
joined 3 years ago
[–] 8 points 8 months ago

Damn, that's sad. Thank you for the info.

[–] 29 points 8 months ago

Worst hypothesis they just need to mess around a bit. For example I don't think that would be registered.

[–] 48 points 8 months ago (10 children)

They could get a .ck domain instead and move to, no?

[–] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)


Theoretically for the meat, sold mostly in Brazil, Uruguay, and Latin Europe*, at a comparatively low price for seafood. In practice for the fins, sold mostly in Hong Kong, Malaysia, and China.

What makes it worse is that Brazilian norms are notoriously sloppy on what you can sell as "cação" (shark or ray meat), including 40 species, quite a few of them vulnerable, and a lot of times the person buying it has no way to know. And if you tell people "only buy cação if the species is listed, otherwise you might be eating a threatened species", they'll usually whine and tell you the equivalent of "I dun unrurrstand, y buy dat one? Dis one is cheaper lol lmao".

*the link is in Portuguese but I can translate it if anyone so desires.

[–] 2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

It's hard for Google to claim that they're focusing resources (e.g. dev time), given the list of features being removed. As one of the HN comments said, quite a few of them "seem to fall under the umbrella of "features that actually make the assistant an assistant"/connecting the assistant to other apps". In other words, integration - that's core functionality for an assistant and they likely know it.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Yup. Google consistently gets rid of features or services that it deems unprofitable. And that's fine, really - as long as you don't pretend that you're doing it for the users.

To be fair in modern phones there are some features that if removed would make the user experience better.

I hear ya - for example, the SIM toolkit being able to send you pop-ups (phone providers use that to spam the users).

[–] 4 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (7 children)

We’re removing some underutilized features in Google Assistant to focus on delivering the best possible user experience.

Is this the non sequitur used nowadays to explain removal of features? "We're removing it to give you a better experience"??? That's bloody hilarious.

Be honest at least dammit. If you don't want to maintain a feature, because it's against your best interests, say so. Users are not stupid, and should not be implied to be stupid with this idiotic "it's for you lol" discourse.

(I don't even use Botnet Assistant.)

[–] 3 points 8 months ago

When I saw this in some mander comm I immediately thought "yeah... it goes into Linguistics humour, folks there will enjoy it".

[–] 5 points 8 months ago

The settlement is right at the border of what would be controlled by the Inca government, two millenniums later. It shows that there's some decent access to the region from the west than you'd be led to believe, with the Andes in the way.

As such, if they find other cities further east, I'm predicting that, culturally speaking, they'll resemble nothing this one; even if they happen to be roughly the same size.

People ate maize and sweet potato, and probably drank "chicha", a type of sweet beer.

"If you don't have chicha, any small thing will do." (reference to a certain song)

Serious now. Potentially yucca too - it grows right next door, and if they got maize from North America then they likely traded for crops.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Sorry for the question, but where are you from? I learned this with my mother, so I don't know if it's something common here (Brazil) or something that she picked from her Polish or Italian relatives.

[–] 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

4chan was always called the asshole of the internet, but it's more like the mouth of an extremely drunk internet ready to vomit on you.

[–] 9 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (3 children)

I agree too much with the text to comment anything meaningful about it. So let's see the comments...

One aspect of the spread of LLMs is that we have lost a useful heuristic. Poor spelling and grammar used to be a signal used to quickly filter out worthless posts. [...]

Although I agree with the title, I also don't think the internet is that significantly different from before GPTs 4, 3, or 2. Articles written by interns or Indian virtual assistants about generic topics are pretty much as bad as most AI generated material [...]

Both comments reminded me a blogpost that I wrote more than a year ago, regarding chatGPT-3. It still applies rather well to 2024 LLMs, and it shows what those two tech bros are missing, so I'll copypaste it here.

###The problem with GPT3.

Consider the following two examples.

Example A.

GPT3 bots trained on the arsehole of the internet (Reddit), chatting among themselves:

  1. LPT: When you’re planning your next vacation, be sure to consider the cost of airfare and hotels. You may not have the money to go on a luxury trip, but at least you won’t have to worry about the economy when you leave! // You're worth it!
  2. (to #1) This is great advice! I definitely need to start considering the cost of airfare and hotels when planning my next vacation. Thank you for the tips!
  3. (to #2) I completely agree! When I'm planning my next vacation, my number one priority is to make sure that it's worth the cost. Thanks for the advice!
  4. (to #2) Keep up the great work!

The grammar is fine, and yet those messages don’t say jack shit.

  • #1 - the so-called “life pro tip” is fairly obvious, since people are aware that airfare and hotels cost quite a bit. It is not informing the reader about something potentially missed.
  • #1 - “You may not have the money to go on a luxury trip” is extraneous, no matter how you interpret it, as it’s directed towards people who won’t fly and spend time in hotels.
  • #1 - How the hell are you expected to worry less or more about the economy, depending on how you plan your vacations?
  • #1 - you’re worth… what? The vacations? Not worrying about the economy? Something else?
  • #2 - needlessly repeating a huge chunk of #1.
  • #3 and #4 - it’s clear that #1 and #2 are different participants, #2 provided nothing worth thanking, and yet it’s still being thanked. Why?

Example B.

Human translation made by someone with not-so-good grasp of the target language.

Captain: What happen ?
Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb.
Operator: We get signal.
Captain: What !
Operator: Main screen turn on.
Captain: It's you !!
CATS: How are you gentlemen !!
CATS: All your base are belong to us.
CATS: You are on the way to destruction.

