[-] luckystarr@feddit.de -2 points 6 days ago

I'm surprised that's still around. Is the average age still 14 on these networks?

[-] luckystarr@feddit.de 31 points 1 week ago

"To the contrary, the decision barely mentions copyright's ultimate purpose of promoting broad public availability of literature, music, and the other arts," it said.

It feels like the thoughts of the past came straight out of fiction. Today, nothing seems worth anything if you can't directly make money from it.

[-] luckystarr@feddit.de 40 points 2 weeks ago

Fußball-EM Politik.

[-] luckystarr@feddit.de 44 points 3 weeks ago

Im Kreml knallen die Sektkorken.

[-] luckystarr@feddit.de 29 points 4 weeks ago

Er wurde aber nicht wegen seinen Anzeigen verurteilt, sondern wegen etwas aus seiner Schulzeit.

Merke: keine Leichen im Keller haben wenn man sich Feinde machen möchte.

[-] luckystarr@feddit.de 21 points 4 months ago

Dem Markus geht's doch nicht um die Sache, nein, nein. Dem geht's allein darum dem politischen Gegner das Ansehen zu schmälern. Er weiß ja selbst dass seine Aussagen Blödsinn sind, weiß aber auch ob deren psychlogischer Wirksamkeit bei Personen die sich nicht mit dem Thema beschäftigt haben. Und die sind in der Überzahl.

[-] luckystarr@feddit.de 20 points 9 months ago

New money laundering scheme?

[-] luckystarr@feddit.de 25 points 10 months ago

Easy. If my editor shows no errors anymore, it will run, instead of crash due to my ignorance of alignment, leaks, etc.

I'm just a lazy developer, so blame me if you want. I just don't want to learn that stuff if I don't really really need to. I have to memorize enough already.


Habe heute ausschließlich das nicht überzogene Stück gegessen und bin so zu der Überzeugung gekommen. Warum ich das gemacht habe? Weil die nicht überzogenen Bereiche, an denen man die Dinger ja anfassen sollte, schon vor dem Auspacken alle abgebrochen sind. Tja.

[-] luckystarr@feddit.de 23 points 1 year ago

The audience is not the problem. Meta's mere presence on the network will be. We are now at a critical point in the struggle to survive as a network, and it's not looking good.

If we continue like today, the network effect (Google it) would eventually lead to ActivityPub being the de facto too-big-to-fail standard in all of the web. We aren't there yet, though. Meta knows this too and doesn't want it to happen, because extracting value from a diverse network is way harder than from a centralized user base. The fact that they even want to federate in the first place (shouldn't be in their interest!) rings alarm bells.

[-] luckystarr@feddit.de 22 points 1 year ago

The size difference between Meta and Mastodon isn't even funny. Mastodon is basically a rounding error.

But even if Meta wouldn't even represent a significant proportion of the fediverse's user base, their presence could influence the development and evolution of ActivityPub and the network. Meta's financial resources and influence could drive changes that a smaller, independent network like the Fediverse might disagree with but have little power to resist.

[-] luckystarr@feddit.de 59 points 1 year ago

Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me. Big corporations want mainly one thing: gobble up as much value exclusively to themselves. They will take whatever means necessary to get there. The strategies to privatize public resources (XMPP, ActivityPub, etc.) are known. They look great for the public on the outside, but over the years will erode the value for everybody BUT them. In order to not let it get as far, many (including me) are of the conviction to not even give them a finger, let alone the whole hand.


Der Name beschreibt den Prozess meiner Meinung aber auch besser. Man hört auf zu denken.

[-] luckystarr@feddit.de 31 points 1 year ago

Once federated with Meta, not only "valid Meta users" would join the network, but also bots which would nudge the users, influencing the narrative.

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