
joined 1 year ago

we’re having some family over for dinner in a couple weeks and i’m having trouble trying to pull together a menu… would love some suggestions!

out of four people, one person is a vegetarian who will eat anything as long as it doesn’t have meat which is normally pretty easy to work around, but harder given that one of the folks is a very picky eater. from what i can tell, he generally doesn’t eat most fish or most pork, doesn’t eat a ton of vegetables, doesn’t like sharp cheeses, prefers food bland, dislikes most “exotic” spices. foods i’ve seen him enjoy are spaghetti and meatballs, pizza, and mashed potatoes and lightly salted chicken breast.

given all this, do folks have any suggestions? i’m having an especially hard time because i cook a lot of asian food and basically most asian spices are off the table. italian might be okay though. thanks!

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

i frequented r/menslib and it was actually fairly leftist and clear about the ways that traditional concepts of patriarchy often disadvantages men and encourages inclusivity and talking about mental health. it certainly takes more intentionality, but i think they do it pretty well.


My partner and I are expecting our first in December and very excited but not quite sure of what to expect or… how to do any of it, really. What resources helped you when you were first diving into parenthood?

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

going out for brunch and nails with a friend tomorrow so doing various errands today before my partner and i veg out on the couch to some edibles (for him, i’m not allowed rn bc of health stuff unfortunately) and a movie. should be nice!


hello internet pals! i am posting in the hopes that folks have some good lazy (but perhaps still somewhat healthy?) air fryer or microwave meal / snack recipes to share because i’ve fallen into a bit of a cooking rut lately and easy new recipes would definitely help inspire me.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

well… i’m here and i have a 401k i check twice a week and a honda civic, so now?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

yup! i'm still off of it because i can't figure out whether or not the blackout is over and i wanna be supportive but i have definitely missed complaining about hyperspecific pregnancy symptoms on reddit this week haha. i have the same thing where none of my offline friends are having kids yet (if ever) so an online community is sooo helpful!

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

i’m mourning it a bit, but to be honest i think it’s going to be a bit difficult for me to get off for a while until other places (aside from facebook, which i’d much prefer to avoid over the current iteration of reddit) have the same amount of niche communities. for example, i’m in a private pregnancy subreddit with other people with my same due date and it’s reallllly useful in comparing notes and feeling like i’m not going insane at any given symptom and i think it’ll take a while for a place like lemmy to have an audience big enough to build niche communities like that.