neoconservatism are modern offshoots of the same liberal ideology, which is why Marxists continue to use the term "liberal" to mean "capitalist ideologue or apologist".
Marxists recognize that the kind of freedom that liberals preach is a sham. It's freedom for the bourgeoisie to exploit the workers and to hoard resources for themselves while depriving most of the population of the goods that they themselves (the workers) produce. Bourgeois elections are also a sham because the candidates merely represent different sections of the bourgeoisie, usually one which is slightly more socially progressive (and which becomes less socially progressive every election) and which maybe offers more concessions to working class people (a very unpopular policy among the bourgeoisie), and another which is usually socially conservative/reactionary.
We Marxists also stress that governments are not neutral entities of abstract power, but they have a class character. Capitalist countries have governments ran by their ruling class, the bourgeoisie. The bourgeois state is used as a weapon of class warfare, producing things like propaganda, giving concessions to the working class when they absolutely have to, and otherwise using violence to keep their populations in check, all while pursuing the best interests of the ruling class. A socialist government would instead look after the interests of the people, but the current US government only looks after the interests of the rich.
That's the gist of it. English is not my first language, so if anything is confusing, feel free to reply and I'll respond.

[-] kot@hexbear.net 41 points 4 months ago

Has long as the Palestinian people exist, and as long as their land remains occupied by settlers, their struggle will not be over.

I was expecting this whole operation to result in the destruction or near-destruction of Israel

How? That is simply not realistic considering the scope of this conflict. Israel has infinitely more resources and more manpower, this has always been a case of asymmetrical warfare.

There isn't enough being done by other nations to stop Israel.

This is being done precisely because NATO and the US supports Israel and sends them weapons and funding. They value their own interests in the region more highly than the lives of Palestinians. In fact, Israel wouldn't even exist without foreign support.
This conflict will only be resolved when supporting Israel becomes more trouble than it is worth, either because of the political turmoil at home is not worth the benefits, because the money spent on it outweights the profits, or simply because the crumbling empire no longer has the means to support it's vassals.
It's imperative to organize at home and to agitate against Israel if you're an USian, it might not seem like much but the more you pressure your government to stop supporting genocide abroad the closer we are to resolving this conflict.

[-] kot@hexbear.net 42 points 4 months ago

Kurzgesagt is a capitalist ideologue because the channel receives funding from Bill Gates and other bourgeois demons, not because it's run by someone who is pro-science. He didn't stumble into a dogshit ideology, the channel is basically a propaganda outlet.

[-] kot@hexbear.net 49 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Ukrainian president confirms he’s thinking about dismissing the country’s military chief

That doesn't sound like something one should just openly say if they don't want to get coup'd. Either just do it or shut up about it until you do.
"Hello, guy who's in control of my military? I might or might not dismiss you, idk tho"

[-] kot@hexbear.net 38 points 5 months ago

They think that liberal democracy is the the most virtuous system to ever exist, which means they can do no wrong, as opposed to those backwards "authoritarians". They also believe in an updated version of the 'white man's burden', which they use to justify foreign intervention. They don't think of it as an occupation, but as a means to "spread democracy" to the third world "savages".

[-] kot@hexbear.net 61 points 5 months ago

Anti-communism is one of the foundational tenets of fascism.

[-] kot@hexbear.net 44 points 5 months ago

Is that why it's called the "fediverse"?

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