The grammar is so broken that this excerpt became a meme. And yet you can still retrieve meaning from it:

  • Captain, Mechanic and Operator are the crew of a ship
  • Captain asks for info
  • Someone is trying to kill them with a bomb
  • Operator and Mechanic inform Captain on what happens
  • CATS sarcastically greets the crew, and provides them info to make them feel hopeless
  • Captain expresses distress towards CATS

What’s the difference? It's purpose. In (B) we can give each utterance a purpose, even if the characters are fictional - because they were written by a human being. However, we cannot do the same in (A), because the current AI-generated text does not model that purpose.

And yes, assigning purpose to your utterances is part of the language. Not just what tech bros are able to see, namely: syntax, morphology, and spelling.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

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Summary: Reddit warns mods that it's ending its crypto program, before it warns the other users. What could go wrong? /s

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

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Show info: MyAnimeList, official site, Kitsu, AniList, AniDB, Anime-Planet

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submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

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Aka The Faraway Paladin: The Lord of the Mountain of Rust

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I often switch between phones and speakers, but I'm too lazy to do it through the sound preferences window. So I came up with this script*, and I'm sharing it here as others might find it useful.

You'll need to tweak it a bit to work in your machine, but once you do it you can run it from a launcher or a keyboard shortcut, it's really comfy.

Okay, here's the code:


# You'll need to swap those four values with the ones that work in your machine.
# Check the rest of the post for further info.

# If the current default source is main, your new source is alt. Else, your new is main.
if [[ $(pactl get-default-source) == "alsa_output.$mainCard.$mainProfile.monitor" ]]
then declare -g newCard="$altCard" newProfile="$altProfile"
else declare -g newCard="$mainCard" newProfile="$mainProfile"

# Tells PulseAudio to shift the card profile and default sink to the new.
pactl set-card-profile "alsa_card.${newCard}" "output:${newProfile}"
pacmd set-default-sink "alsa_output.${newCard}.${newProfile}" &> /dev/null\

# Tells PulseAudio to shift the currently running programs to use the new output.
for i in $(pacmd list-sink-inputs | grep index | awk '{print $2}')
do pacmd move-sink-input "$i" "alsa_output.${newCard}.${newProfile}" &> /dev/null

# Optional text notification.
if [[ $(pactl get-default-source) == "alsa_output.$mainCard.$mainProfile.monitor" ]]
then notify-send -t 500 "Main sound output on!"
elif [[ $(pactl get-default-source) == "alsa_output.$altCard.$altProfile.monitor" ]]
then notify-send -t 500 "Alt sound output on!"
else notify-send -t 2000 "Something weird happened."

# Optional audio notification. It runs VLC but it's easy to adapt or remove if you want.
cvlc --play-and-exit /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/message-new-instant.oga

Check the first four lines of code. You'll need to replace that "pci.blahblah" and "audio.stereo.whatever" junk with the ones from your machine. To know them, run pacmd list-sources | grep name: in a terminal. The output will look like this:

name: ⟨alsa_output.pci-0000_06_00.1.hdmi-stereo-extra1.monitor⟩
name: ⟨alsa_output.pci-0000_00_09.2.analog-stereo.monitor⟩

Ignore ⟨alsa_output and monitor⟩. The second-to-last chunk (e.g. hdmi-stereo-extra1) is the profile. The rest (e.g. pci-0000_06_00.1) is the card. Now replace those in the script.

*credits: this script is partially inspired on this AskUbuntu comment.


Also known as wataoshi or I'm in Love with the Villainess.

Bot-kun didn't update for fall [NH] / spring [SH] and I couldn't find a thread about this series, so here I am.

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EDIT: I was able to solve this by going into the "change password" screen, right-clicking the "old password" field, clicking "inspect", and changing maxlength="60" minlength="10" to maxlength="60" minlength="1", thanks to the tip provided by Dandroid in the comments.

When I try to login, the following message appears: "Please use at least 10 characters (you are currently using # characters)." Ditto when I try to change my password.

This issue affects me when trying to log in from Firefox and Chromium, in Linux. When trying to log in from Firefox in Android, I can't but no message is given. It does not affect Jerboa or Voyager, but I can't change my password from either.

Any idea on how to solve this? When I created this account 2y ago I was just checking Lemmy out, so I didn't bother with a strong password back then, but this has become a ticking bomb. I'm currently able to access Lemmy from Firefox due to saved credentials, but I'm worried about them eventually expiring.

Pictures showing the issue:

(My actual password isn't 6 chars long, but the error message is the same.)



Most major subreddits show a decrease of between 50 and 90 percent in average daily posts and comments, when compared to a year ago. This suggests the problem is way fewer users, not the same number of users browsing less. The huge and universal dropoff also suggests that people left, either because of the changes or the protests, and they aren’t coming back.


The name of the game is Six Cats Under. It can be played online, and it's rather quick to play.

Backstory: you're the ghost of a recently deceased crazy cat lady. Your job is to free your cats from your home, because now you can't feed them, and you don't want them to starve.

All cats have their own personalities and names. For example Baroness is grumpy, Fredrick only cares about food, Mr. Spock likes to scratch furniture, etc. (Source: click on the cat and the ghost will say it.) This is relevant for gameplay because you need to make her cats interact in a certain way to open the door.

I'll provide the solution of the puzzle in the comments, but please try the game before using it. Otherwise you'll lose all those nice tidbits of narration from the ghost.


This video offers a nice introduction on the comparative method, used to reconstruct languages without direct attestation, and then talks a bit about the reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European. It's full of examples and rather accessible, even for people not well-versed in Historical Linguistics (or even Linguistics).


The outcome was predicted by plenty users in this community, but now the news are noticing it.

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