
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 1 year ago

Tbh I would rather browse flickr or dpreview when that was a thing than to jump on instagram. Never been on it - but seeing the stuff an ex would post and others I always found it offputting. I am sure it had good pictures on it at one point, but that was so long ago I never had an opportunity to experience it. I assume it was good before facebook bought them.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It could if the will was there. We’re able to run water & electricity - but we can’t figure out how to run a strand of glass or 1 new piece of copper? It’s called greed, laziness, ineptitude & creative companies & their lawyers which took tax payer money without delivering the services they promised year over year.

[–] 9 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Why was it linking to web archive instead of the source?

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Yes - we’re causing climate change but El Niño isn’t helping so I wouldn’t pretend like every year will be worse than this one - but yea it can be on the larger time scale should we not tackle climate change.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Tbh the git app or protocol makes it so easy to get up and relocate.. and programmers in general are probably some of the most capable users of relocating that even if it were to happen many of them wouldn't care that much. It's a good portfolio site and decent for collaboration of many projects. Doesn't currently get in the way and provides good or better visibility for projects than gitlab or bitbucket. Till the visibility issue is resolved better by a competitor that offers something significantly better or github makes disastrous decisions then people will be happy at github. Regardless I don't think there would be much drama around moving homes if that day ever comes.

[–] 25 points 1 year ago

Yep - best option is to defederate them well before they gain traction & start creating problem by not contributing back to the protocol in a way that benefits everyone.

I think after the community got burned by Microsoft & then google we’re finally learning.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Tbh it’s far more likely they’ll implement extensions to activitypub that are specific only to threads & make activitypub users want them - but can’t have them - this peeling off users for them vs a slower moving, free & collaborative platform.

Imho to avoid a Google loves XMPP (they pretty well killed it) situation ActivityPub servers need to largely block Threads completely or face being extinguished in much the same way as XMPP. Don’t give them a foothold & don’t trust that a private entity like Meta will play nice, they aren’t joining to be a peer, they’re joining to either take it over or kill the competition.

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