[-] ky56@aussie.zone 12 points 1 week ago

Windows 10 LTSC FTW!!! I just installed it and wow is it snappier and devoid of nearly all of those annoyances. I have no idea if productivity apps are affected by its stripped down nature but for Steam gaming it's perfect. I get less lag spikes on steamVR.

I haven't trusted Windows in years. This is just for gaming. I have a physically separate hot swappable Optane SSDs for Linux and Windows Gaming.

For those who will winge at me for not just switching to Linux. During this process I gave a concerted effort to give Linux a go and chose Manjaro KDE to try for steamVR gaming. It sucked. Once I had worked out that it was a permissions issue (It's always a fucking permissions issue under Linux) and just ran it under the root account, there was extremely high latency for the VR compositor to HMD display. Completely unusable as it made me sick and that's usually very hard. I tried X11 and Wayland. Direct and Non Direct output modes. No success.

[-] ky56@aussie.zone 15 points 1 month ago

FYI the open source OpenWRT based Banana Pi R3 AX 4x4 is a thing. Don't buy closed source Routers/APs on purpose.

[-] ky56@aussie.zone 13 points 4 months ago

I am interested in paying donations to free and open source software I regularly use and have into my workflow. I will completely ignore your project if you make me deal with license keys. The Grayjay method is ok but would prefer that code and buttons not be dedicated to getting in my way. I hope that the mentality of paying for what you use becomes more common in FOSS culture so that prompts aren't needed.

That said if your broke, don't dontate. Take advantage of it being free and when you get a good job again, then consider helping out the developers.

In recent personal experience, I recently changed the motherboard on my Winblows VR gaming PC and It wouldn't recognize my legit product key anymore. I don't have patience for DRM shit so I activated it with KMS. Activation keys are a pain in the arse.

I emphasized It's use for VR gaming just in case someone tries to sell me on the Linux Proton compatibility system. Someday soon steamVR will hopefully have good compatibility and I will give it a go. However I will always at minimum be stuck with windows on a secondary ssd as I have some Oculus games I also like and Oculus+revive will likely never work under Linux.

[-] ky56@aussie.zone 10 points 6 months ago

I think most rational people hate the game rather than Sony directly. We don't care if that's the rules Sony or anyone else has to play by. It's time for the industry to evolve or die.

In-fact I reckon if we see digital retailers reject "selling" digital content because it's not profitable due to end customers rejecting the terms, the studios licensing the content would evolve overnight.

[-] ky56@aussie.zone 10 points 7 months ago

I don't see the big deal. If the big American media companies get to have their apps preinstalled then I don't see why local channels shouldn't get the same treatment.

My bias is I would never connect my TV to the internet anyway.

[-] ky56@aussie.zone 13 points 7 months ago

Oh wow. This reads like an onion headline.

[-] ky56@aussie.zone 10 points 7 months ago

Doesn't this mean all text message traffic will flow through the control of Google servers?

I don't know anything about how RCS works aside from a couple of comments talking about the Google servers problem.

[-] ky56@aussie.zone 16 points 7 months ago

openAI anyone?

[-] ky56@aussie.zone 14 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Aside from furthering the development of the architecture (I assume they are contributing and not just taking), It's meaningless as Qualcomm couldn't give two shits about open source chip documentation for the chips they release. I'm only interested in a native Linux phone. Meaning no BSP garbage.

Yet another example of leeching off of open source and not giving back anything meaningful.

[-] ky56@aussie.zone 16 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

You're either a troll or an uninformed idiot who has never done operating system development. A properly modularised OS can allow for minimal upkeep for older hardware. A leading example is Apple's .kext system allowing for near 10 years of OS support both on macOS and iOS. Not that I think Apple is a great company but they do have some really good software development practices.

Also regardless of the technical explanination above, accepting a constant flow of e-waste for the sake of a new shiny year is just unethical regardless of the supposed reason.

[-] ky56@aussie.zone 15 points 9 months ago

What about laptop battery life? More CPU usage = less battery life. WHY DOES NO ONE GIVE A FUCK ABOUT BATTERY LIFE???

The single most reason I switched from Spotify to Apple Music is that I was sick of seeing the Spotify macOS app at the top of the "High Battery Usage" page on Activity Monitor. I also actually noticed less battery life. Fuck Electron. I avoid apps made in it like the plague.

[-] ky56@aussie.zone 13 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It's amazing how far things have deteriorated in the USA. To the point that someone thought that this travel advisory needed to be made.

Why is the deep south of the USA trying pull a Russia and go deeper? As in how Russia want's the good ol'e days of the Soviet Union back.

I still can't believe that Abortion rights were and are still revoked. Christ this is 1960's shit. Was all the work of the free love hippie protests for nothing?

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