I will check that.
Oh, thank you.
You could be also interested in democratic confederalism, however I don't know how does the curdish reality look like.
Certain mountain in Central Bohemian Uplands. After short-but-intensive hike upwards, you get to wide park-like (the trees naturarilly grow such that they left good pasatges between themselves) mountain-top, with view-points from where you can see half of Bohemia. Then I slept here, and the night was bright, and even though I usually don't like the lights of cities, that time it looked like the stars were on the sky and also on the land.
The calendar on Earth must be boring. Only one moon!
Could you elaborate on the lost sense of traditions?
Also I don't agree with you about the 'nationality not ethnicity' thing, but that really may vary, and I don't think it would be possible to debate that, as we'd first have to define the difference between nat. and eth., they seem to be ~the same thing to me.
Watch LotR to see ridden carnivores.
I don't know, how would the world be different, but to spark your fantasy, imagine horses being herbivores, but turn carnivorous at every conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (~ every 20 years).
I've been to european countries where they do this too.
As "yak" ando "how" are homonymes in Czech ("jak"), I'd call my jak Jak.
Scandinavians do, 1 scandinavian mile = 10 km.
I did it. Fortunatelly only with one eye and also blocking the view of everything but the sun with my hands. So now I have a second blind spot in centre of my eye, but the brain fills it and I dont even notice.